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2000 Points - Preliminary Solar Auxilia List


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This is going to be a rough list, primarily because all I have my hands on is the book right now and I haven't had a chance to actually play 30K.  Currently in the mail there are 2 Veletaris Storm Sections and 1 Auxilia Tactical Command Section.  I really enjoy the mechanics of Volkite Weapons and will be angling the army toward the mighty CHOOM!


One thing I would like to do is field a group of Household Retinue Veletaris with Power Axes in a Dracosan with my Lord Marshal attached to it but due to the fact the axe guys have only been shown in concept and also the cost of the Dracosan transports, that may end up being a long term thing.  The basic strategy would have the Storm Sections dismounting with choom! followed by a shielding rush of power axe wielding maniacs to entangle the closest enemies and give the storm sections time to fire again next turn without concerns of being overrun.


The Incinerator tanks and Malcador would be moving up behind the Dracosan's engaging larger targets with the demi-culverins and, once again as I get the models, a strike squadrons of Annihilator would outflank the enemy catching them on the soft side of their armor with a pincer attack containing a multitude of lascannons.


Obviously the strategy will be a cause for adjusting the army list below as I am able to get the models but the base army will be built off the units I listed below...or at least I think it will!  I will say that I just painted 4,000+ Points of Guard so I'm intentionally dodging around the lasrifles sections as the Volkite guns seem hilariously fun as well.



(The last 5 Points I wasn't sure on whether to get a needle pistol or a charn sabre for my strategos, so that is why they are unused!)



Rust Scorpions - 1995/2000 Points

Solar Auxilia (Age of Darkness) - 2000 Points

HQ - 285 Points

Auxilia Tactical Command Section - 2 Volkite Chargers - 85 Points

Legate Commander - Archaeotech pistol, Artificer Armour, Cyber-familiar, Grav-wave generator, Iron Halo, Lord Marshal, Master-crafted weapon, Paragon Blade - 200 Points

Troops - 740pts

Auxilia Infantry Tercio - 370 Points

Dracosan Armoured Transport - Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Demolisher Cannon, Extra Armour, Flare Shield, Pintle-mounted Multi-laser or heavy flamer
Veletaris Storm Section - Shroud Bombs

Auxilia Infantry Tercio - 370 Points
Dracosan Armoured Transport [Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Demolisher Cannon, Extra Armour, Flare Shield, Pintle-mounted Multi-laser or heavy flamer]
Veletaris Storm Section - Shroud Bombs

Heavy Support - 955 Points

Auxilia Leman Russ Assault Squadron - 615 Points
Auxilia Leman Russ Incinerator - Extra Armor, Lascannon, Pintle-mounted multi-laser
Auxilia Leman Russ Incinerator - Extra Armor, Lascannon, Pintle-mounted multi-laser
Auxilia Leman Russ Incinerator - Extra Armor, Lascannon, Pintle-mounted multi-laser

Auxilia Malcador Heavy Tank - Armoured Ceramite, Auxiliary Drive, Flare Shield, Lascannon, Lascannons, Pintle-mounted multi-laser, Siege armour, Twin-linked Lascannon - 340 Points

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