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Choose your Unkindness 2500pt RG


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So trying to settle on a second legion to play at the moment and I always do that with some list building. I have always liked Raven Guard and though they would be an obvious contrast to my Iron Warriors I am building and painting now. I have a few other legions in mind, but am really leaning this way and need the communities help to find a list that is Fluffy, Fun, and competitive enough so I dont get stomped every game. So this post is made to list my many RG lists I have been coming up with and letting you all put your input not only into which ones are "best" but also put your own constructive input in.






Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers,  Jump Pack, Melta Bombs, Void Shield Harness, Iron Halo
With the Dark Fury’s, targets enemy characters




9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs


9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Fist
Objective holders and bubbles so my Deepstrikers wont scatter




Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton
Comes in turn one and lets loose its graviton on Landraiders or antiair, has to be dealt with turn one


2 Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers
Comes in turn one and tries to crack transports and just cause havoc, also has to be dealt with quickly or its going to start throwing out a ton of krak missles


3 Rapiers- Laser Destroyers

Turn one SURPRISE! infiltrate these bad boys somewhere with good position and tear into a transport


Fast Attack:


6 Dark Fury
Chooser of the Slain- Melta Bombs
Comes in with the Praetor to hide in his shield harness then goes on an infantry killing spree


2 Javelin Speeders- TL Lascannons, Multimeltas


Heavy Support:
Fire Raptor- Autocannon, Searchlight, Ceremight
Anit infantry




Corvus Corax
RoW- Decapitation Strike.
Flies solo and tries to either pick on weak spots or tie up other primarchs






Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers, Melta Bombs, Cameleo, Iron Halo




9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs


9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Fist




Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton


1 Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers


3 Rapiers- Laser Destroyers


5 Mor Deythan- 4 combiweapons, 2 plasmaguns

Shade- Meltabombs


Fast Attack:


Darkwing Stormeagle


2 Javelin Speeders- TL Lascannons, Multimeltas

Heavy Support:


Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers



Corvus Corax
RoW- Decapitation Strike.





Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers, Melta Bombs, Jump pack, Iron Halo, Void Shield Harness




9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs

9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Fist


Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton

2 Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers


Fast Attack:


4 Dark Fury- Raven Talons

Chooser of the Slain



2 Javelin Speeders- TL Lascannons, Multimeltas


Xiphon- Gorund Trackers


Heavy Support:


Sicaran Venator



Corvus Corax


RoW- Decapitation Strike.





Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers, Melta Bombs, Cameleo, Iron Halo


9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs

9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Fist


Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton

2 Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers


5 Mor Deythan- 4 combiweapons, 2 plasmaguns

Shade- Meltabombs


Fast Attack:


2 Javelin Speeders- TL Lascannons, Multimeltas


Xiphon- Ground trackers, Armored Cockpit

Heavy Support:


Sicarian Venator- Lascannons



Corvus Corax
RoW- Decapitation Strike.





Praetor- Paragon Blade, Artificer Armor, Digital Lasers, Melta Bombs, Cameleo, Iron Halo




9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla
Sgt- Artificer Armor, Ravens Talons, Melta Bombs


9 Tacticals- Drop pod, Vexilla, Vox

Sgt- Artificer Armor, Power Fist



Contemptor- Drop pod, 2 CCW, 2 Graviton

2 Deathstorm drop pod- Drop pod assault, krak launchers


5 Mor Deythan- 4 combiweapons, 2 plasmaguns
Shade- Meltabombs


Fast Attack:


2 Javelin Speeders- TL Lascannons, Multimeltas


4 Dark Fury- Raven Talons

Chooser of the Slain- Meltabombs


Heavy Support:


Sicarian Venator- Lascannons



Corvus Corax
RoW- Decapitation Strike.


All C&C welcome. Hope to round out some good lists from more senior RG players in 30k. Tank rush is over rated. lol

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Okay had some time after work, cooked up this:



RoW: Decapitation Strike
• Praetor – Artificer Armor, Iron Halo, Cameleoline, Paragon Blade, Melta Bombs, Combi-Weapon – 185pts
• Contemptor Dreadnought – 2x CCWs, 2x Graviton Guns, Drop Pod – 270pts
• Contemptor Dreadnought – 2x CCWs, 2x Graviton Guns, Drop Pod – 270pts
• Deathstorm Drop Pod – DP Assault, Krak Launchers – 145pts
• 10x Mor Deythan – Shade w/Melta Bombs, 10x Combi-Weapons – 300pts
• 10x Tactical Marines – Sgt w/Artificer Armor, Raven’s Talons & Melta Bombs, Vexila, Nuncio-Vox – 210pts
• 10x Tactical Marines – Sgt w/Artificer Armor, Raven’s Talons & Melta Bombs, Vexila, Nuncio-Vox – 210pts
Fast Attack:
• 7x Dark Furies – Chooser of the Slain w/Melta Bombs – 240pts
• Xiphon Interceptor – Ground Tracking Auguries, Armored Cockpit – 220pts
Lord of War:
• Corvus Corax, Primarch of the XIX Legion – 450pts
Total: 2500
So the Praetor rolls with the Mor Deythan all of them toting your choice of Combi-Meltas & Combi-Plasma (regardless it’s enough to make something very dead) and they infiltrate good and close. The Tactical squads infiltrate as well and get as close to enemy vehicles as possible so they can provide secure drop guidance for the two Contemptors who come in on turn 1. The Deathstorm is for sowing additional confusion on turns 2 and onward, while the xiphon is even more AT and provides AA for the force. Finally the Dark Furies deploy with Corax and will be assaulting the opponent by turn 2 with the goal being the annihilation of pricey enemy infantry.   
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