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Looking for Advice with building a Traitor Imperial Guard

Warsmith Uveron

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Hey all.
First let me introduce myself, I am a Unrepentant Heretic who is building a large Chaos Force (See my Plog Here). After a Year and a bit of working on my marines I am now turning my attention to my Renegade Militia..  I have a pile of Imperial Guard a few bits of Armor (and will list my collection tomorrow).
Anyway, my gaming group just decided to start an escalation league starting next month!  SO I have about 3 weeks to get my 500pt army organized (and fully painted).. (I will be using the list described in IA:13, but It tactically like the IG so thought I would talk about it here…)
Currently I am thinking about a list that looks something like this:
- Renegade Command Squad- Carapace Armor, Banner of the Apostate, Command Vox, Shotguns.
- Renegade Infantry Platoon, -
Command Squad (10 Men), - Demagogue, Heavy Bolter Team, Chaos Sigil. –
2 Infantry Squads: (10 men), Chimeras, Autocannon Teams, Flamers 
- Renegade Mutant Rabble (10 Mutants). 
1 Bastion, No upgrades.

So, what advice do you guys have! 

Your models look nice, but I'm not sure about your intended build. You mentioned using the Guard but your list is an IA heretic one?


Yes it is using the IA one... but Tactically the Guard are very close. (I will also be starting a very similar thread in the Renegades sub-forum).


Anyway, the models I current have assembled. 


-Command Squad, Banner, Coms, Plasma Gun. 

- 1 Psyker

- 5 Enforcers (with a mix of weapons)

-23 Cultists 

-24 Guardsmen (One with a Flamer, one with a Icon, 4 with mutations) 

- 5 Grenadiers (Guardsmen with Hellrifles, + 1 Vollygun)

- 6 Veterans/Stalkers + 4 Snipers (Guardsmen set up to be inflitrator types, 2 could carry special weapons)

- 8 Squad Champion types (with a mix of weapons)

- 4 mortar heavy weapon squads

- 2 Auto cannon squads

- 1 heavy bolter squad

- 1 missile launcher squad

- 4 Chaos Spawn. 

- 2 Chimeras with heavy bolters. 


There is a mix of painted and unpainted in the collection, and a hole pile of bits that I can make more stuff with, but for the first 500pt list I would prefer to limit painting and assembly until I have finished the Call of Chaos.   


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