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Kauyon crusade...


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It's coming so might as well start pondering it now...


What do the new formations from kauyon bring for us with our Black Templar chapter tactics? Admitting that several of them are not fluffy, but neither are the gladius formations very fluffy for us. So I pose the premis of this discussion to be about the new crunch in our tool box more than fluff. (Tho fluff is still permissible as a topic, but most of it will be obvious already)


I saw a turn off arrival assault from deep striking formation that seams very good and fluffy for us!

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Shadow Force. 1 vanguard, one sternguard, one landspeeder, one captain. Everyone has move through cover, outflank, scout, and acute senses. Everyone also gets to reroll run moves, which is awesome with 3 die obviously. Attach the captain to a crusader squad of 20, and then have as many people as possible show up in the enemies backfield. Glorious. 


The ones which require scouts are unfluffy scout wise, fluffy when it comes to assaulting. I imagine people will end up justifying it sometimes. After all, someone has to do the chapter's scouting. That being said, it is a thorn in the side. Like the gladius. Use non templar units, and gain great bonuses, or stick to our colors and suffer for it.  

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the only thing that has the ravenguard chapter tactic limitations is the talon strike force, which is a replacement to the gladius. Also, anything that requires a 1captain or 1chaplain can be substituted for Grimaldus or Helbrecht! Just think, Helbrecht leading a crusader squad inside a LRC and outflanking it or scouting it up to guarantee that turn 2 charge.

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There are some really great formations here that are easy to fit into lists. Shadow Force, Ravenhawk, Raptor Wing, all great formations. The only thing off limits to me is anything that requires scouts. Bladewing sounds like it's right up our alley, unfortunately it doesn't give any bonuses to CC so not sure how useful it will be. 

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It's small enough you could run two of them and attach both captains to another crusader squad. 500 for 2 crusader squads, 200 for 2 captains, 220 for sternguard, 220 for vanguard. Throw in a techmarine HQ, you've got maybe 800 points for more support and upgrades. Would crush most Gunline armies. If it's not a gunline army, you don't have to outflank, just use the scout. 

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They demoted Helbrecht to a Captain. I guess that explains the lack of Orbital Bombardment laugh.png

Just deep strike, drop pod, scout and an itty-bitty teeny-weeny bit of infiltrate.

~slowly slaps the paddleum into the palm of his hand~

Go on...

Pedro is in there too. It's because the Chapter Master entry no longer exists, it's an upgrade for the Captain, hence Named CM's should be able to be taken. ;)

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Man. A fully loaded land raider crusader outflanking sounds broken as hell!

don't forget, it has acute senses as well. And if you're taking helbrecht, which honestly you should be with this combo. You'll have fleet and hatred the turn you want to charge.

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