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A Highlander...A Warrior...A Crusader regardless


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Yesterday I went to my local hobby shop and played in a 1000 point highlander tournament. For results please see below. One oddity was though, the allowed the same type of troop units as long as they were not the same, and Forgeworld allowed.


My List:

Emperor's Champion



Ironclad Dreadnought-Chainfist with Heavy Flamer and Heavy Flamer Powerfist.

--Drop Pod



Crusader Squad(9)(1SB/4IN/4NEO)- Sword Brother (w/ Power Axe), Meltagun, 4 Initates all armed CCW and 4 Neophytes armed with CCW.



Crusader Squad(5)-Heavy Bolter/ Plasma Gun



Fast Attack:

Stormtalon-Skyhammer Missles


Heavy Support(Forge World)

Relic Scirian Battle Tank-Armored Cremite, Lascannons, Dozer Blade, and because it was at 1000 points.....LOG-Schism of Mars


So yea, my list is a douchebag move I know. All games are on a 4x4 table


Battle 1

Mission- Kill points, have more points left on the table than your opponent.

Max Turns: 5

Opponent- Blood Angels


Librarian Dread

3 Razor Backs-TLAC

Tact Squad-With Meltabombs

Scout Squad

Death Company-Power Swords x2


We are playing in city ruins and it makes it hard for me to line up firing lanes. I set my Razorback on my right side, realizing he has no long range weapons, his job is to shoot that flank. I do not deploy anything inside it however, and deploy the squad with the heavy bolter in ruins in the center of the map. Their job is to harass the center. The Scirian I hold on the left and will use it to push them towards my lines. Once they are there, I will use my Champion to carve them to pieces. I drop in my Ironclad and allow him to purify with fire. 


My opponent rolls and ops to let me go first. I respond with my Ironclad killing 4 out of 5 scouts. The Scirian drops 2 hull points on an empty razor back and stuns it. Heavy Bolters do nothing. He replies to my Ironclad by jumping out his tact squad and shooting me with melta, which wizzes crazily to the left and misses. He forgets to move his librian but shoots a blood lance at me. I roll two sixes and deny it. He doesn't charge and I proceed to my turn 2. The Stormtalon is not called in yet, it awaits it's duty. The Ironclad proceeds to make the entire tact squad disappear before him. Thanks to them getting lucky last turn with an assault cannon he now has one hull point off. This makes the righteous and pious brother inside angrier than normal. If you think an Ironclad's flames is bad, wait until it closes it's distance. It proceeded to hit with seven strength 10 hits. The entire squad dies horribly. The fact that the Scirian destroyed the razorback was merely an afterthought. He beings his turn running from his backfield and looks to his witch to destroy the pious brother. He tries to make himself fast, but the sea of Zealous fury surrounding him suppresses his witches abilities. He tries to fire a lance of blood, which fails him. He charges, his witch swings first, he manages to explode the pious brother before he can come back at him. This angers the brothers on the field already. My turn three, and the anger and called forth the Stormtalon which zoomes over, the razorback too wishes to close the distance. The Black Templars are a buzz with movement and even the Scirian moves forward.


The Witch must die.


Before anything is allowed to shoot at the the Stormtalon fires first. The Witch cannot withstand it and falls. The Scirian still in it's fury unloads upon the Razorback carrying the death company which dies to it's fire. The combine bolters destroy the now empty tactical marine's razorback. A lone scout in the back field hides in the rubble of a building. Watching as death company area forced out. My rhino hearing this on the vox coms turns around and charges back towards them. The champion want's his due. The Death Company get a charge off, and manage with one power first to take a single hull point off. On my turn 4 and the Scirian pulls back. Turning all it's fire upon the tormented angels, it with the heavy bolters show them the mercy they require. It is at this point that the game is called. The Black Templars have won. a full 5 points given to me and my opponent calls it a tabling for one more turn was needed. The Talon, Scirian and Razorback would have done it for the scout.


Two more rounds to come.






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Thank you! I like writing up short narratives that actually tell what happened for my battle reports. I find it a better read, not saying there is anything wrong with how it is normally written up.


