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What are some good fast attack options?


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I currently own a squad of 5 Assault Marines (That I can also field as Death Company) and a squad of 5 Bikers (2 Plasmaguns, 2 Bolt Pistols and 1 Sergeant with Power Sword). I really like speed when it comes to armies so I was wondering what some of the best fast attack options are for Blood Angels.

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Ironically, the best use of our fast attack slots is slow. Meltacide squads are just about the only thing I use in fast attack. Bikes are effective but not fluffy and are usually taken in a unit of 3 with 2 gravs and a combi-grav. Speeders are also pretty cool, ad are las-plas razorbacks.
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Ironically, the best most efficient use of our fast attack slots to deliver melta into our opponent's deployment zone is slow. Meltacide squads are just about the only thing I use in fast attack. Bikes are effective but not and fluffy and are usually often taken in a unit of 3 with 2 gravs and a combi-grav to maximise the salvo nature of the grav gun. Speeders are also pretty cool, ad are las-plas razorbacks.


Fixed that for you ;)


There's no need for such absolutes. Meltacide is clearly not the best option if you wish to get into assault fast.


Bikers are a good bet. They are actually faster and tougher than assault marines, and have the same number of attacks on the charge, due to hammer of wrath. Plasma and Grav guns deal with 2+ saves that BA have trouble dealing with elsewhere.


I swear by my units of attack bikes, althogu hthe changes to jink have nerfed them somewhat.




Captain, bike, storm shield

priest bike, vitae

bump up the number of models in your bike unit.


I'd also look at getting that ASM unit up to 10 man,if you want them in combat, or at least getting 2x meltas on them.


As per Paikis, Las/Plas razorbacks can move 12" and shoot both weapons, while ferrying a squad of troops.


If you are using a Combined arms detachment, rhinos can move 10 scoring bodies 24" per turn.


Also consider drop pods.

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I enjoy taking units of Grav bikers to support my DC/Sang Gaurd. Draws some fire away from the assault units plus it's Grav on a mobile platform.
That and the aforementioned Landspeeder w/ Typhoon Missile Launchers is just great. It's flexible and and can shoot both its weapons while still moving 12". It is basically made of paper though, something to always remember.

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Bikers are great as FA choices.  My preference is Plasmaguns and a Power Fist.  Others prefer Grav Guns and Combi-Grav.  Take your pick.


I would also consider using the FA slots for delivering things that can't normally take Drop Pods as transports, such as Terminator Squads.

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For me I usually go with 4 man bike squad, 2 grav or plasma and combi, 4th bike is a meat shield more than anything. Nothing worse than loosing a special weapon turn 1


Melta or plasma suicide assalt squads in a pod is always strong.


If you know you vs a few flyers the xiphon is really good but is very weak defensively. Very much a glass cannon.


Assalt ram is also fairly good and quite fun to use with its crazy large blast melta gun

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The drop pod with a 5-man assault squad replete with melta is a good value for the points. The limited mobility after deployment isn't great though. I wouldn't take one unless the plan included a few more or supporting elements. 


Other armies might do bikes better, but bikes are surprisingly tough with versatile shooting options. To be honest I even use them to just tie up units till the death company can get there.  For me mobility is huge. It means I can get units to help each other and react to the enemy very fast. I like the idea of bringing 1000 points to bear on the enemy's 500. I can kill more efficiently, and they can't shoot back as efficiently. Well, there's always the idea of quickly rushing out to grab objectives too. So with the movement and the toughness I find bikes do a good job. 


Landspeeders seem like easy first blood to me. But, I've lost games to landspeeder armies. Play them in such a way that they aren't a target priority and they seem to do alright. I also like the really fast movement. Turboboosting up a flank will force decisions--even if speeders don't bring that much firepower.


Fast attack pods can hold some decent allies. That's all I've used them for. As above it's a neat idea for terminators (I wish a sanguinary priest would fit). I suppose you might also use them to incorporate some deployment options as it's not a dedicated transport, if you had extra fast attack slots free. 

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Has anyone got any experience with the Javelin Attack Speeder from IA:2? I just bought 2 land speeder typhoons from ebay and afterwards discovered that these things existed and might start proxying them. You pay exactly the same points as a normal land speeder typhoon and gain +1 to front and side AV, twin-linked on the missile launcher, outflank, and can take 2 hunter killer missiles for the cost of a melta bomb each. It seems like they are a just straight up superior to the codex land speeders except that you can't take them in squadrons, and they have the relic of the armoury special rule, so you need a chappy if you want multiple.

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After much playtesting i really feel the meltacide squad is overrated, there is so much stealth, shrouded and jink in the current meta. It counters expensive mech quite well, but except for IK's and cheap transports they are a rare sight. Thats not to say they are bad, but i feel they are better on paper then in practice.

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I've taken meltacide pod three times; once they blew up a Predator turn one before it had a chance to fire, next they took out an Annihilaton Barge (took a couple of turns due to sneaky deployment protecting rear armour) and the third time they were less useful due to facing Chaos Daemons with no vehicles. But two outta three ain't bad! Plus in all cases they didn't get immediately smulched - they went on to remain a nuisance to units other than their primary target. I find their reliable deployment for melta invaluable, especially for the price.
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I've taken meltacide pod three times; once they blew up a Predator turn one before it had a chance to fire, next they took out an Annihilaton Barge (took a couple of turns due to sneaky deployment protecting rear armour) and the third time they were less useful due to facing Chaos Daemons with no vehicles. But two outta three ain't bad! Plus in all cases they didn't get immediately smulched - they went on to remain a nuisance to units other than their primary target. I find their reliable deployment for melta invaluable, especially for the price.


Yeah i guess it depends on local meta. I  sadly never see Predators/Land Raiders or other normal tanks on the table anymore. Mostly cheap transports or transports that can jink. They are really cheap so thats nice, i personally prefer Rhinos for more durability and mobility, but it will take a turn or two before they get in good spot. I'm not saying the meltacide pods are bad, just when codex hit there was a general agreement that they were the best unit in the book due to the point cost. But it's still a 115 points that either have to suicide or contribute very little vs many matchups. Free fast Rhinos quite useful even when facing non mech lists as they can screen, block and move around if there is nothing to shoot at.

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