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2000pt Luna Wolves(Black Reaving)

Warsmith Manat-Yi

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I was fiddling with lists out of boredom and figured I'd post this durdly list to see what you folks thought. I liked the idea of massing insane amounts of attacks with reaver squads. Destroyers and Lightning were sorta tossed in for AT and so the moritat has a unit to roll with. I'd run this just for the chance to live the dream of a reaver squad charging into a unit already engaged with 75 attacks plus another 15 at I1 (assuming they lived). I figure Merciless Fighers is actually pretty good considering jump packs make the Reavers bulky. Also 50pts to give 15 marines jump packs? Yes Please.



+++2000pt Luna Wolves Aggravated Assault+++




Praetor- Artificer Armor, Jump Pack, Combat Shield, Paragon Blade, Power Fist

(Black Reaving)


Moritat- Artificer Armor, Jump Pack, Combat Shield, Volkite x2


Master of Signal- Jump Pack





Destoyer Squad- x10 marines, Jump Packs, Meltabombs





Reaver Attack Squad- x15 marines, Jump Packs


Reaver Attack Squad- x15 marines, Jump Packs


Reaver Attack Squad- x15 marines, Jump Packs



+Fast Attack+


Lighting Strike Figher- x6 Kraken Penetrator Heavy Missiles, Ground Tracking Auguries




It definitely is lacking in anti-tank presence, but hot damn it'd be fun to roll out almost 60 assault marines in a heresy setting. I'm sure some other legions do the assault marine blob better but Reavers seem like pretty fantastic units for cost if you run them in max squads.

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Guess this list won't last long. A few things.


Drop the powerfist an combatshield on the praetor. Give him an Iron Halo and Digital Lasers and Meltabombs instead.


Drop the Moritat and the Destroyers. They don't fit as good into the list as you might think.


Buy an additional Lightning. Give both of them 4 kraken penetrators, ground tracking and servitors. 215 then for each. Buy a Fire Raptor with reaper cannons on top. Hand out a powerweapon here and there. This way you might have a chance.


Every heavy tank should be killed by the lightnings. Every transport by the fire raptor and lightnings after they fired all their kraken missiles.


Target anything with ap3 or better blasts first. Especially Deredeos.

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I honestly just like destroyers and moritats because they're cool, but I do agree with the flyer increase. Make some actual use in their reserve rerolls. I feel like putting too many points into upgrading the Reavers is a bit excessive but I had ten points to throw around so I gave the leaderless unit a power weapon for the sarge. I still feel like I'd be better served running ravenguard or a similar high-agression legion, but I enjoy the flavor too much.




+++2000pt Luna Wolves Build 2+++




Praetor- Artificer Armor, Jump Pack, Combat Shield, Paragon Blade, Meltabomb, Digital Lasers

(Black Reaving)


Master of Signal- Jump Pack, Artificer Armor, Combat Shield, Power Sword, Meltabomb





Reaver Attack Squad- x15 marines, Jump Packs, Power Weapon, Meltabomb


Reaver Attack Squad- x15 marines, Jump Packs, Meltabomb


Reaver Attack Squad- x15 marines, Jump Packs, Meltabomb



+Fast Attack+


Lighting Strike Figher- x6 Kraken Penetrator Heavy Missiles, Ground Tracking Auguries


Lighting Strike Figher- x6 Kraken Penetrator Heavy Missiles, Ground Tracking Auguries



+Heavy Support+


Fire Raptor Gunship- Reaper Autocannon

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Drop 2 krakens on each lightning. Give an halo to the praetor, so he has a better chance to survive. Spend the 30 points on powerweapons. Give 3 to the unit without chars and 1 to the units with char.


If you face 4+ armies regulary, think about dropping one marine on each unit with char and use the points to buy chainaxes. 1 point per model is durt cheap, consindering the fact it is basically a half powerweapon. ;)


Leave a note in here how you fare wirh the list ;)

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Yeah, 6 Krakens is often unnecessary as you'll likely Missile Barrage 4 of them the turn it arrives. I'm liking the Phosphex bomb cluster as the 3rd choice, dropping them on the way through to your armoured target!


Chainaxes are also on the models, so if you take them you won't need to remodel chainswords onto them...

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I always figured chainaxes were a bit pointless when the majority of lists you'd be running into had 3+ armor or better. Who besides Solar Auxilia even has worse than a 3+? Renegades? Unfortunately I don't have a big local HH community so I really don't know what is generally common. I play against a Iron Hand's vehicle spam list, and a Salamanders army that always runs one unit of drakes. We're likely about to have a boom in popularity with the new plastic kits supposedly releasing next month though. 

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