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The Legacy of Arkhan Land


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As I was toying around with more potential list it occurred to me that what I want aesthetically is a tank to support my rangers, vanguards and Tech-prist Dominus. Yes Walkers and Knights and so on are nice but the look of a Meacnicus tank in the spirit of 30k Triaros or Krios is appealing to me.


Considering that Land Raiders have a direct connection to the Mecanicum and 30k has Mecanicum Land Raiders and their proto form (Macrocarid Explorator) my thoughts turned to a Land Raider Spearhead formation.


Three extra resilient Land Raiders with Iron hand chapter tactics to represent tech-priest crew this seems like a viable Mecanicum ally. Load up Sicarians, Vanguard, Rangers, Kataphorn and electro-priest and deliver them safely to where you need them.





And on an extension what about the Armoured Task Force? Demolishers, Predators and Whirlwinds with Tech-Marine support.

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I dig the idea of the spearhead but I'm hesitant about the armored task force. As you mentioned, the mechanicus has a history with the raider that helps to justify its use. It has not such history with the other tanks, beyond producing them for marines. Plus, they have tools that do those jobs (better even) within their own fluff and models but do not have a tool for the raider's role.

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I don't believe that Iron Hands chapter tactics benefit tanks in any way. Only infantry and dreadnoughts.

Sadly this seems to be the case.


LR spearhead works nicely with Skitarii, cheap dudes support the big expensive tanks well, and it gives you some more firepower.

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Land raiders would be quite cool i think, the mechanicum have them in 30k, in fiction like the ad mech series by graham mcneil (reading at the moment, enjoying it throughly) they have modified rhinos and chimeras.


Like yourself i have been considering some transport, to get more ad mech more mobile. plus i want to have a go at building an Ad Mech flyer :)

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What about Land's other eponymous legacy, the Speeder? It would seem to fit the Skitarii's theme of light, mobile fire-power. Maybe the conventional Imperial weaponry could be swapped for arc rifles, phosphor blasters or plasma callivers. Alternatively, rangers could take a ride in a Storm.


Sorry, that strayed into wish-listing territory, but the topic just got me thinking.

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For those that said that the Iron Hand chapter Tactic won’t work, where do you get this from? I know it worked in 6th edition codex and I did not see anything in the 7th that changed that.


I read the Of Mars series by McNeil, if we could have units from there that be awesome.

Skitarii Speeders would be nice, but I see that as less likely, we have Ironstriders as fast(ish) weapons platforms. There might also be a fluff issue (depending on how much the Mecanicus cares about imperial degrees) as all speeders are the domain of the Space Marines. As are all land raiders but that has been relaxed a bit as the Inquisition has some and the Mecanicus has their own version.


So what combination of Land Raiders would you put in the Spearhead? I am thinking of one of each to have a bit of everything.

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For those that said that the Iron Hand chapter Tactic won’t work, where do you get this from? I know it worked in 6th edition codex and I did not see anything in the 7th that changed that.


It's something along the lines of its the" chapter tactics" rule that gives IH thier FNP and vehicles IWND. The only vehicles that have the chapter tactics rule are dreadnoughts. Rhinos, land raiders etc all do not possess the rule. The codex says nothing about it conferring to vehicles in the detachment either so sadly, RAW, just dreads :(

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I see, I read the Iron Hand Tactic and as it said all Iron Hand vehicles. As all SM units in a Detachment/formation must be of the same Chapter it looked like IH Land Raiders got IWND like they did in the previous codex.



So having read the two pages in detail does that mean that Land Raiders and other tanks belong to no chapter?

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I guess no chapter until they get chosen as part of a force or something?


there are so many cool things in the ad mech series of books i wish they would incorporate. going slightly off topic i don't like the lack of individuality with the tech priests in the ad mech codex, one of the main things in the lore is how individual they are in appearance, more so the more higher the rank they are.

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I don't believe that Iron Hands chapter tactics benefit tanks in any way. Only infantry and dreadnoughts.


Machine empathy says that Iron Hands characters and vehicles have the 'It will no die' special rule.


Only models with the chapter tactics rule can benefit from chapter tactics. In the previous edition of the Space Marine codex, Machine Empathy specifically stated that vehicles also benefit even though they don't have chapter tactics. That clause is no longer in the book.


And yes, for all rules intents and purposes, Astartes vehicles do not have a chapter designation. The fact that it's an "Ultramarine" or "White Scars" tank is purely a fluff distinction, no deeper than the paintjob on the tank. I don't know if it really makes sense, since members of those chapters are operating the vehicle (so Fists are aces with bolt weapons, but not when they are mounted on a stabilized turret?), but I guess at least it keeps people from bringing all the Marine vehicle formations as Iron Hands regardless of the chapter of their main list. 

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I guess no chapter until they get chosen as part of a force or something?


there are so many cool things in the ad mech series of books i wish they would incorporate. going slightly off topic i don't like the lack of individuality with the tech priests in the ad mech codex, one of the main things in the lore is how individual they are in appearance, more so the more higher the rank they are.

One thing i like most about admech is that they have no super heros. Now i'm sure this will change the second the next codex drops, but i've always disliked special characters. It's like "oh every time X army goes out it's usualy led by 1 of 3 people or.... they get squashed" lmao.


Good explanation of the rule there terminus. As has been said. With out chapter tactics you are not a appart of a chapter and just sort of exist ^.^. To my understanding most vehicle in other space marine codexs fail to have thier chapters special rules. The exception general being dreadnaughts. So i do not think this is a mistake.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The MKI is the Proteus, while the MKII and MKIII both seem to be designated the Phobos. Godhammer is only the type of lascannon found on the latter.

Proteus is the name FW applied to their model, not the original name the first Land Raider pattern. And yes, the original Land Raider pattern was named from its cannons, as I already pointed out.



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I'm curious, what's your source for that? I've only seen the Mk1 design officially described as 'Land Raider' or 'Land Raider Proteus'. I've only ever seen Godhammer used to designate the vehicle in forum posts and up to now believed the same as CommodusXIII, that they were wrong.
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I've been playing 40k since Rogue Trader, have seen each Land Raider variant appear when it appeared. There was a huge gap in years between when the origin LR became unavailable and the release of the MkIII kit. The MkII only appeared in Epic. The Crusader is a MkIII "Phobos" with Huricane Bolter sponsons, whike the Redemer is a MkIII "Phobos" with Flamer sponsons. The current rendition of the Godhammer is a MkIII "Phobos" with Twin-linked Lascannons. "Phobos" is the boby style of the MkIII, so named for the moon of Mars that first produced that design.



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