Battle 2

Mission- Behind Enemy Lines, be within 12 of my opponents table edge.

Max Turns: 5

Opponent:- Raven Guard



Stand in Captain Shrike.

Scouts, two squads-one with Flak Missile and melta.


Vanguard, lots of some with shields and power weapons.

Devastators with Drop pod melta and grav everywhere, full ten man squad.


Oh joy, we are fighting in the frozen tundra of some backwater planet. Eh, most people hate the cold, I love it. Keeps you on your toes and helps my Emperor's Champion better feel himself pulling his blade through another martyr of yet another failed cause. This time I infiltrate my rhino in his backfield, my razorback to his side, and my Scirian will stand out as always. Firing lanes are established easily enough, and the Ironclad will once again do his duty and cause havoc. Raven Guard, their general is good to, this will be a bloody battle. Turn 1 I go first again and this time land my drop pod to flame the Scouts that want my rhino. Buggers infiltrated and I forgot they had a melta. Welp time to flame on. Ironclad manages to kill 4 out of 5 again, but just can't kill the last guy with a melta. Drop Pod is the main thing I wanted, it is right now holding the main objective. Now I can just sit back and kill stuff....Templar style. Which of course means run forth and slaughter all with my swords. Shooting sees some Devs on a ridge die. The General combat squaded them, more will be arriving soon. I picture my Scirian dieing to grav shots, oh well, I have a Stormtalon for them.


My opponent goes, and drops them behind my dread. Oh great. They catch him and immobilize him. A Melta manages to shake my scirian, and the other melta does nothing to the rhino. My turn two, my talon fails to come on, he knew the enemy had one and wanted to get the drop on it. I get out of my rhino, I want to kill those devs, I was stupid here, so ready to get a charge off I forgot I cannot charge out of rhinos. I don't use them much anyways, prefer my nice big land raiders. Lots of room and very assaulty. I even got a couch in mine. More comfy that way. The dread flames the devs anyways, they seemed cold on the wasteland, warm them up nice a proper. Next turn for the opponent, Neos die hard, in fact most of the squad does Only four remaining including my Champion. Thanks for making my opponent take a 4 up instead of three up. He also kills the Ironclad with a bolter to the back armor. Wasn't too happy about that out come. Scirian isn't dead, in fact he doesn't even shoot at it. No he does go after my razorback and kills it. Those Vanguards are jumping fast with those jump packs. My next turn I kill a few more vanguard, only three, leaving him now with 5 and his Captain. Now my champion charges, time to get his sword wet. Cut up three of the Devs, though they brought a Crusader down with them. They killed the sword brother in their shooting so no axe for me. Leave 2 standing, good, not shooting my Champion. Relic Scirian kills the devs on the ridge, and my birdy came on. Killed me some more vanguards, now he only has 2 and his captain. Still those Crusaders are in a bad pickle. 


His round three and death. His bird flys forward and pops shots at my flyer, I jink as to save it. Last Dev falls to the Champion. The last Crusader of the five man cell falls to his captain. My turn 4 and I fly my bird off the table. My Scirian shoots his vanguard and puts a wound on the Captain and kills the other two standing with him. Not much left now, his scout finally kills my rhino, that I forgot to move. My drop pod holds the objective still. His Captain failed his morale for loosing so many people and ran 9 inches away towards his table edge. Opponent's turn 4 and his talon on cue, shoots everything at my champion, killing him and the lone brothers with him. His Captain is not too far off from line breaker. The call goes up though, the Champion is dead, the remaining Templar models are saddened....and angry. My turn five, my Talon comes on and my Scirian moves forward. He wants that birdy. The Scirian kills the now hovering Stormtalon and it dies horribly. My Stormtalon kills his captain in revenge. Now all he has is a drop pod and a scout. The scout damages the pod. One more to hold out. His turn 5 and he doesn't kill the pod. I win by 2 points. He had first blood and slay the warlord, I have slay the warlord and the main objective for 3 points. Close and bloody match.  


Battle 3 and the results still to come.

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