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+ + + LEGENDS OF ANGELS 2015 + + +

Grand Master Belial

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The Inner Circle presents:


Sons of the Lion! It is time to remember the glory of our brothers past and present. From their efforts in battles past we may learn more about our enemies and how to defeat them. The Tower of Angels seeks the brothers of the Unforgiven to recount the tales they have learned and experienced for the benefit of their fellow brethren.


So arm yourselves with your quills and your cogitators!

Activate your savants and servitors!

Gather your thoughts and let loose the Scribes of Battle!



The Legends of the Angels is a Dark Angels Forum Event aimed at participants creating unique stories about a character, squad or chapter of the Unforgiven. This is being opened up to include the brothers of the Liber Forum to write about their DIY chapters and give them a chance to have their warriors written about and their victories noted.



1. Make an oath in this thread in the following manner:


I, <<your name>>, Scribe of the Unforgiven, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about <<insert character or squad here>>.





2. Write your story and submit it in this thread before Midnight of February 1, 2016. Works in Progress should be done in their own threads with the final submission posted in this thread. The Final story must be posted in full. Links to the WIP thread is NOT a proper final submission. This is to help create an Anthology of stories in each of the forums.


MODERATI REQUEST: I do not have the powers to edit a thread so can I ask a Moderati to clean up the thread to remove unnecessary posts so that after the completion of the competition it is nothing but the final stories?



1. The story should have a minimum 200 words Spell-check and grammar-check are highly encouraged and recommended.

2. Must include the Dark Angels (Legion or Chapter or any of their Successors Official or DIY). Allies are allowed to be included as well, but the focus should be on the Unforgiven. (Liber Forums is Exempt and may write about their own chapter.)

3. Optional: Include artwork or photos of scenes from your battles using your painted minis.

4. Optional: Include characters or squads that were a part of a prior Painting Competition or the Brotherhood of Angels Competition or MAY be a part of a future Competition.



  • A narrative of a squad or individual marine’s performance in battle (from one of your games).
  • A story taking place in the time of Horus Heresy, possibly a link to the BL books.
  • Fleshing out a story in the History of the Dark Angels (The Fall of Gideon - Master of the Ravenwing, The Subterfuge of Supreme Grand Master Anaziel and the creation of the Disciples of Caliban, etc…)
  • A story about one of the Heroes of the Dark Angels (Asmodai’s First Black Pearl, The Fall and Rise of Ezekiel, etc…)


The Shadow Guard’s simple steps to Fan Fiction:

  • Pick a model in your army, it doesn't have to be the commander nor your favourite model. It may be even a lowly neophyte or a veteran Deathwing Sergeant. 
  • Think of a game you played where this particular model did very well. Eg: A devastator lascannon marine who took out three tanks? A scout sniper who did the enemy commander in? A chaplain who led an amazing charge... you get the feel….
  • Write down how the battle took place building around the model in question.
  • Then go back and add some information about the early years and then follow up with the aftermath. 
  • Keep reading it again and again and you will find that you can add additional details to flesh things out and voila Luther's your traitor!! 


More food for thought provided by the Liber Astartes Forum

Thought Experiments

  1. A Narrative Shift
  2. A Hero's Fall
  3. A Progenitor's Judgement
  4. The Final Days
  5. A Breaking Point
  6. A Red Alliance
  7. A Bond Of Blood
  8. A Derivative Original
  9. An Unshaken Faith
  10. A House Divided
  11. A World Burns
  12. Of Different Blood
  13. A Different Time
  14. An Unexpected Battlefield
  15. A Sudden Change
  16. Where Were You
  17. Re-Evaluating Interests
  18. A Galaxy of Possibilities
  19. New Blood
  20. Up to Chance


Once you make your oath you may wear the following banner or module in your signature:


Once you complete your submission you will be given a chapter badge that you may wear the completed banner or module:


For those who have participated in the Brotherhood of the Angels competition can link their banners:



+ + + PRAISE BE THE LION + + +



  1. Aquilanus - LA - Angels of Salvation
  2. Carrack - DA - Brother Laviel, of the 3rd Company of the feared Dark Angels - STORY - Thread
  3. Cpt_Reaper - LA - Angels of Shadow, 3rd Company - STORY
  4. Dizzy eye - LA - Phantom Lions
  5. Grand Master Belial - DA - Naaman of the Dark Angels - STORY - Thread
  6. Grotsmasha - DA - The Heralds of Devastation
  7. Jbaeza94 - DA - Arbiter Sepetria of Legion of the Iron Lion, and his first Index of Judgment - STORY
  8. Mehman - DA - Eremite Heru'Ra Aquinas
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I, Grand Master Belial, Scribe of the Unforgiven, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about Naaman from my partially completed Chronicles of Naaman series.


