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2500pts RG


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Trying to decide on my next legion so I’m throwing out a couple lists I’m thinking of building toward. Here’s my RG all DP force let me here your thoughts. I know everyone is going to suggest Maun right off the bat but, our group tries our best not to play with Unique characters outside of primarchs.




Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers,  Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Void Shield Harness
With the Dark Fury’s, targets enemy characters




9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs


9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Axe, Melta Bombs
Objective holders and bubbles so my Deepstrikers wont scatter




Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton
Comes in turn one and lets loose its graviton on Landraiders or antiair, has to be dealt with turn one


2 Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers
Comes in turn one and tries to crack transports and just cause havoc, also has to be dealt with quickly or its going to start throwing out a ton of krak missles


Fast Attack:


8 Dark Fury
Chooser of the Slain- Melta Bombs
Comes in with the Praetor to hide in his shield harness then goes on an infantry killing spree


Darkwing Stormeagle- Searchlight
Anti tank or Anti infantry


Heavy Support:
Fire Raptor- Autocannon Searchlight, Ceremight
Anit infantry




Corvus Corax
RoW- Decapitation Strike.
Flies solo and tries to either pick on weak spots or tie up other primarchs


Pretty straight forward. Everything Deepstrikes, and kills. Really light on anti-armor, but hopefully the Contemptor, Deathstorms, Darkwing, and Corax and break whats out there.

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I like your salamanders more, this feels very glass cannon-y. The only hard-hitting unit you have is the Dark Furies and I'd worry about someone blasting their ride out of the air with a Deredeo or a Lascannon Mortis Dread. Plus at 2500 there's gonna be a lot of big killy tanks and units so they'll mulch your tacticals and those Dark Furies pretty quick.


The list could do damage, but those jets aren't even showing up until turn 2 at the earliest which gives the opponent a turn if not two to erase the pods and the dreadnought

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Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers,  Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Void Shield Harness
With the Dark Fury’s, targets enemy characters




9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs


9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Fist
Objective holders and bubbles so my Deepstrikers wont scatter




Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton
Comes in turn one and lets loose its graviton on Landraiders or antiair, has to be dealt with turn one


2 Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers
Comes in turn one and tries to crack transports and just cause havoc, also has to be dealt with quickly or its going to start throwing out a ton of krak missles


3 Rapiers- Laser Destroyers

Turn one SURPRISE! infiltrate these bad boys somewhere with good position and tear into a transport


Fast Attack:


6 Dark Fury
Chooser of the Slain- Melta Bombs
Comes in with the Praetor to hide in his shield harness then goes on an infantry killing spree


2 Javelin Speeders- TL Lascannons, Multimeltas



Heavy Support:
Fire Raptor- Autocannon Searchlight, Ceremight
Anit infantry




Corvus Corax
RoW- Decapitation Strike.
Flies solo and tries to either pick on weak spots or tie up other primarchs


So Turn 1 I have 2 Deathstorms and a contemptor dropping on someone, three rapier batteries tearing into a transport, and 2 javelins tossing more lascannons down range and getting into position and tanks, and of course Corax which is a huge threat. A lot for any player to handle turn. Then turn 2-3 you have two tac squads, the praetor with his Dark Furies, and a Fireraptor to come and and hit infantry that were nestled in said transports.

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Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers, Camo, Melta Bombs

Either ride in or infiltrate in with the Mor Deythan




9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs


9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Fist
Objective holders and bubbles so my Deepstrikers wont scatter




Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton
Comes in turn one and lets loose its graviton on Landraiders or antiair, has to be dealt with turn one


Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers
Comes in turn one and tries to crack transports and just cause havoc, also has to be dealt with quickly or its going to start throwing out a ton of krak missles


3 Rapiers- Laser Destroyers

Turn one SURPRISE! infiltrate these bad boys somewhere with good position and tear into a transport


6 Mor Deythan- 2 plasmaguns, 5 combi-weapons

Shade- Combi-weapon, melta bombs

Infiltrate in and target hard infantry, or ride in style in the darkwing


Fast Attack:


Darkwing Storm Eagle


2 Javelin Speeders- TL Lascannons, Multimeltas


Heavy Support:

Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers




Corvus Corax
RoW- Decapitation Strike.
Flies solo and tries to either pick on weak spots or tie up other primarchs


Really like both of these lists. Hits hard and is very different from the tank rush my other lists are stuck in.

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I honestly like the first of these two new list the most. Though I don't get why you'r using the tacticals to prevent deep strike scatters when everything in your list aside from said tacticals is on the board turn 1 already. I also like the infiltrating rapier squad, just for the sheer comedy of it. 


"Carl, could you not bang the gun carriage into every rock out here? Not exactly stealthy if catch my drift."

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