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WiP Sang Guard Kit Bash


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So I generally stick to posting my pics in my general wip thread (http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/256750-mercs-madness/) but I was hoping to get some more focused feed back so starting a thread here as well for this project.

Currently starting a new squad of Sang Guard. Using bits from some of the new AoS line. Below is the mock up of one of the squad. Still needs a lot of clean up. I'm trying to decide if the spear arm looks ok compared to the rest of the mini. I'm thinking I need to at least chop the shoulder down and replace the pad with a more traditional space marine one. Other options include cutting it at the elbow or wrist and attaching it to a standard power armor arm. I have enough bits to do a 5 man squad. Right now I have two with fists but considering just doing them all with the spears (which would be used as count-as something in games, not like I play all that much)



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How will you transport him?

I'll probably end up magnetizing the wings.  I generally only play about once a year so for the most part my stuff sits on the top of my desk.  Moving things around doesn't come into play that often. 

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Looking great. Does your successor chapter have an Egyptian theme?

Sort of. I love Egyptian art. I have been sneaking a bit of the theme into the army when I can. If you click on the link in the original post you can see the rest of the army.

Loving it. Where's that head from?


Heads are from http://puppetswar.eu/product.php?id_product=103

They are very awesome conversions, but in my opinion they don't look like Marines anymore. I think that is just the helms though.

Great work smile.png can't wait to see them painted.

Paint scheme will be similar to my prior ones,


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If the model goes with those great looking sanguinary guard I think he will steal the spot light. I'd exchange the weapons for an axe and an inferno pistol and use him as Dante.

I have one extra set of wings for a project after this squad :-D

Finished sorting the rest of the squad and now on to the clean up and prep work pre painting. Final load out for the squad is going to be two fists and 3 plasma pistols. I'm also going to have to sort out something with the bases. I think the wings are going to hang a bit low if I don't raise the model up a bit off the base in some way.


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  • 5 months later...


Its been a minute.


One done, 4 more to go. At this rate i will finish sometime in 2020. In all seriousness though, I have all but finished school (until I get crazy enough to try for a phd) and should actually have some time to paint again.

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Bits from Stormcast Eternals - Good call. And great painting.


I did something similar (but less epic), and used the SE parts for a Spear of Telesto (along with some others) and to get the guy in the air. Wings came from a Dark Eldar Scourge though...


2016 04 04 23 43 31

20160404 210925

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

They look great! Are you gonna make other units to match their style? They kinda call out for a full Dante wing msn-wink.gif

These are actually my 3rd squad painted up like this, just happens to be the first using this style of wing. Rest of the army can be found here: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/256750-mercs-madness/

Good luck deploying them as a coherent squad..

They would take a little bit of work to run them on the table top. If I played on a regular basis I would probably put them onto larger bases to ease that issue a bit, but considering I haven't played a game in something like 2 years, I'm not that fused about it.

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