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Frag Cannon Furioso with Heavy Flamer or Meltagun?


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Hey guys, just wondering what loadout would be best for a infantry hunting frag cannoned Furioso Dreadnought (with a magna-grapple as that seems like a no brainer for me)?


I'm leaning more towards a heavy flamer, and will most likely go for this, but my only concern is what if the frag cannon template gets rid of enough models so that the heavy flamer template can't reach any enemy models? Or is this unlikely? At least with the meltagun I've got one heavy hitting shot against the unit and can if need be, be versatile enough to try to pop a vehicle. 


Thanks in advance for any advice!

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In the previous Codex (when the magna grapple was a ranged attack) the answer was more often than not a melta gun. So your frag cannon cleared the chaff leaving you with two shots to stick on the character (which would have LO,S!) anything else leaving him/her/it the closest. Or you'd have it all to blam into a light vehicle. Now, however, many deem the single melta shot inefficient so are switching the heavy flamer to go fully after chaff (whilst running the risk or running of our targets) and avoiding light vehicles altogether.


Me? I still take the melta gun but my opponents fear my Fragioso less these days.

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For specific infantry killing, I actually lean towards the flamer, as I found the frag not enough to hurt 4+ save units in cover.


That said, as a generalist, I'd put the melta on there.


I really like the idea of the flamer for that reason Xenith especially as my intention is for infantry hunting with the furioso. I'm a bit of a generalist too, prefer flexible units and just dislike the idea of the flamer being a potentially wasted weapon. I'll have attack bikes to dish out the melta damage so I think I can justify not going for the melta on the dread in my mind and have it lumber after infantry. Hopefully. 



Me? I still take the melta gun but my opponents fear my Fragioso less these days.


Was this to do with the magnagrapple extending the range of the metagun/flamer? I missed out on most of 6th ed and only just getting back into things but I remember reading something about an faq extending wound ranges? I know that it doesn't apply now though.


Also, that use of the magnagrapple and meltagun sounds pretty awesome, shame it's no longer the case as would make it an auto-choice!

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The magna grapple was another S8 AP2 shot, meaning you had 2 high strength shots with which to kill a tank.


Now, just one shot at BS4 doesnt seem to be always worth it.


In my opinion, Furiosos can deal with tanks in close combat, however 2A isnt enough to deal with hordes.

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I pick the heavy flamer, because I already have a decent amount of anti vehicle in my army, and the heavy flamer also helps as extra overwatch charge deterrent, or when fighting something like meched up Orks or Dark Eldar, to burninate open topped transports and buildings with fire slots. And when facing 4+ armour in cover, you want to help get enough wounds to force morale checks.


The only nice thing about the melta is the possibility of popping a transport and then charging its contents, but even against an AV10 open-topped transport, a single bs4 melta shot only has a ~32% of popping it in one shot, so that's far from reliable. Not to mention you can't charge on the turn you have arrived by deep strike.

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You've still got a two shot Rending STR 6 weapon to pop the vehicle too, but I understand your point.


Perhaps the answer is a heavy flamer if arriving via Drop Pod and a melts gun if arriving via Stormraven/footslogging?


(And yes I know there are exceptions such as Auger Triangulation, etc).

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I prefer meltagun because out of all  weapon this has a chance to deal a real damage both ways - in attack and defence.

Most  of the time  my dreads destroyed by shooting therefor alot of shaken results - so while templates are shut down i stil have a  chance  to fire melta, and if there  is a luck (and it's exist) I definetly do some damage. Instagabing some t4 character? opponent will  think  twice.


And  more about flamer - people are aware  of this and stand in anti-template coherency so it was too many  times  that scored wound  just dissapear because of limited range. Moreover - when you fire the first template it steals hit from next weapon - if you kill some with frag and  remove models, your HF template cover less targets if there will be any.

While with frag - firstly you clean the independent characters retinue - and when surronding body dissapears  -this chracter makes an exelent target for my melta.


So basicly HF  and Frag are good for a dense factions and an less  expirienced opponent- because templates nowdays usualy target 4-7x2 hit and  with rending and 6 strengh even bikers got wiped out before all  wound are scored.

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Thanks for the feedback guys. I guess it's all down to what you what the furioso to accomplish, as with any unit I guess. 


I decided to go for a heavy flamer. Gonna put it into a drop pod to get up close and possibly be a distraction from other units and also I like having something that flush out units in cover as I have other melta units (assault squads and attack bikes). 

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@ OP

Fragcannon and Heavy flamer go at the same time, it's a specific flamer rule (in big rulebook) even if the weapons have different profiles. 


I was partial to melta-frag before. But i'm leaning towards heavy flamer. It's quite possible you overkill sometimes, but it's great to have redunancies when you need to complete a task. If you have a bad fragcannon shooting round you will probably not get a second chanse. 

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@ OP

Fragcannon and Heavy flamer go at the same time, it's a specific flamer rule (in big rulebook) even if the weapons have different profiles.


Wow. You're right!



If a unit is firing more than one shot with the Template type, resolve each shot, one at a time, as described above, determining and recording how many hits are scored by each template. Once the number of hits from all templates has been determined, roll To Wound as normal.

Emphasis mine.


I guess this makes the combi-flamer vs two hand flamers argument moot.

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@ OP

Fragcannon and Heavy flamer go at the same time, it's a specific flamer rule (in big rulebook) even if the weapons have different profiles. 


I was partial to melta-frag before. But i'm leaning towards heavy flamer. It's quite possible you overkill sometimes, but it's great to have redunancies when you need to complete a task. If you have a bad fragcannon shooting round you will probably not get a second chanse. 


Oh wow that's awesome thanks! Definitely makes the heavy flamer an easier choice for me then. Nothing wrong with overkill either imo, means you can use the unit as a great distraction if need be.  

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Glad someone pointed out that all templates fire together.


Fragioso with HF are great for crowd control and clearing objectives. We've got other units that can pull melta/ anti tank more effectively.




And that's not to say you can't just smash tanks apart in CC anyways. It always seemed to me that if you are melta range, you are or are very close to successful charge range, so grab that extra template and let the power fist/the rest of your army handle the ranged anti-armor

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