Since I am running this competition, I better be a participant as well.

I, Jbaeza94, Scribe of the Unforgiven, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about Arbiter Sepetria of Legion of the Iron Lion, and his first Index of Judgment.


Arbiter = Chaplain

Index of Judgment = Black Pearl

Legion of the Iron Lion = DA successor chapter

I, Father Mehman the Scribe, chronicler of the Unforgiven and discoverer of the Triedes Sector, in the name of the Lion, make this oath of moment to submit a completed story about Eremite Heru'Ra Aquinas.

That was a harder decision than I thought happy.png!

A little over 24-hours in and we already have 5 participants (4 Dark Angels and 1 Liber Astartes)! This is a good start! Hopefully we will see more interest as the days unfold. 


Even though there are three months on this competition, try to get a general idea and maybe an outline done as soon as possible. It was intentional to have this run through the holidays which may allow most of us some time to ponder and write something before January rolls around. Feel free to toss around ideas if you are hitting the wall and getting writer's block. Others may provide the inspiration needed to get the story past a sticking point.

I'll throw out ideas about Arbiter Sepetria's story


After the Fallen was captured, he was placed in isolation aboard the ship and brought back to the Iron Lion's homeworld Invictus. There, Arbiter Sepetria, one of the newer arbiters to be inducted into higher echelons of the Senatus (Inner Circle equivalent), has been selected to bring judgement on the traitor. This will be his second attempt, and he is not confident in his abilities. His first attempt with a fallen was a failure due to his heavy hand and new found hatred for the traitors, he killed him prematurely without giving him the Final Judgement. With the help of the Emperor, the Omnissiah, and more senior Arbiter, Arbiter Sepetria will hopefully be able to pass Final Judgement, and speak a cheesy catch phrase like

"(Insert fallen name), I, Arbiter Sepetria, have reached Final Judgement and have found you a traitor in the eyes of the Emperor, the Omnissiah, the Lion, and Invictus. Receive pain where pain was inflicted to the Lion!" And with a with that insert a ritualistic blade into his hearts, or something like that. I don't know.

I've read the Legacy of Caliban series and Angels of Darkness, so I have sort of an idea of what interrogations would be like. Any other sources I could use?

I'll throw out ideas about Arbiter Sepetria's story


After the Fallen was captured, he was placed in isolation aboard the ship and brought back to the Iron Lion's homeworld Invictus. There, Arbiter Sepetria, one of the newer arbiters to be inducted into higher echelons of the Senatus (Inner Circle equivalent), has been selected to bring judgement on the traitor. This will be his second attempt, and he is not confident in his abilities. His first attempt with a fallen was a failure due to his heavy hand and new found hatred for the traitors, he killed him prematurely without giving him the Final Judgement. With the help of the Emperor, the Omnissiah, and more senior Arbiter, Arbiter Sepetria will hopefully be able to pass Final Judgement, and speak a cheesy catch phrase like

"(Insert fallen name), I, Arbiter Sepetria, have reached Final Judgement and have found you a traitor in the eyes of the Emperor, the Omnissiah, the Lion, and Invictus. Receive pain where pain was inflicted to the Lion!" And with a with that insert a ritualistic blade into his hearts, or something like that. I don't know.

I've read the Legacy of Caliban series and Angels of Darkness, so I have sort of an idea of what interrogations would be like. Any other sources I could use?


Maybe read some information about the Inquisition and what they put the Cathars through a few hundred years ago. It isn't for the squeamish. Also, a good thumbing-through of how colonists viewed the Americas and its inhabitants or of conquistadors and their views on conquest could help shape how your Interrogator-Chaplain thinks about the Fallen. As for some actual books or journals...I have them on another computer so let me see about getting that to you, if you're interested. If not, Wikipedia looks like your next, best thing.

Alright ladies and gents, let's throw out some ideas. Heavy comments and critiques very welcome!


So to know about Eremite Heru'Ra Aquinas is to know a little about my Unforgiven Successor Chapter: the Clerics. In a nutshell, they are a brotherhood pursuing Hermetic and occult works of ancient providence to better know how to destroy the Daemon and those that would treat with them. They have different names for each major grouping of battle-brothers (eg: Chaplains are called Shaitans, Company Masters are known as Emirs, etc) to confuse and confound the Arch Enemy. That brings us to the term "Eremite". They are the secretive hermit Librarians of the Clerics. These Librarians study the Great Work endlessly looking for any new clue to banish their hated foe back to the Warp that spawned them.

