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(doing template form for the bare bones, will get rid of it when i start putting the meat on) 

Name of Primarch: Metheus Sa'Tal (now led by Neacho Zuvassin)

Faction side: Neither, The Silent Laughter took their own side and preceded to attack loyalists and traitors alike, often at the same time, whenver given the oppurtunity. There are uncomifrmed reports that a strike force were at Istavaan V

Colour scheme 


Silent Laughter

General Background


The Silent Laughter were once members of the XI legion before it was shattered. When the Emperor tasked the XI and the VI Legion to destroy the rogue II legion. Metheus initially accepted his mission as he had to, but when faced with having to kill his brother he refused, despite his brothers every intention of killing him. Russ stepped in and decapitated the rogue Primarch, Metheus left disgusted by the actions of both his brothers and withdrew inwards, taking his Legion with him back to their home system. Metheus refused to take any further part in the Great Crusade and for this was sanctioned. Once again Russ's dogs would go to war to destroy a legion. In the ensuing chaos of the sundering of the XI a group of 3500 led by Neacho Zuvassin managed to flee the destruction of their home and retreat to the warp rift designated The Wilderness. During their journeys in the Wilderness they found Malice. Re-branding themselves the Silent Laughter they have taken a vow to never speak again until the traitors and loyalists are both destroyed

Notable campaigns/battles

Notable characters


Neacho Zuvassin was the Terran born Chief Praetor of the XI. He had distrusted the other legions his entire life and even harboured the smallest spark of resentment for his own Primarch. When the VI came to destroy the legion, Neacho, who had been using his distrust of the other legions as a way breeding resentment against them,  took this opurtunity to both vindicate himself, and also to lead those like minded marines with him. While incredibly large and slow outside of battle, this is little more than a faccade, as during battle he revels his true prowess with his favoured weapon, a dual bladed scythe named the Dao. Striking quickly and with precision, he cuts down his foes in mere seconds. The Dao itself is a strangeness, when first wielded by him it was a simple glaive, in honour of his Primarchs favoured weapon. As he continued to fight though his style changed and he added a second blade at the haft of his glaive, creating a double bladed sycthe. Now as a champion of Malice, one blade is deamonforged, with the abbility to rip small tears in reality, the other blade is forged with a daemon of Malice, and such closes the holes created by the first blade. It is also anthema to daemons meaning no matter the foe. Neacho is prepared 

Battle cry/catechism
Any other pertinent information

Edited by EesiOh

Name of Primarch: Metheus Sa'Tal (though they have renounced him and are led by Neacho Zuvassin

Is this supposed to be the Primarch of the II or XI legion? What does making your warband scions of the lost legions add to their story? Why doesn't anyone find out their origin?


Name of Primarch: Metheus Sa'Tal (though they have renounced him and are led by Neacho Zuvassin

Is this supposed to be the Primarch of the II or XI legion? What does making your warband scions of the lost legions add to their story? Why doesn't anyone find out their origin?


I started writing this not realising how little time I had before I needed to go somewhere hence nothing really posted, im fixing all that now

Name of Primarch: Metheus Sa'Tal (though they have renounced him and are led by Neacho Zuvassin

Is this supposed to be the Primarch of the II or XI legion? What does making your warband scions of the lost legions add to their story? Why doesn't anyone find out their origin?

Metheus Sa'tal is the Primarch of my selfmade XIth Legion. As I am still working on it and didn't post anything by now, Eesioh's Silent Laughter's fluff is all you get to read by now. smile.png

Eesioh and I agreed that he can make a warband which was once part of my Legion and I will integrate his warband in my fluff.

@Eesioh: how about your fluff is the "official" (as besides the Primarchs and Big E himself no one knows what really happened to the II and XI legion) which was told by Big E and Leman Russ to the other Primarchs and my fluff is the truth that will never be told.

Besides that I like the idea of your warp rift and those dual bladed scythe. Sounds quite badass. smile.png

Edited by Kelborn

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