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True scale Howling Griffon

The Silent

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I present to you, Brother Rolan of the Howling Griffons:


The last known pict-capture of Brother Rolan, during the height of the Luyvan Insurrection, early 997.m41. The image was recorded by a security pictor inside a manufactorum near the Luyvan spaceport, hours before the final evacuation preceding Exterminatus. The Howling Griffons 5th Company performed desperate rearguard actions to allow as many key personnel and civilians to escape. As the 5th Company hasn't fought in the subsector since, it is unknown if Brother Rolan was among the last evacuees.


Brother Rolan is a battle brother of the Howling Griffon's fifth company, second squad. Brother Rolan is a recipient of the Aureum Gryphe (seen on his right greave) and has been awarded the right to personal heraldry, as depicted on his right pauldron. Both are unusual, as the lack of other markings or awarded honour-gear seem to indicate that he is still young in his career among the Astartes. On his left greave you can just make out the  badge of the Jülich Sanction campaign. The aquila beneath it indicates he was present at that campaign's culminating 5 day running battle in the great city of Lorimar's Fall. It is speculated his Aurum Gryphe and personal heraldry were earned with feats of valour during this conflict.



Here's a scale comparison:


Rolan is made using Terminator Legs with hip plates removed and the recesses greenstuffed in. A torso made from a Terminator torso front (minus the arch over the head) and a Grey Knight Terminator torso rear (minus the psychic hood) with a 2mm spacer between torso and legs. The resulting gap is filled with greenstuff. On the torso back, I narrowed the vents of the Grey Knight torso rear to accept the powered armour backpack. Shoulders are Terminator ones with gaps filled and plasticard rims, the Howling Griffon chapter icon I sculpted in greenstuff. The arms are power armoured ones, set lower inside the shoulder pads to add length, the gap filled with greenstuff. I thickened the arms, wrists and elbow pads with greenstuff to prevent the "T-Rex Effect".


Brother Rolan will be the first member of an all-Astartes =I=Munda warband or a guest-star in a Inq28 scenario. 

The =I=Munda warband will be centred around the idea of a "diplomatic mission":  a single character (either a Librarian or Chaplain), sent out as an envoy for some official event or conclave, or to act as an advisor to some Imperial official or warlord. With him will be a small honour guard of Marines (2 or 3 at most) with maybe a Scout to serve as batsman/aide de camp. Unsurprisingly they will get caught up in something, being the 8 foot trouble-magnets space marines are...


I want to build the Marines one at a time, at my leasure, so this will be a slow-burn project... Especially seeing the other, non-PA, projects I've got running simultaneously...


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Thanks guys!


Brother-Captain Arkhan, here's the most recent shot of the board, such as it is. I've still a long way to go before completing it. I started it in 2007, I think, but only rarely find the time and room to work on it these days. I'm trying to build a full 3D Space Hulk board, these are but 7 corridor sections, so you can make a guess of how much there is still left to do... It will most likely be a mulit-decade project.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks guys!


Brother-Captain Arkhan, here's the most recent shot of the board, such as it is. I've still a long way to go before completing it. I started it in 2007, I think, but only rarely find the time and room to work on it these days. I'm trying to build a full 3D Space Hulk board, these are but 7 corridor sections, so you can make a guess of how much there is still left to do... It will most likely be a mulit-decade project.



Brilliant shot. Worth every bit of time you put into it, and will continue to be, I'm sure.

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