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Insurection on 4051


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HI Guys This is part of a peice I am writing to go along with a campaign a friend and I are doing. would love to hear your thoughts C&C is always welcome.






Torian waited at the top of the assault ramp. Behind him each member of Eisfaust warder Squad stowed weapons and secured themselves into their drop cradles. The air vibrated around him with the the cocoughany of a legion preparing for war. Engines growled and roared into life. He watched an Achilles Assault vehicle rumble across the launch bay towards a waiting transport. Legion ground crew dashed back and forth between vehicles making last minute adjustments and repairs, winching weapons into place under the wings of waiting drop ships.

From the far side of the hanger two figures  made their way towards him. Krause was unmistakable in his cataprachti plate. The other bore the black cross on white of the templars. The vaunted first company led by  Sigismund, guardians of the temple of oaths  and renowned throughout the legions for their sense of honour and prowess in battle. Torian had fought with them on many occasions and enjoyed a friendship with Sigismund from before lord Dorn had been reunited with the legion. As they came closer he recognised the personal markings adorning the templar’s armour. Helbrecht Schwarts herald of Sigismund.

Moving to the foot of the ramp Torian placed his fist over his heart in greeting. Helbrecht nodded removing his helmet.  He took a moment to survey the preparations going on around them before speaking. It is good to finally meet you Sgnt Torian, Sigismund speaks very highly of you. Krause laughed ive always said Sigismund has taken too many knocks to the head.  Tor, Helbrecht is going to join you for the drop. Try not to get him killed.  He turned and made his way towards his waiting stormbird.

Torian updated Helbrecht on the plan for the drop highlighting objectives and individual targets before taking his place for the drop. After stowing his weapons and fastening himself into the cradle he signalled the Pilot that all was secure. Krause voice boomed over the vox network. # These men have turned from the peace and prosperity offered by the Emperor. They betrayed our brothers who believed them worthy allies, They have no honour..  Dorn has proclaimed time and again that the lowest any man can fall is to betray his kin, There is no place in the imperium for traitors and heretics! We go to make sure this vile filth can spread no further...Today we go to cut the head off a snake.........For the Glory of the IMPERIUM!!#  Torian glanced across at Natalia Denisov who was  accompanying his squad. Her father was leading the insurection across the system. Her jaw was set rigid her face pale like the ice surface of Inwit. Eyes that appeared to look beyond the bulkhead of the gunship betrayed the turmoil within her. Torian was engineered to be an almost perfect weapon of war. loyalty and duty was all that mattered....But  in that moment he felt something for this woman was it sympathy??. How would it feel to have everything you knew, everything you believed in Ripped from you, your world flipped upside down, forcing you to fight against your own!. He dismissed the thought as quickly as it came it was inconceivable for such a situation to occur. He was ordered to finish her if she showed the slightest sign of hesitation or treachery. And he would carry out those orders the way he always had.

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