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The Blood Angels codex is bigger than you think


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Hi There 


I'm a blood angels player always have been always will be, i love their fluff, the models how they play on the table and i always stuck to the codex all the way through to 6th edition, but since 7th edition things have change we still have our great looking model and our awesome back ground and fluff but our codex is bigger than you think... 


we should look at our codex as though it encompasses all other marine books, detachments and formations with there own unique rules..


as marines ourselves all these detachments and formations we can use.... they'd just be red marines on the table i'd still always take my primary detachment blood angel.. i'm currently using the archangels strike force detachment with the skyhammer annihilation force and there all painted blood angels but each detachment has its own rules..


Any special units i'd paint them up like death company but most of the time red marine will do.


we are blood angel and we are marines we have loads of tools at our disposal to smite the enemy

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Personnally, the simple title of your topic made me laugh^^.


By the way, after reading your post, i think that you have some Corbulo Blood in you. Hope.


But it is good to hope, and as you will see on another topic were i responded to you about this point....We Blood Angels aren't bad, we are just in some dark time, but like the catch phrase say, "after the rain come the sun"....


For the Allies part, i don't crossdress my Exsanguinators. (You can loose yourself bit after bit, first you mix 75/25, second 50/25/25 and finally 25/25/25/25, you gain many options but loosed as much....). For myself, i'm one, not many.

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I get where you're coming from Antodeniel, yet I fear yours is the path to the Black Rage!


The point is, a formation doesn't have to be written in blood in the Blood Angels Codex for you to use it. Just because the Shadowstrike Killteam is in a book featuring Raven Guard and portrayed with models painted as Raven Guard, doesn't mean the Blood Angels can't adopt the same strategy in their warfare, and benefit from the same buffs.


Nowhere does it say 'models in this Formation must be Faction Raven Guard' (if even such a thing exists?)


You just need to broaden your mind!

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I always played with Blood Angels, I really like their fluff and colours.


I think we have some really good unique units, like DC, Fragioso with Heavy Flamer inside a Drop Pod, or our fast Vindicators. I really enjoy our codex.    


I know there are other codex that are better than ours, but I still think we have the options to make lists of competitive and fun army.

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