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A Tale of 18 Hobbyists PLOG- Skitarii - star wars theme...


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Changed the title as im going to make this my plog? unsure.png or whatever their called laugh.png for the painting challenge Know as


I joined up to force me to paint stuff ! of course, Rashbold from this forum is also in this as well so there is 2 Ad-Mech guys in it which is encouraging!.

My Army idea's & to do list-

Skitarii -

Vanguard - Stormtroopers.

Rangers - Tusken raiders (sand people)....or Jawa's ?!? laugh.png

Onagers - AT-AT colour scheme.

Ironstriders - AT-ST colour scheme...oh it's the same as above huh.png

Sicarian infiltrators - R2-D2 (maybe?)

Sicarian rust stalkers - imperial probe droid ...or any idea's???...

Ad-Mech -

Kastellans - IG-88. changed to C3PO...

Kataphrons - C3P0 ...new idea.. R2-D2 !!

Tech Priest Dominous...The Emperor ohmy.png

Fulgurite elctro priests - Darth Maul (if i get any that is) would convert staves to twin sabre and paint maul's tattoo scheme over them...now that im writing this i think i may get some!! LOL laugh.png

( more info to add)

just looking for some feedback on this very WiP model, I'm trying for a Tatooine sandtrooper vibe, i know they don't wear cloaks so im making the best of it....the orange is in honor of the shoulder padded Sgt msn-wink.gif

C&C appreciated..



Magos Vader approves...


...and so do I. biggrin.png

The application of the white and shading is balanced nicely. All white or black, to me, is tricksy and I usually think the details can get lost but not here. thumbsup.gif

The shoulder to robe colour is a great idea. It emulates rather than screaming its source, you know? Will you use it just for the Alpha or the whole unit?

The motive force is strong in this one. Can't wait to see you continue with this...



laugh.png LOL Magos Vader makes me laugh ...yet at the same time scares me a little...ohmy.png

thnx for the feedback Rashbold, i was considering on the alpha to do a Phasma type cloak or simply black with an orange shoulder pad...

im going to test a few helm paint designs as im not entirely sold on this one..perhaps a white mouth piece with black cables ?...unsure.png

i may go with a sand people (tusken raiders) theme for the rangers...?? yay/nay? good idea or yucky.gif . my infiltrators are getting an R2-D2 paintjob cause that head of theirs screams droid to me...either that or imperial probe droid ?... i was thinking of doing the Kastellans in probe droid black...,Onagers and Dragoons in Chicken walker(AT-ST) Grey...

cheers, Mithril

laugh.png LOL Magos Vader makes me laugh ...yet at the same time scares me a little...ohmy.png

thnx for the feedback Rashbold, i was considering on the alpha to do a Phasma type cloak or simply black with an orange shoulder pad...

im going to test a few helm paint designs as im not entirely sold on this one..perhaps a white mouth piece with black cables ?...unsure.png

R: thumbsup.gif for the Phasma cloak and the mouth piece adjustment. If you play with some of the prequel schemes, your unit leaders could have other colour stripes on their helms to signify rank, etc.

i may go with a sand people (tusken raiders) theme for the rangers...?? yay/nay? good idea or yucky.gif . my infiltrators are getting an R2-D2 paintjob cause that head of theirs screams droid to me...either that or imperial probe droid ?... i was thinking of doing the Kastellans in probe droid black...,Onagers and Dragoons in Chicken walker(AT-ST) Grey...

R: Stay out of my notebook! My thoughts on a SW scheme had Stormarii Vanguard, Tuskanii Rangers, Sitharian Deathstalkers & Deathprobes, Kraytonian Dragoons, Ironwalkers, and Jawager Sandcrawlers (with lil' servitors running around the bases). You're right though, the Sicarian heads cry out droids! Kastellan Probe droids are a frightening thought. Force-Priests? C3-P0 upgraded to a Kataphron? Whatever you decide, keep up the good work.

cheers, Mithril

R. Ciao...

@Rashbold - C3P0 kataphron's is a Golden idea!! (msn-wink.gif see what i did there) i'd like to see your version of the Jawager sandcrawler laugh.png

A Grievous ruststalker sounds Cool wub.png thanks Targetlock biggrin.png

Hmm what colour were the droideka's??? ...unsure.png


The droidekas were those rollerball spindly robots from the Trade Federation. Sort of a dark red.


Kataphron C3P0 makes me think of the absurd but funny scene of C3P0's head on a battle droid's body.


