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New guy help


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As for glaring holes in the following:




1x storm raven
2x priests
2x 10 man jump squad
2x 10 man tactical squad
5x terminators
2x dreadnought
1x drop pod
1x Dante
1x mephiston
1x baal predator
2x 5 man sanguinary guard
And a bunch of bitz


the question is, how do you want to play your Blood Angels?

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I don't play a particular style, I try to adapt to the army I have across the table. I want to be able to handle most anything but I fear that I am lacking in the shooting area. At the moment I am trying to pick up a couple of Razorbacks and drop pods to help with mobility.
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I've used Speeders and found them to be great. There is something in the fact they don't seem that much of a threat to most opponents but actually pack quite a punch and can use range and speed (and cover due to small size) very effectively.


I'll be honest, I haven't used bikes or Vindis but based on how popular they are I definitely plan to.


Same goes with Sicarans and Deredeos but just reading the rules for them is enough to see how awesome they are. The issue of course is cost - you gotta pay the price, in both pounds and points...

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No problem, he's been in my box for literally years!


Edit: found a pic of him - only thing is he doesn't have a jump pack but you could cut his pack off and stick one on I guess?



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A 3 speeder Land Speeder squad armed with typhoon missile pods and a heavy bolter make excellent fire support for your troops! They are a very mobile fire support element that always adjust to changes on the battlefield. With experience you learn to keep them at range out of most dangers and many opponents don't bother focusing on them until about the 3rd turn when they've already earned their points back and more. I love this unit and I've had much success running them that way.

My regular opponents now know to target my speeders early *if* they can. They do well causing your opponent to spread their attacks thinner as well, because smart ones know how much damage those missiles and heavy bolters can do turn after turn.

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