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First Game with Alphas Second HH game ever


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Hey guys! I am very excited to be using my small alpha force for the first time. I am a complete novice when it comes to List building and actually playing. I Really need some help.  I am about a 2500 is game against world eaters. What i have below is what i have to play with.



Autilon Skorr


20 Tac marines

10 Volkite Culverin

1 Glaive

10 Recon Marines

10 Vets with two Heavy bolters(plan on using sniper and suspensor web)

10 Seekers with combi weapon

1 Dread with claws or Kheres

1 Storm Eagle.


Thanks Guys!!

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I'd probably run pride of the legion rite of war with what you have, that way you can keep your tacticals in one big blob and run the two veteran squads as troops. Then maybe run the seekers in the storm eagle so they can get into position to use their combi weapons, or you could just use alpha legion tactics to infiltrate the whole army. Certainly don't need the storm eagle, I find it a rather expensive transport for just a 10 man squad. 


For a list, you can pretty much run everything you have minus the storm eagle and one of your HQs, which I think could work well. I've never used a glaive before, it's quite the pts investment and ideally you'd have some more armor on the field for target saturation, but it's worth a try. 

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So I was thinking



Skorr so I can have vets as troops


5 seekers with combi meltas


5 seekers with combi plasma


20 tacs sergeant power first artificer armor and melta bomb


5 recon marines scout armor and melta bombs


10 volkite culverin


1 dread with power claws

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