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Fallen Angel- W.I.P - 1st post updated.


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So in my quest for my new warband, with IW being on my mind for a while, I remebered about Fallen Angels.
Any thread on that matter around? Any cool conversions to show?
I have decided to go with a Fallen theme.
At least the Chaos Lord will be a Fallen. Also there is a DA player im my area. Just to bait him if nothing else.



A bit of Background on Ramael one of the Fallen Angels.

(Mind you tho I'm no writer, and this is just a bit of lore so i can work more properly on the warband identity. We all love a bit of fluff)


" The walls shook with the violence of the bombardment...

The Lion would not forgive Luther's betrayal...

In the shadow of the cell a lone figure awaited judgement...

Terran born, he had been a loyal son of the Emperor and his Primarch.

His loyalty brought him the chains that binded him to captivity...

He, with his loyal brothers, tried to warn the Lion of Luther and Astelan madness, but it was for naught...

They had failed, and those who had survived and been thrown to the deepest dungeons.

In the darkness, eons had passed, and the bombardment had not relented, in his fury the Lion would break the planet apart... 

The prisoner closed his eyes, and waited for the end with a prayer to the Emperor.

A nauseous feeling took hold of him and the prisoner opened his eyes. At his front stood Lord Cypher, behind him a barren wasteland."


"You have been away for a long time brother Ramael, we have much to talk..."



"Destination reached Lord!


Decades had passed since the encounter with Lord Cypher...

The Galaxy had changed in Ramael's absence... In a blink he had lost almost 10000 years...

Not only the galaxy had changed, his legion was changed too. He was now a fallen, a traitor to his Legion, but Lord Cypher gave him a mission, a purpose! He would not quit, he would not relent!

Looking trough the cam feed of his ship, he saw what once was Caliban...

His passage trough the system should be enough, the Unforgiven payed close attention to whomever passed close by...

Closing his eyes, he tough about Lord Cypher plan... It was a fools errand, but he would see it trough!

The Emperor had to die if Mankind was to be saved..."

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So in my quest for my new warband, with IW being on my mind for a while, I remebered about Fallen Angels.

Any thread on that matter around? Any cool conversions to show?

I have decided to go with a Fallen theme.

At least the Chaos Lord will be a Fallen. Also there is a DA player im my area. Just to bait him if nothing else.


If you check out the pinned Chaos resource topic under inspirational project.  There a link to ADB Blog where he talk about Eddie Fallen Angel army which is really great which has lots

  • Cypher using the Dark Vengeance Chaplain
  • Lords
  • Helbrute
  • Obliterators using Centurion models
  • Havocs mix with Dark Angels Veterans & Forge World

It a really great army, I saw it myself during Throne of Skulls September 2013.  Lot cool conversion & the Knight they've added to the army is mind blowing cool.


I've also added my own Fallen Angels to my Iron Warrior Grand Company/army log.  Cypher was inspired by Eddie.  I've use the recently release Chaplain model to bring back a old character use to be a big part of my army back in 2001.


There should also be a link there that will take you to a Cypher topic that started back when the dataslate was release as well, shown member different conversion & take on him.

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Now on my lap top, here the links to ADB blog


Few more when I was that Throne of Skulls Sept 2013 that Warhammer World Nottingham









My own Fallen Angels I built for Call of Chaos 2013





When I started my own Iron Warriors in 2001, there was a Fallen Angel Battle brother who was a big part of my army.  Since then I've been looking for way to try bring him back into my Grand Company & Games Workshop release the really cool Chaplain model :D




The first model & this one have always been inspired by the Fallen Angel from the Bloodquest comic book.



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May i ask what helmet is the Balthazar conversion using? Thats exactly what Im looking for. Crusader helmet with hood. (found it there is one in the veteran sprue)

I will just have one Fallen, my chaos lord. For the rest i will use regular Chaos Marines and cultists.

As always out of stock everywhere :/

Awesome looking collection there. I will shamelessly steal the color scheme smile.png

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I have been looking at the chest pieces and helmets tbh. My Fallen will be Terran born. One of those that stayed behind at Caliban.

A old school armour would look cool... MK2 crusader.

But due to the Setting some robes would look cool tho.

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May i ask what helmet is the Balthazar conversion using? Thats exactly what Im looking for. Crusader helmet with hood. (found it there is one in the veteran sprue)

I will just have one Fallen, my chaos lord. For the rest i will use regular Chaos Marines and cultists.

As always out of stock everywhere :/

Awesome looking collection there. I will shamelessly steal the color scheme smile.png

Dark Angels Veteran box set has that part


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A small test on my Lord:


This is just a quick mock up of what i want, and i will probably add a Chaos backpack. Maybe ill go for the crusader Helm with no hood. but i really think the hood would be a killer.

Just say with backpack as another chose - Games Workshop do sell the Cypher backpack on there web site. I think you get 4x Cypher backpack & 1x Bile backpack. Again just as another chose toward the model.

It'll be cool to see the finish Fallen Angel :D

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I looked at your gallery, and I want to offer some advice on photographing models. I hope you don't think it's rude of me, but I think you'll get more frequent and better feedback if your pictures are clear.

A cheap white poster board for a surface/backdrop, soft but bright overhead lighting (like a fluorescent light,) and elevating individual models on a white spray paint cap (for better angle options) goes a long way, even when using cheap cameras or a phone. Plus it's easier to manipulate the colours, brightness, and contrast in your favoured photo editing software if you eliminate "background noise" in your pictures. I don't do anything more for my photography background than use a pair of standard kitchen magnets to attach the poster board to my kitchen stove control panel so that it covers the stove top but bends upward to create both the surface and backdrop without any seams.

This was taken with a cheap, $20 camera using the above method and doing nothing more than bumping the contrast, cropping, and resizing:


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  • 2 weeks later...

So here is a quick W.I.P on my Chaos Lord.


I still don't know what i will do with them . But leaning Towards Word Bearers, or Alpha Legion or IW xD

Still trying to find that hooded head for my fallen.

Also with a bit of scraping im tempted to do an Argen Tal mini. mK4 with aquilla sword.

Used Warsmith Aznable advice for photo ;)

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