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How the enemy see us...


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I was browsing the GK forum the other day and came across this. It's basically one of their players asking for tips against us. Have to say, I always find these perspectives interesting, even if they aren't entirely accurate.


What do you think about these type of threads?

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By reading at how they "cry", i wonder if they open their codex and read it well...for my main opponent being a Grey Knight, i can say that they have a lot of possibilities to counter us easily.


Dreadknight poping at turn 2 shooting with Heavy Psy-Cannon + Heavy Flammer.

Psychic Bang from every Grey Knight unit. (Its a real Shadow in the Warp....and don't even mention the Librarian Teleport.)

Str6 ap3 weapons all the time, with Instant Death when they are lucky on psy rolls...or when they have Librarian with them...

The almost unkillable Paladin. (But you can use Seth as a BeatStick if you charge first....tycho is fine too thanks to is 2+ =) ).





(No Bashing in this post^^, i just remembered some "things" that happened in previous games^^, and for the Psy-cannon, it's because we are mad having none^^.)

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One thing that intrigues me the most is that people fear things we take for granted.


For example, our BSF grants us the infamous +1 INT on the charge but with it being one of four Detachments we can choose from, it's rarely a straighforward choice. Don't get me wrong, when our Codex dropped everyone was taking it but now people have strayed towards the FTSF, ASF and even gone back to the CAD. Then there's our Formations, the majority of which don't include The Red Thirst and our "uber" Formation certainly doesn't have it. I would even suggest that those who still use the BSF are supplementing it with other things to the point where it's barely a threat, let alone a tactic.


Interesting how Dreadnoughts and jump units are feared and yet there's a huge concern amongst our Frater about fielding them these days.


... and so on. Threads like these are fascinating as they explore the psychological mindset of an opponent which allows you to try and intimidate with a unit you may well have overlooked. There's so much more to this than rolling dice.

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Personnaly, i use the Flesh Tearers detachment, so i never have the +1 initiative^^.

Also, Grey Knight have saw their codex being weakened too by the Space Marine one, like us. Their situation is different, for being a completely different kind of army, but there is a parallell.

By the way, Grey Knight are interresting ennemies, that can bring a lot of surprise and fun to a game...even, if, like us, they would need 1 or 2 "New" units for adding more diversity of gameplay. (By the way, they can allies more easily than us, fluffly speaking of course^^.)

In fine, i think that focusing on the Grey Knight exemple isn't really relevant, for, 3/4 of the others army ram into us like freaks....and i won't even know what the New tau think of us....nor the Dark Angels and they "OP" overwatch.

"Bashing ? Me ? I'm French ! When i turn on the TV, i see/hear french bashing everyday^^" (And apart from the insecurity of some places, french are friendly, Friendship is magic right ? arf, but...magic is heresy, no ? Well, after all, brothers of the blood, the inquisition is already on us unsure.png )

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Interesting read over at GK. Personally I think we're on par power level wise with GK, but it's partly because we're good at killing other marines. I find non marine armies much nor difficult in a TAC environment, but I think we're one of the worst armies when it comes to having access to super cheesy stuff...



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Quixus is right, our only cheese comes at a hefty price tag.

...Unlike the new RG formation mellow.png huh.png unsure.png wacko.png dry.png furious.gif

Int5 is super strong and Jumpers mean that we usually are the ones charging. I think because they are fielded less people aren't as experienced with them, so there is some fear there.

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Gk shunt and gate around the board like crazy but we're one of the few armies that can match there pace and still assault them with greater I, plus when playing Gk we can out number them 2-1 in a lot of games Dante + a character with relic blade and a jump pack, two full assault squads and tactical squad will hold there own against them for 1000pts with room for upgrades, won't be easy but will hold its own

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