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Prescient Knights?


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I accidentally (on purpose) just got myself an Imperial Knight who will probably be stomping out to help my BAs in the not too distant future. I plan to magnetize it but I can see myself going for a Crusader in a fire-support role. Avenger, Battlecannon and Ironspear missile pod is a whole heap of AP3 shooting on a durable platform that cannot be stunned, immobilised etc.


The BAs provide plenty of AP2 for vehicle/MC killing with a couple of meltacide squads, a grav bike squad and a sprinkling of inferno pistols. A Death Company or 2 will chew through any chaff or horde units that get in the way.


The brings me to HQs. With a whole lot of points tied up in the Knight (especially if I am running a Crusader), I am seriously considering investing in a Divination Libby to cast Prescience on the big fella. With all that dakka, those re-rolls look like they would come in very handy.


Is it worth getting a dedicated Libby for this role? I would probably put him on a bike or give him a Jump pack to ensure he can keep up with the Knight. Either way there should be a suitable squad for him to join (either DC or bikers). Anyone else had experience of this? Is it worth the points to boost the Knight's shooting further or is it overkill?

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Sounds pretty fun to me! And flexible, the Libby can do other things if/when needed - especially with the mobility of the jump pack / bike. Jump pack might be better so he can join jump DC / SG.


True enough, although i don't want him getting so far ahead in his rush to reach combat that he leaves the Knight behind rather than vice-versa. ;) On the other hand, a Fearless, FNP bodyguard is probably a good thing to have around.

I think that keeping him cheap is probably the key to success. A Jump Pack, Level 2 and a Force axe should be sufficient. Veritas Vitae might be nice if I have no other character to act as Warlord. Should I consider Galian's staff?
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Here's a few thought just to get the brain juice flowing.


Bike is mandatory in this case.


Divination powers are good, but Prescience is a 2 warp charge spell, ideally you want to throw 4 dice at it. Which means you probably should upgrade to lvl 2 to make it worth while.


Outside of Prescience there's not many spells that benefit a Knight, the only two I can think of are 4+ invul, which you get on one facing already, and make all shots against a target unit rending, and doesn't one of the guns in the loadout you're suggesting already have rending?


So, tangent. Instead of a Libby let's take the following


Tech marine, harness, bike, servitors to flavour


Captain SS, bike.


Tech marine has 2+, LoS ap2 onto captain. Conga line servitors, run them closer if you don't need to repair Knight. Keep tech marine in base2base with knight, repair lost hull points. Servitors increase roll for repairs and can act as ablative wounds.





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Interesting. A Techmarine and Servitor retinue come in at a similar points cost to the Libby. It is quite handy to be able to to regain lost hull points but that is all that they can do and the Techmarine needs to stay in B2B with the Knight to do it. The Libby only needs to stay within 12" and can cast other powers either on the Knight or on his own unit if that would be more beneficial.

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This is why Bike is essential. Only the techmarine needs to be in B2B, so you can conga the servitors out. Also as a sit back and shoot knight load out you shouldn't need to move it much anyway.


My concern with the Libby is that you'll have a lack of WC points and the scope of powers that affect the knight are limited, meaning you're pretty much trying to push a square peg in a round hole.


I'm not saying TechMarine is the best option, just that it plays to the strength of the knight while adding durability.



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