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Need ideas for mutant rabble IA13


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Hello my chaos friends.  My current traitor guard army is using FW torsos matched with cadian legs, arms and weapons.  Could use some ideas on what to use for mutant rabble. 


One idea I had was to use chaos cultist as the mutants.  They have a different look than FW/Cadian renegades and they sorta fit the BS2/WS2 stats that they have.  Cultist have a good mix of lasgun/autogun and pistol/ccw to make both separate melee and ranged units.  I have about 120 of these models and with a few head swops, different weapons, greenstuff, they could work out I guess. 


I also thought about using an Ork body and legs, chaos shoulder pads, and a head swop.  The size of these models would fit the nurgle FNP plague zombies for sure, but probably not a WS/BS 2 model.  Problem is any human size head just doesn't look right on the ork frame.  Thought about using beastagor, minotaur, or possibly rat ogre heads, just need to round a few up.


I'd like to stick with GW models, not a fan of most other companies complete models, bits are a different story and always fair game!  Thanks in advance.





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I also thought about using an Ork body and legs, chaos shoulder pads, and a head swop.  The size of these models would fit the nurgle FNP plague zombies for sure, but probably not a WS/BS 2 model.  Problem is any human size head just doesn't look right on the ork frame.  Thought about using beastagor, minotaur, or possibly rat ogre heads, just need to round a few up.



Games Workshop did sell a conversion pack, back 2002/2003?  For the 13th Black Crusade world wide campaign that had a mix of Ork, Kroot.  Also included the classic Chaos Possessed spure which I think still on sale over on the Games Workshop web site.  As part of the Lost & the Damned army list from the Eye of Terror codex.

Other kits I'd look that would be the Dark Eldar Wracks & Empire Flaglents (sp?) for bitz.  Also check out the Daemon range, Slannesh Daemons for the claws, Nurgle Daemons for arm's, guts, horns, etc...


If your looking for further idea, I'd check out John Blanche article in the White Dwarf's over the past few years.  White Dwarf May 2013 has some cool conversion by Mark Bedford where he use the current Chaos cultist models for Nurgle & use parts from Beastmen, Undead (Corps Cart) & sculpted parts by green stuff.  Also useing the claws from the Slannesh Daemons. 


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