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Kauyon crusade...


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Blech, Tactical Squads. :P

Yeah I know. We kind of have to take all formations with salt nowadays... Especially all of the core ones...


Seriously if the black Templar chapter tactics simply said "can substitute crusader squads instead of tactical squads in any formation...". We would be golden!

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Blech, Tactical Squads. tongue.png

Yeah I know. We kind of have to take all formations with salt nowadays... Especially all of the core ones...

Seriously if the black Templar chapter tactics simply said "can substitute crusader squads instead of tactical squads in any formation...". We would be golden!

Or we can just continue to prove our superiority by annihilating the enemies of the Imperium without fancy, silly toys for the Codex adherent lot. :D

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Yes, we can do a variety of things with a CAD. We can actually do more with a CAD now than we've ever been able to before. But there's no reason we should just be forbidden to use formations, which is the thing of 7th edition. Yeah, its never going to be 100% fluffy until they release proper Templar formations. But when is that gonna be? Will it even ever be?


Since it's likely gonna be a while before we get our own formations, if we ever even do, why not enjoy other ones that we can technically still take? The difference between a tactical squad and crusader squad armed with all bolters (which is perfectly fluffy for Templar no matter how you try to turn it) is minute. 


Some of them even allow us to do things that are downright fluffy for us, such as the shadowforce something or other formation, that gives a vanguard and sternguard squad scout. Since we don't use Neophytes for scouting, that is actually very fluffy for us, since swordbrethren were our only stealth tactics employing unit back in 4th.


EDIT: Probably came across as hostile, which was unneccessary.

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Could the BA use the formations?

If the BT can use it, would the BA be allowed?

They can take the units from most of them. For example:


Stormlance  Battle Demi-Company


HQ: Chaplain 105 Pts

-Jump Pack


Troops: Tactical Squad 205 Pts (x2)

-Drop Pod

-+5 Marines





Troops: Tactical Squad 200 Pts

-Drop Pod

-+5 Marines

-Heavy Flamer


-Combi Flamer


Heavy Support: Devastator Squad 145 Pts

-Drop Pod

-4 Heavy Bolters


Fast Attack: Assault Squad 135 Pts

-2x Meltagun

-Inferno Pistol on Sgt

-Power Sword


That fits the formation, but can BA use it?

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I, for one, hope GW releases a batch of formations for y'all. Not sure how beaky I could make them, but it will be a quaint diversion.


What do you Crusaders think of the formation where you drop in a dread and Sternguard in with a Stormraven? I mean, Sternguard are not as choppy as y'all would like, but having an Ironclad drop in will be hilarious. Also, the Stormraven can take Hurricane Bolters which, I believe, are a BT innovation. I believe a SR has Power of the Machine Spirit, so you can spread the dakka around. Plus, your opponent is gonna fire Interceptor? Now he has to decide between the Sternguard, the Dreadnought, or the Stormraven to shoot at.


Plus, Targeted Strike is fluffy for y'all. I mean, the formation chooses an enemy unit when the Stormraven drops in, and the formation gets to reroll failed to-hit rolls for the rest of the battle. As in, "Damn, I missed that filthy witch." "No, look again brother, the Emperor's will be done."

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I, for one, hope GW releases a batch of formations for y'all. Not sure how beaky I could make them, but it will be a quaint diversion.


What do you Crusaders think of the formation where you drop in a dread and Sternguard in with a Stormraven? I mean, Sternguard are not as choppy as y'all would like, but having an Ironclad drop in will be hilarious. Also, the Stormraven can take Hurricane Bolters which, I believe, are a BT innovation. I believe a SR has Power of the Machine Spirit, so you can spread the dakka around. Plus, your opponent is gonna fire Interceptor? Now he has to decide between the Sternguard, the Dreadnought, or the Stormraven to shoot at.


Plus, Targeted Strike is fluffy for y'all. I mean, the formation chooses an enemy unit when the Stormraven drops in, and the formation gets to reroll failed to-hit rolls for the rest of the battle. As in, "Damn, I missed that filthy witch." "No, look again brother, the Emperor's will be done."


