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I don't know where Excessus found his but I found mine over FB. msn-wink.gif

Yeah just saw your posts.

...Leaks of Forgeworld Stuff. I thought I'd never see the day...

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I don't know where Excessus found his but I found mine over FB. msn-wink.gif

Yeah just saw your posts.

...Leaks of Forgeworld Stuff. I thought I'd never see the day...

Oh ye of little faith.




Which is ironic when talking about Black Templars. :P

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yep, and this:





Also these:





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Received an email from FW regarding the paint schemes (both metallic and non):



Hail citizen of the emperium!

You have chosen a fine detail to adorn on your battle armour!I must warn you that the following concoction of paint to armour is not for the faint of heart.

I have attached the required scheme you have asked for.

Have courage though and the emperor will reward you for your devotion to the brush.
It would be joyous to see your progress as you work through your ranks.

Thanks again

Metallic Scheme:

It is black undercoat, airbrush with Iron hands FW paint leaving the lower parts of the armour plates black, airbrush upper parts of the armour plates with runefang steel as a highlight. 

Then a few thinned layers of clear red are airbrushed all over, waiting for the previous layer to dry before applying the next (so it would be useful to paint large batches of marines at the same time). 

Shade the recesses with nuln oil and then weather the edges with runefang steel. 

The gold is retributor gold, shaded with seraphim sepia and highlighted with runefang steel. 

The brass is runelord brass, shaded with seraphim sepia. 

The eyes are painted black, single line in the centre with white and then washed with FW clear green paint. 

The white on the bolters and legion icon is celestra grey, ulthuan grey and then white highlights. The hollow tactical arrow is from the Iron Warriors transfer sheet.

Matt Scheme

base coat: Khorne red.
Shade: Carrobourg Crimson

layering: of Mephiston Red 1:1 Lahmian Medium (this was done with 2 to 3 thin layers.)
Edge highlight : Evil Sunz Scarlet 

Base: Balthasar Gold

Shade : Nun Oil
Layer : Gehenna's Gold followed by Auric Armour Gold
Highlighted by RuneFang Steal.

Base: Leadbelcher
Shade : Nun Oil
Highlight : Runefang Steal 

Base : White Scar
Shade: Nun Oil
Layer : White Scar

Base: Caliban Green
Shade: Nun Oil
layer: Warpstone Glow followed by Elysian Green 
Edge highlighted, krieg khaki

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