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30k jet bikes counting as 40k bikes...?


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Ok, so, when the FW HH stuff came out I just knew I had to have some of it. Originally my plan was to do an actual 30k force (was going to be Dusk Raiders), but I underestimated how little hobby time I really have and my Blood Angels needed too much stuff themselves. So, I have gradually been incorporating my FW stuff into my BA force. One thing I really love from HH is the jet bikes and I have three.


Do you think anyone would object to me using them to proxy normal bikes in games?!

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My Thought :


Remember that in 40k, few chapter still possess either the technology to craft jetbike or a little stock of jetbike.


So like many "Chapter Relic" Jetbike are rare and by definition are more the lot of Chapter Master. But it may not be uncommon, on exceptionnal times, that a chapter master and his honor guard unlock such precious artefacts....


For myself, i can imagine that you can negociate this with an well-minded opponent. If you possess a Sammael Model at hand, it would be even better since you could designated him as a chapter master for the exact point cost than in the Dark Angels Codex, and add his "honor guard" using the SM : Codex Honor Guard units as basics for the 3 others bikers.


Edit : I think that everyone will be ok at you using those jetbike like normal bike ingame. (I may be readed your post the wrong way^^).

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When these first came out at GD 2012 (or whenever it was) I was literally fifth in the queue at the FW stand. So I can arguably claim to own the first BA Jetbike! That aside, here she is:

One very belated kit bash for the Librarian Conversion Challenge. Provided I get that far, this and a squad of bikes are penciled in for my third ETL vow.



Left side:




Right side:




Parts used:

  • Legion Scimitar Pattern Jetbike
  • Heavy flamer from the second edition Predator Annihilator kit

  • Space Marine Bike legs and left arm

  • Blood Angels Death Company shoulder pad

  • Second edition Character arm should pad

  • Staff and torso from the Grey Knights box

  • Tactical box right arm

  • Head from the Grey Knights Terminator box

It's only a little bit longer than a regular bike so it's not like you're modelling for advantage or anything. Also, they have a different seating position to normal bikes so a simple swap isn't straightforward. Just use the Mk IV models that come with it thumbsup.gif

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That is SO awesome Jolemai!


My main concern was over size difference so I'm glad to hear they're not that different. Can always measure from base if people complain.


But your conversion has clinched it, and I will definitely be doing some with close combat weapon arms now I've seen it (on the MKIV legs as you suggest).


Grav for the front gun I guess??

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Jet bikes are awesome, i'd have no problem letting anyone proxy them.


maybe a storm bolter in the weapons mount to represent the twin-linked bolters. 


jolemai that model looks cool to me, but my girlfriend seems to think it looks like something else in the front view lol
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