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2500pts Sallies


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2500pts Sallies




Praetor- Artificer Armor, Mantle of the Elder Drake, MC Thunderhammer, Inferno pistol, Dragonscale Shield, Digital Weapons


RoW: Covenant of fire


Rides with Fired rakes in spartan and smashes face




9 Breachers- 2 flamers, Melta bombs

Breachers Sgt- MC powerfist, Inferno pistol, Artificer Armor

LR Proteus


Roll forward, kill tanks, bog down a dangerous unit


9 Tactical Marines

1 Sgt



Troops tax, sit on an objective and maybe get a FotL off


7 Pyroclasts- Melta bombs

Warden- MC powerfist

LR Proteus


Good well rounded unit. Rolls forward and can torch infantry, melts heavy infantry, or pop tanks with melta bombs, also hold objectives




4 Firedrakes- 1 Heavy flamer, 4 powerfists, 3 Dragonscale shields

Sgt- Dragonscale shield, MC Thunderhammer

Spartan- Flare Shield, Cerimite


Anvil of my force, roll forward up at the toughest target and smash smash smash


Contemptor- Multimelta, Heavy Flamer


Another good all rounder, kills in assault, good anti tank, and onions anti infantry


Heavy Support


Deredo- Anti Air Missle thing


Any help on how to make the list better for a peoptential Son of Vulcan would be greatly appreciated.

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I like the armored fist vibe you have going, however the Contemptor feels like he's the odd man out. The Deredeo to an extent as well. You have 80% of your force rolling forward in a wall of AV14 and then these two random walkers, one of which will be camping, and the other falling behind the line of advance where he can be flanked and take a Lascannon/Neutron Beam/Multi-Melta in the side/ass. Either that or people will just ignore him since he only has a 24" threat range. 


Personally I'd try to find the points for another Breacher Squad in a Proteus. 4 AV14 vehicles with twin-linked lascannons is nothing to scoff at. Especially when they're all dumping out some tough customers.


I will say though that certain Primarchs will likely tear through your main HQ unit if it comes to a stand-up fight.

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I like the armored fist vibe you have going, however the Contemptor feels like he's the odd man out. The Deredeo to an extent as well. You have 80% of your force rolling forward in a wall of AV14 and then these two random walkers, one of which will be camping, and the other falling behind the line of advance where he can be flanked and take a Lascannon/Neutron Beam/Multi-Melta in the side/ass. Either that or people will just ignore him since he only has a 24" threat range. 


Personally I'd try to find the points for another Breacher Squad in a Proteus. 4 AV14 vehicles with twin-linked lascannons is nothing to scoff at. Especially when they're all dumping out some tough customers.


I will say though that certain Primarchs will likely tear through your main HQ unit if it comes to a stand-up fight.


Your absolutely right and have made some changes. In our group at 2500pts you will definitely be seeing some primarchs (Curze, Ferrus, Russ when he comes out) and Chris god only knows what kind of super heavies Chris will be running. Firedrakes and a Praetor just isn’t going to stand up to that… Vulkan will though lol

While I see what you’re saying about the Land raiders I lean on the side that 3 landraiders is fun, all landraiders is just boring, though probably the more competitive choice I can’t go without some kind of contemptor dread on the field. Just love the models too much, if I take a loss here or there for it so be it.


2500pts Sallies





Fixes my tanks, can ride in the Spartan or with the pyro’s




9 Breachers- 2 flamers, Melta bombs

Breachers Sgt- MC powerfist, Inferno pistol, Artificer Armor

LR Proteus

Roll forward, kill tanks, bog down a dangerous unit


9 Tactical Marines

1 Sgt


Troops tax, sit on an objective and maybe get a FotL off


6 Pyroclasts- Melta bombs

Warden- MC powerfist

LR Proteus

Good well rounded unit. Rolls forward and can torch infantry, melts heavy infantry, or pop tanks with melta bombs, also hold objectives




4 Firedrakes- 1 Heavy flamer, 4 powerfists, 3 Dragonscale shields

Sgt- Dragonscale shield, MC Thunderhammer

Spartan- Flare Shield

Anvil of my force, roll forward up at the toughest target and smash smash smash


Contemptor Mortis- Multimeltas

Just have to have a contemptor lol probably won’t do jack, or he will light stuff up with MC Multimeltas… who knows. lol


Lord of War:



RoW- Covenant of Fire

With the Firedrakes, hammertime

Those are the changes, definitely more powerful, lacks anti air, but has plenty of ways to deals with infantry and tanks. Only real liability seems to be the Mortis, but I’ll just have to eat that if I’m being stubborn.

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