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1850 Blood Angels (Trying to work in the new Leviathan)

Brother Heinrich

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• Praetor - Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Digital Lasers, Photonic Blade - 190pts



• 8x Legion Veterans - Sgt w/Artificer Armor & Power Fist, Squad Melta Bombs, 7x Power Weapons - 290pts



• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Artificer Armor & Power Fist, Vexila, Rhino - 220pts

• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Artificer Armor & Power Fist, Vexila, Rhino - 220pts


Fast Attack:

• 3x Jetbikes - Melta Bombs - 150pts


Heavy Support:

• Deredeo Dreadnought - Aiolos Missile Launcher - 220pts

• Leviathan Dreadnought - Storm Cannon, Siege Claw, Phosphex Launcher - 300pts

• Land Raider Phobos - Armoured Ceramite - 270pts


Total: 1850pts 


Praetor and Vets in the Raider, Deredeo and Leviathan stomp up together and keep everything away from the softer Rhinos. Jetbikes go for the vehicle kill in assault.

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Alright what about this?


• Praetor - Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Digital Lasers, Photonic Blade, RoW: Armoured Assault - 190pts
• 8x Legion Veterans - Sgt w/Power Weapon, Squad Melta Bombs, 7x Power Weapons, Landraider Phobos w/Dozer Blade, Armoured Ceramite & Pintle Multi-Melta - 570pts
• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Power Fist, Vexila, Rhino - 210pts
• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Power Fist, Vexila, Rhino - 210pts
Heavy Support:
• Deredeo Dreadnought - 185pts
• Deredeo Dreadnought - 185pts
• Leviathan Dreadnought - Storm Cannon, Siege Claw, Phosphex Launcher - 300pts
Total: 1850pts 
So I lose the Jetbikes and the Aiolos Missile Launchers, but gain double-deuce-deredeo action.
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You putting it in a small list to prove me wrong here? Haha!

How much air support would you face at this points level? One fire raptor/storm eagle or a couple of smaller ones? Maybe.


Again not a bad list at all though really

IT FITS IF I SAY IT FITS! lol, and that was my original thinking, at 1850 I'll probably only see a single fire raptor or maybe a lighting, which the lone Deredeo will likely ace.

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This could be a fun option as well:


• Praetor - Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Digital Lasers, Photonic Blade, Jetbike, Melta Bombs, RoW: Armoured Assault - 240pts
• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Power Fist, Vexila, Land Raider Proteus - 375pts
• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Power Fist, Vexila, Land Raider Proteus - 375pts
Fast Attack:
• 4x jetbikes - Squad Melta Bombs - 190pts
Heavy Support:
• Deredeo Dreadnought - 185pts
• Deredeo Dreadnought - 185pts
• Leviathan Dreadnought - Storm Cannon, Siege Claw, Phosphex Launcher - 300pts
Total: 1850pts 
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Or you could go with a Sicaran with las sponsons? I think that's 175 so it's a tad cheaper. But if I were to choose between a dorito or a las mortis I would definitely go with dorito. I do like Slipstreams idea of more jet bikes though, that would look super awesome!

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Drop a Deredeo, give the existing one a Missile Launcher, Grab more Jetbikes?


Yeah, probably. Probably won't need two Deredeos at 1850. Also I wouldn't switch to LC Mortis, the Deredeo is pretty much the king of AA and if you run the Phobos you have LC back-up already.


Also, and this is going to sound crazy because jetbikes in 30k look awesome, but you could always consider running Outriders. For the same cost as a base jetbike squad you can run 4 Outriders plus have a powerfist on the sarge. They have access to 1 in 3 power weapons and squad-wide melta bombs (like jetbikes), but you'll have more power weapons and more bodies for the same cost. That Praetor really wants to put his Photonic Blade to use on some infantry, but jetbikes are basically just (expensive) regular marines with 2+ saves/T5 in close combat. They're more resilient, but they have little lethality.


Plus they get Scout, which is arguably a way more powerful rule than the Deep Strike on the jetbikes. 

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Sure that makes a lot of sense points wise, but this is 30k! The gods are walking amongst mortals and the galaxy is in flames. This is the time when the legends were written and arcane technology was common, don't forsake those benefits for something available in a less monumental time. Wouldn't you rather have your angels screaming through the sky on wings of fire? Your army is set in the age of darkness, make use of the beautiful war machines common in this period.
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Sure that makes a lot of sense points wise, but this is 30k! The gods are walking amongst mortals and the galaxy is in flames. This is the time when the legends were written and arcane technology was common, don't forsake those benefits for something available in a less monumental time. Wouldn't you rather have your angels screaming through the sky on wings of fire? Your army is set in the age of darkness, make use of the beautiful war machines common in this period.

My thoughts exactly, this is also the reason I don't run regular toaster dreads. While cheap they are far less rad than Contemptors!

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Alright lets maximize this dakka:




• Praetor - Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Photonic Blade, Jetbike, Melta Bombs, RoW: Armoured Assault - 225pts



• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Power Fist, Vexila, Land Raider Proteus - 375pts

• 10x Tactical Marines - Sgt w/Power Fist, Vexila, Land Raider Proteus - 375pts


Fast Attack:

• 3x jetbikes - Squad Melta Bombs - 150pts


Heavy Support:


• Deredeo Dreadnought - Aiolos Missile Launcher - 220pts

• Deredeo Dreadnought - Aiolos Missile Launcher - 220pts

• Leviathan Dreadnought - Storm Cannon, Siege Claw - 285pts


Total: 1850pts


So we lose one Jetbike, Digital Weapons on the Praetor, and the Phosphex Launcher, but we gain dual Aiolos Missile launchers on the Deredeos.

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I would definitely play this list as a different legion, but don't forget you are playing as blood angels. We don't know what their traits or right of war are yet but it will have something to do with close combat. So although the list seems more effective with all that fire power, you likely won't be playing to the strengths of the legion. I would definitely start on this but hold off with the second Dorito until the next book details what the blood angels are capable of. It might actually be better to go with more bikes and less dakka but we don't know yet!
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Teach me. Teach me your ways, Heinrich.


Hands down, you're the best at creating competitive fluff-driven lists. I don't know how you do it.



But seriously, I get a LOT of help from the guys who lurk down here in the AoD Army Lists. I usually just go off what the legion "feel" is, try to make things symmetrical, and then tweak for competitive play with the vibe limiting how far I take it.

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