Yeah I like that formation because I like all those units anyway, so why not benefit with some extra special rules? Also note that the formation doesn't require the Sternguard and Dread to ride on the Raven. So they could drop in via pod or even start on the board ;)

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You can't charge, no. You can drop in Combimelta Sternguard and an Ironclad with dual Flamers, to wipe a transport and its passengers off the table. The Ravenhawk Assault Group would be great in a Drop Pod list, with Locator Beacons on choice Drop Pods.


You are right. They do not have to start the game in the Stormraven. So you can pod in the SG and an Ironclad individually on turn 1 (given enough other pods) and have a Techmarine start in the SR. When the SR arrives, you can pick them (all, some, or other units) up and taxi them to their next assault. The TM can repair the SR or the dread in-flight, and he'll join any unit that embarks.


Also, the Kauyon fluff would have gone far better for the Imperium had a sizeable BT crusade joined the RG instead of the WS. Still, I realize the Tau have no witches, and offer no challenge in close combat, so y'all have other priorities.


Still, I truly hope the Sons of Dorn are called in when the next volume is published. Sure, bring in the IF/CF, but the BT too. Reprint the WL traits y'all got in that WD, but add formations and relics for BT and for CF. This would be where GW could do formations where a Crusader Squad could be substituted for a Tactical Squad. Read this last paragraph carefully GW, a product like I just described will be very profitable.

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But you are not allowed to attack after the Stormraven arrived right? (Deepstrike special rule)


I really liked the idea of deepstriking the SR. But without the option to attack in the same turn it comes in, it gets boring :/


No you can't charge, but it's because of the Reserve rules, not the Deep Strike ones ;)

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Sorry for rookie questions but some of these formation rules have perked my interest.


So takin one of the Raven guard formation makes them like an allied detachment right? Ie don't get Templar chapter tactics and should at least resemble ravengaurd?


Someone mentioned outflank on the shadow force I think it was? But it only lists infiltrate on data sheet? Or are the 2 combined nowadays?





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well, it gives you scout which allows you to scout/outflank/ all under 1 rule. And none of the new formations require you to be ravenguard/whitescars. Only their decurion style gladius strike force replacement requires you to be ravenguard/whitescars. So that means you can be a black templar or any other chapter and take the formations. Most of the formations even require a captain/chaplain that can be replaced with any of the named captain/chaplain characters from other chapters.

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Ah yes sorry scout not infiltrate, thanks for clarification on all questions, I've got some VV that are itching to assault the turn they arrive


Well they'll have to twiddle their thumbs for a turn because you can't assault out of reserves ;)

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Ah yes sorry scout not infiltrate, thanks for clarification on all questions, I've got some VV that are itching to assault the turn they arrive

Well they'll have to twiddle their thumbs for a turn because you can't assault out of reserves msn-wink.gif

I thought Vanguard Veteran units from the Shadowstrike Kill Team formation could assault the same turn that they Deep Strike?

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Ah yes sorry scout not infiltrate, thanks for clarification on all questions, I've got some VV that are itching to assault the turn they arrive

Well they'll have to twiddle their thumbs for a turn because you can't assault out of reserves msn-wink.gif

I thought Vanguard Veteran units from the Shadowstrike Kill Team formation could assault the same turn that they Deep Strike?

Yes but he was asking about the Shadow Force which does not have that rule

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Sorry yes the shadow force does not have that rule, I'm looking at a few of them, the one with 2 VV and 2 scouts is one that can assault from ds from what I saw online. Plus no scatter if within 9" of scouts or somethings to that effect


Edit: shadowstrike kill team is the other

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Ah yes sorry scout not infiltrate, thanks for clarification on all questions, I've got some VV that are itching to assault the turn they arrive

Well they'll have to twiddle their thumbs for a turn because you can't assault out of reserves msn-wink.gif

I thought Vanguard Veteran units from the Shadowstrike Kill Team formation could assault the same turn that they Deep Strike?

Yes but he was asking about the Shadow Force which does not have that rule

Oof. Cursed Raven Guard, with their Shadow-this and Shadow-that. :P

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