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Crimson Slaughter painting

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Hello there, I recently acquired the Dark Vengeance starter set to add to my collection, but the painting tutorials I found were not in the exact coloring I desired. I never painted chaos before, and wanted to paint the crimson slaughter marines. Anyone know how to get the right colors for them?

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It will be hard to get the exact sceme as shown in pictures. I think they are probably Khorne Red with blending into lighter reds, maybe Mephiston, Evil Sun Scarlet or Wild Rider Red.... or I could be completely wrong!




Just had a look on the site, it looks like Khorne Red with Evil Sunz Scarlet highlights.

Nice to see someone starting up the Crimson Slaughter.


Here is my blog showing the work I've done on them. To be honest the reds are just Khorne, Agrax shade, going back to the Khorne base and working highlights from the rest of the GW red line. Pretty basic stuff.


Link: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/296907-prots-everything-crimson-slaughter-blog/?p=3812322

Hey Portu, I'm not a great man for highlighting myself and prefer to keep my painting more straight-forward. I went for a simple Mephiston Red basecoat and then a complete wash of Baal Red. For the gold/brass its simply Balthasar Gold in two light coats. All the Daemons are White Scar with a wash of Baal Red again and a drybrush of white to bring out detail. The bone is Ushabti washed with Seraphim Sepia and drybrushed again with Ushabti. For the eyes on the armour I used a dark blue (can't recall which) and then curved the shape with Temple Guard Blue. Any touching up on the red, due to my own sloppiness, was done with Khorne Red, as this is pretty close to the base and wash.

This is how it ended up for me




Hope this helps.


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