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List 1



Vigilator w/ scout armour, refactor field, melta bombs (with calivers)



Contemptor Dread w/ kheres, DCCW



Legion Tactical Squad w/ 10 marines, melta bomb, artificer armour, vexilla, rhino

Legion Tactical Squad w/ 10 marines, melta bomb, artificer armour, vexilla, rhino

Legion Tactical Support Squad w/ 10 marines, melta bomb artificer armour, Volkite Calivers


Heavy Support:

Legion Sicaran w/ Lascannon sponsons

Legion Sicaran w/ Lascannon sponsons

Sicaran Venator 


List 2



Vigilator w/ artificier armour, melta bomb (attached to calivers)



Contemptor Mortis Dread w/ kheres, DCCW

Apothecerion Detachement w/ 2 apothecaries, artificier armour (attached to calivers and  tac squad)



Legion Tactical Squad w/ 20 marines, artificer armour, melta bomb, vexilla, 

 Legion Tactical Support Squad w/ 10 marines, artificer armour,  Volkite Calivers


Heavy Support:

Legion Sicaran w/ Lascannon sponsons

Legion Sicaran w/ Lascannon sponsons

Sicaran Venator 







I have a good chunk of all of this already, unbuilt and unpainted, but I need direction to commit to a good starter list.


Eventually I plan on adding some close combat support since these guys are going to be Blood Angels after all, but for the time being Im wondering if this is decent?

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The first list is legal, but the Vigilator taking scout armour for Infilitrate is a bit useless, as he doesn't confer it onto the caliver squad.


Will be interesting to see where Blood Angels end up. Will know more pretty soon, so maybe wait until then to commit to the list? :)

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