<Zzapp>> "Oh, excuse me" <Zzapp>> "I'm terribly sorry..." <Zzapp Zzapp>

i like painting gold so its locked in for K-3P0 (Kataphron). but mine won't be apologizing for the ZZZappps devil.gif

Hmmm think i'll stick with the Black metallic katellans(faster too msn-wink.gif )

Working on the Tusken Ranger's colours today---> update later hopefully wink.png


October Vow-

Skitarii Vanguard Squad (Sand troopers) -

* Size -10 man squad,

* Alpha - Arc Pistol, Arc Maul,conversion field...(Darth Vader?)...ohmy.png

* Special Wpns- 3x Plasma Caliver.


[pic's to follow]

Cheers, Mithril

Yeah i really like droidekas for the kastelans. Just because they are so much like the ones from the stars move. Twin linked..... <.< laser blasters???? Reflective shielding. lol PLus you could model one that's in ball form which would rock socks. 


That sand crawler dunecrawler.... omg..... i'm droolling over here; it's a mess.



Problem with the stormtrooper vanguard is you'd have to make all your shots at BS 1.


You could make a very threatening unit of the rangers if you made them all Jarjar's. I think that give them the special rule "Taunt: all units must shoot or charge this unit before any others" . Would be effecting. 

Yeah i really like droidekas for the kastelans. Just because they are so much like the ones from the stars move. Twin linked..... <.< laser blasters???? Reflective shielding. lol PLus you could model one that's in ball form which would rock socks.

Going with an IG-88 look for now,it's easier and quicker...may come back to them after i finish the prime force...

That sand crawler dunecrawler.... omg..... i'm droolling over here; it's a mess.

I reckon if you used a landraider body with the tracks from a few Taurox it would be very cool

Problem with the stormtrooper vanguard is you'd have to make all your shots at BS 1.

You see stormtroopers need Darth vader around to be better shots,thats why we have Doctrinas (darth vader command comms)

You could make a very threatening unit of the rangers if you made them all Jarjar's. I think that give them the special rule "Taunt: all units must shoot or charge this unit before any others" . Would be effecting.

Well i'm in the dislike Jar-Jar camp so wouldn't even Dream of painting/modeling anything to do with him...even in jest furious.gif

  • 2 weeks later...

@Targetlock tongue.png thanks, i think when he's finished and during games when i kill an opponent im def going to say in my best vader voice "Apology accepted" devil.gif

going to paint his cables in some colours from vaders equipment/buttons to break up the grey black haze !!

cheers Mithril

@Dosjetka - it is Iyanden darksun but it's not unused,it gets used but at the moment its a holding pot(full ones don't tip over as easily as empty ones tongue.png ) i actually have wads of blu tac on about a dozen pots in my paint box so just grab one out when im painting a piece. i have full dwarven bronze,jade green, hawk turquoise and scaly green holding pots....my models sit on prized paint pots laugh.png.

yeah i should have cropped em but i think they may get a bit blurry on the zoom mellow.png

hey peeps,ideas needed on the pistol? do i just make it black and silver with wood pistol grip or try and go fancy?...unsure.png


yeah i looked up pistols "star wars" all seem to be black/metallic with either black stocks or wood ones.... i may add a wee bit of black and a wood pistol grip ...maybe a red glow on the arc part wink.png to balance the red sabre on his left side.

i Failed to complete

October Vow-

Skitarii Vanguard Squad (Sand troopers) - 240pts

* Size -10 man squad,

* Alpha - Arc Pistol, Arc Maul,conversion field.

* Special Wpns- 3x Plasma Caliver.


so will have to tack it on to November's Vow -

November Vow-

Eversor Assassin - now this is a hybrid Eversor/Ad-Mech Assassin droid devil.gif, will write fluff to support my conversion.
Size -1 man! (of course)

- 135pts


Now he needs a pistol on the left hand and a sword and modded back pack and the cloak to be a bit torn and ratty(it's just there as camo till he gets in close and starts going to work devil.gif )

After he's done and my first Squad of troopers are Finished blush.png and if I have time left in the month then i'll be tacking on my K-3P0's msn-wink.gif


One will be a MK-IV & the other will be a MK-VII ... can you tell which will be which?...


someone else had the idea before me laugh.png...


Cheers, Mithril

why no C3P0 data smith????

Perhaps the Data Smith will look like that too tongue.png

I Just really wanted to paint something decent sized with the new "Retributor Armour" Gold...

been thinking, now that I'm doing 3P0's my Kataphrons will be tested with the Sicarian infiltrator heads and maybe get an R2-D2 paint job laugh.png ...



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