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Skitarii Rules for Scions


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I love the Militarum Tempestus models and fluff (i.e. elite troops, but still just normal humans instead of "superhuman" Astartes), but I think they are a bit limited competitively in their current stand-alone codex.


I am considering the idea of using Skitarii rules (plus some allies) to make a "Counts As" Scions army. Here are my thoughts so far:


-Vanguard -- "Counts As" MT Scion squads. With 4+ save (i.e Carapace armor), multiple Special Weapons, and 3-shot Rad Carbines (i.e. kind of like a better version of the old Kasrkyn Hellguns), I think they would make really solid Scion squads. As for the Radiation Cloud, this could be "counts as" by modeling special Rad Grenades on the Scions to simulate them lowering the toughness of enemy troops that they assault. Finally, Doctrina Imperatives could represent special MT "doctrines" that are deployed during a battle.


-Rangers -- "Counts as" MT Sniper squads. Basically, all the same characteristics that make Vanguard a good "counts as" also apply to Rangers, just a more long-range, fire support variant.


-Sicarian Infiltrators -- "Counts as" MT close assault troops, armed with special "submachine guns" (i.e. Flechette Blasters), "Assault Gauntlets" (i.e. Taser Goads), and Carapace Armor Exoskeletons (i.e. Skitarii Battle Armor; grants 2W, +1S, and FNP). Their Neurostatic Aura could be represented by special Grenade Launcher Packs that launch Disruption Grenades and their Dunestrider rule could be represented by the enhanced mobility provided by the Carapace Armor Exoskeletons.


-Ballistarii -- "Counts as" MT Assault Sentinel, armed with either Autocannon or Lascannon. Precision Shots and BS4 could be represented by advanced sensors and a MT pilot, while the Crusader and Dunestrider rules could be modeled with advanced walker legs/motor systems. Basically, this would be the MT's advanced version of a normal AM Sentinel.


-Stormraven (from allied Stormwing formation) -- Modeled as a "Counts as" Militarum Tempestus "Vampire" Heavy Assault Gunship that could transport selected MT squads to their Objectives. Gameplay-wise, this would give me one of the things the Skitarii codex lacks, namely transports for their infantry and close air support.


-Stormtalon (from allied Stormwing formation) -- Modeled as a "Counts as" Militarum Tempestus "Viper" Light Support Gunship. Gameplay-wise, this would round out the allied Stormwing formation and would also provide my Skitarii/count as Militarum Tempestus army a good chance at air superiority, which is something they need, given their general fragility.

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  • 2 months later...

Looks like we can now also use the Emperor's Spear formation (i.e. 3 Vendetta/Valkyrie squadrons, with special rules for Reserves and using the Grav Chute Insertion method) as allied formation to carry the Skitarii/"counts as" Militarum Tempestus forces.

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