-Eremite Heru'Ra Aquinas-

Honestly, I haven't much on him at the moment. I never got around to playing the Clerics before I had to quit enjoying 40k on the tabletop. My Iron Hands got most of the narrative that was forged.

Here's my first question: Should I place Brother Aquinas in the Iron Hands Librarian's shoes, er, ceramite boots, and just re-use my last Battle Report? In that particular game, the Librarian did splendid and showed much valour as he single-handedly destroyed a foul xenos troop carrier that would have crushed his remaining forces.

The second question: Barring that, what should I do instead? Your opinions are very much welcome!

-Qadi al-Qoda-

There was a part of me that wanted to write a story about my Interrogator-Chaplain. That's what I refer to in my vow post as the "hard decision". In the end, I figure jbaeza94 will do a great job writing about his Interrogator-Chaplain and I want to read that with no bias. Plus, the Clerics are all about spookiness and what's better than a hermit Librarian to show off their magickal side happy.png?

Thanks for letting me ramble and get some stuff out there. I look forward to any help anyone can offer!

One thing about the hermit Librarian that puzzles me is how does he pass on the knowledge that he learns? Is there a Librarian Scout attending him like an apprentice or is there a small Cleric outpost nearby? It can be through this contact that the Xenos finds him but are not prepared for the crushing they recieve.


There is nothing wrong with using one battle report for another chapter.


Let me stew on this some more.

Uh, Brother GMB, you've taken the words out of my mind! To this point I hadn't thought about the apprenticeship but it makes complete sense due to the way the Librarians tutor the neophytes. This is a rough idea but here goes:

On the Clerics' thread/blog/whatever it is, the topic of how the way of Warp-bending is taught came up in conversation. The older Librarians teach the psychic-capable recruits by finding out how the young men will learn the best. There is no standardization like in other Chapters where the Librarians are all taught the same way and, if they fail, they get turned into servitors or something else entirely.

Yes, there are Librarian Scouts, as it were. Ah, this is what great C&C can do to the thinking juices! Hmm. A new model idea has just popped into my head.

Let me try something, ladies and gentlemen. Again, this is right off the top of my head so don't go easy on me msn-wink.gif:

-The Beginning-

The scene opens up with Heru'Ra Aquinas and his mentor, (to be named later), on a distant planet looking for a lost archive in the snowy pine forests. They enter into a building that has been left derelict after the mentor pauses and cocks his head. Aquinas feels a psychic pang as they halt in front of the building but, as he is but a lowly Librarian Scout, his excitement doesn't allow him further investigation into what his mentor is trying to communicate to him. The duo enter the structure and obtain what they are after. To the young Librarian in training it looks like nothing but an old, ruined book. As they leave with what they came for, the smell of ozone hits them like a wall. Something is out there but what could it be?


Eremite Heru'Ra Aquinas has led a small Strike Force to the more populated section of the Triedes Sector to look into a rumour of esoteric writings secreted within an old hab-block's cogitator. He feels the same psychic pang he felt decades ago when he was with his mentor for the last time on that xenos-ruled planet. This time he warns his cadre of the impending fight that is about to begin.

Alright, that's what I just got. It may be something or it may be trash. Have a look and see if you can dig it, everyone. I would appreciate it.

Again, thank you very much, GMB happy.png!

Okay, This is the Stub of what I started several years ago. I hope to complete this in the next three months. Let the C&C commence.


Chronicle #7: Deathwatch Naaman

Removed for the Final Submission.

I like this. We know Naaman has been in battle with the foul xenos upstarts, that he has been inducted into the Inner Circle, and he is on his way to serve the hidden will of the Imperium but with an agenda of his own. Barring some minor grammar mistakes, this is all very neat smile.png. I put a smiley face there because I don't want it to seem like I'm a Grammar Nazi and also to convey that I, no matter how much I loathe it, make them, too. That's a topic for further down the road.

This is me thinking a bit: is there a way we could know Brother Naaman is a member of the Deathwing, has fought the Tau, and is part of the Inner Circle without putting hammer to the words? I'm trying that in my own writing and it's really been pushing me further into the work to start layering visual cues instead of just telling the audience what I want them to know. For example, you could say he wears bone coloured armour of the vaunted First Company to signify his status as a Deathwing.

