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Planet-Wide Search and Destroy


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I'm planning a story I have had in my head for a while now, I work best when I write out base ideas before writing anything solid.

-War rages on the Cathedral Moon of St. Cherudim, a holy shrine orbiting the planet Barrus. The shrine is the last site of the "Witch's Rebellion" an event that has ravaged the Grahl system for almost two centuries now.

-The native IG regiments from the ruling Imperial World Dynames are preparing for a final offensive on the Cathedral of St. Cherudim, where the leader of the rebellion resides.

-During the orbital blockade of the moon a civilian fleet is detected on the far side of the moon. It is discovered that the ship is attempting to escape to the Frontier World of Barrus. All intel points towards the fleet transporting the families and allies of the ring leaders of the rebellion.

-An order is given to the Shock Trooper Regiments of Dynames. They are to land on the Frontier World of Barrus and make contact with Imperial Agents and the Barrus Shock Trooper Regiment. Locate all contents of the civilian fleet that has reportedly scattered across the planet. Confirm all passengers, cargo and any armed forces of the fleet. Destroy the fleet and extract any valuable persons or cargo. Also as an ongoing objective they are to root out all signs of the rebellion they may come across, as Barrus is a planet that dwarfs all others in the system and the majority of the population live under a more relaxed set of laws than those on planet Dynames and may have fallen to the side of the rebellion.

-The Shock Trooper Regiments of Dynames are drawn from the Warrior-Houses of the planet, fraternities of soldiers that also serve as  . Each has their own unique doctrine and way of life. 

-Seven Regiments are as follows-
The Diamond Dogs

Bleeding Suns
Rehnchlaand Runts
The West Town Minutemen
The Brothers of Blue
War Maidens
Urdek House

The story will be based on characters from each regiment and what comes their way during the planet-wide search for the scattered civilian fleet.

Thought so far.


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The story sounds like it would be interesting. You might consider pairing down the regiments, or at least the ones you want to explore in depth to a more manageable number. Unless you are prepared for a major undertaking. 7 major characters, say each getting 3 chapters / posts, and you are looking at 21 chapters in addition to any introduction, grand finale, or other chapters not focusing solely on your 7 major characters. Just a suggestion though, I'm looking forward to reading more.
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Thanks mate, pointed out a few obvious tid-bits I didn't consider. I've streamline it a little, going to have the story centre around three regiments and the other four be supporting focus. Writing up chapter 1 now.

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