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Kill teams


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For a fun little project I decided to splurge a bit with some FW bits to make a 250 point kill team list. because MKIV maximus armor <3


We run our KTs unbound but faction pure (single models may be taken from any unit entry) with a minimum of 5 (max of 10) models at 250 points with a max of 40 points of war gear/ equipment per model. named characters, flyers, monsterous creatures, vehicles with a combines AV (F/S/R) above 33 are not permitted....


I am running my own salamander successor chapter with

.master of the forge-leader

.las/plas razorback

.vanguard veteran

.X2 sternguard veteran








Most games last under an hour and get really interesting when you play with the necromunda style campaign rules and injury tables.

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