Along this same line of thought, his initial meeting with the Master of the Saints of the Angels reads like his cover has been blown as an Inner Circle member. There is no hesitation when he is confronted with the knowledge that the Master knows of Naaman's induction. It would be more believable, at least to me, that the traveler deny he has any knowledge of what the other is talking about, at least at first. Even though most every Unforgiven Chapter has an Inner Circle, I doubt they would be as open to each other when they first meet. The Master of the Fleet may well know that Naaman is an Inner Circle member from his superiors but would Naaman know that?

Feel free to disregard anything I've said for the good of the Imperium happy.png!

This is actually a series of chronicles and oddly enough, the prior chronicle is about Naaman serving in the Deathwing against the Tau. 


I'll bulk up the Saint's dialogue to help explain how he knew about Naaman. 



Naaman is not openly showing his Deathwing iconography because there is a rumor that a Fallen has joined the ranks of the Deathwatch as a Black Shield. The subterfuge has been deemed necessary to determine the success of the secret mission. I am also trying to set him up to want to join the Tenth as a Vet Sergeant.


Footsteps echoed through the halls of the dungeon, loud and metallic. To the untrained ear, it would sound like one man, but in reality it was two, in near perfect synchronization. One wore a bronze suit of armor that glimmered with the torch light, and a black cloak that seemed to absorb all light. On his head sat a beaked helmet, but this was not the corvus, it was different. It was shaped after the mighty Invictumos eagle's skull. The other wore a dark gray suit of armor, a black, floor length loin cloth hung from his belt. On his head was a helmet with the face of death. Atop his power plant sat a silver and bronze balance scale.


They had been walking in complete silence for quite a while, until the bronze armored warrior finally spoke

"Something is bothering you Sepetria. You are unusually silent, speak your mind"

"It is nothing master. I am just reciting the Litanies of Justice"

"Ah yes, preparing for the fallen angel. Even still, you remain very silent."

"Master," Sepetria hesitated, "my first encounter with a fallen angel did not go as planned. "

"I remember. You killed him in 3 hours."

"I was disgusted to see the traitor master, I was a bit heavy handed, all I wanted was to see him dead"

"Sepetria, you are now an indoctrinated Arbiter, your job is not to kill, but to bring judgment to the fallen angels. You are to draw a confession by any means necessary, so that we may restore the primarch's honor," said  his master harshly.

"Yes master."

"Sepetria, you are feeling doubt in your abilities to lead the fallen angel to Final Judgment, am I correct?"

"I am an Arbiter of the Legion of the," Sepetria was interrupted.

"You are an astartes, you were once a man. We all feel doubt, that is the reason the chaplaincy was established, to maintain high spiritual health."

"Master, I only worry to fail the primarch once more."

The bronzed armored astartes stopped, and Sepetria stopped as well when he noticed him, confused. The astartes raised his right hand and showed it to Sepetria.

"What do you see Arbiter?"

Quickly Sepetria said "Master, those are five your Indices of Judgement! The most of any Arbiter. A true blessing of the Omnissiah's iron"

"You miss my point Sepetria," the master shook his head, "you are amazed by five bionic fingers, while I see only five bionic fingers."

"I don’t understand."

"Do you really think I've only interrogated five fallen angels? Most fallen angels brought here will die in this damp dungeon before they confess." The master continued to walk. "This fallen angel will die here too, but whether he confesses before hand, that is up to you."

Sepetria quickened his pace to catch up to the senior Arbiter, and fell in step besides him. And once more, two sounded like one. Screams and curses could be heard getting louder as they approached their destination. When they reached the cell, Sepetria reached for the key hanging from his belt. He stepped in front of the door and inserted the key, and everything, including the fallen angel, fell silent

"Glory to the Emperor on Terra," said the master

"May His will be done," said Sepetria

"Praise be the Omnissiah,"

"May His iron provide the way."

"Honor the Primarch,"

"May He always guide us."

And with that, Sepetria turned the key and entered the cell, shutting the door behind him.

"Ah yes," laughed the fallen angel strapped to the table, "I have heard of your kind, the so called Interrogator Chaplains. I was wondering when you would arrive"  he said smugly.

And with a powerful strike that broke the astartes' cheek, Sepetria responded,

"I am no interrogator. I am an Arbiter of the Legion of the Iron Lions. I am a judge of Invictumos. I am justice. And you will face Final Judgement."


Comments? Remarks? is the closing line too cheesy? I hope this sets the tone for the rest of the story, and what you gents could expect to see.

  • 3 weeks later...


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