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Venator's Blood Angels - WIP!


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I've decided to set up a painting log.  I've just been to Warhammer World and have decided that I actually want to build an army (with paint on!) as opposed to staring at half painted projects...  I might even get to have a game once in a while that way as well.  I've only ever played one game so I'm hoping this thread will be a combination of both my painting and gaming failures!  


Painting is not my strong suit.  I always found it depressing to compare my stuff to the awesome mini's on here - so I've decided to aim to better myself.  Please help B & C - you're my only hope.....


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This is my test mini,  If you would do anything different please tell me.  I'm worried he's a bit too orange for a Blood Angel.....


On the plus - he was relatively quick to paint!



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Sorry for the lack of WIP...I shall keep better logs in the future.  I've also got a Razorback 90% finished.  Would you change/add anything?   I'm going to try and spray it gloss to add a few transfers before spraying it matt.  The Blood Angels transfer sheet is awesome BTW incase you haven't got one yet....http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2376_zpsf6vfsm8l.jpghttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2377_zpswzbzlsyp.jpg

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The marine looks awesome, I would say your painting is a strong point! You have a good understanding of light and shadow and the edge highlights are nicely done.


The tank would benefit from some decals, and also some weathering - sponged on paint chips perhaps and some pigment powders on the bottom half - quick to do and very effective.

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I think your painting looks great. Theres room for improvement but an army painted up to that standard would look awesome on the battlefield.


If i where to nickpick i would do as LutherMax says on the razorback.

It might be the picture but the eye lenses on the marine could use a little something. Maybe just a dash of wash?


Keep painting. You're doing great! Looking forward to see more.

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Thanks for the advice guys.  What pigments would you recommend using?  I've taken a close up of the eye as it didn't photograph well. Would you go with a green wash or maybe black to try to increase the contrast? 




These guys are still WIP.  I still need to pick the eyes out and finish highlighting.  I've tried adding a mixture of purple/blue/brown washes to the end of the flamer for a burnt effect.  I can just about see it, but I'm not sure if I need to make it stronger...What do you think?



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Your painting is much cleaner and more controlled than mine, and your colors are a great complement to each other. You're doing fantastic. I would add a tiny bit too the bases to make them look more realistic, like tiny pebbles, some spotty grass, a single rock behind/in front of them, etc. It would compliment such artisnal models.
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Thanks for all the kind words guys. Its great to get feedback on my BA's. I cant believe how much it motivates me to actually paint instead of procrastinate! I shall try and get the Razorback sprayed gloss this weekend so I can add some transfers and weathering to it. I should also probably do something with the blood drops....

Without further ado - tonights progress! http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2389%201_zpswp6qwj3a.jpg

I'm not completely sold on the Forgeworld brass etch symbol on the left knee. What do you think? Should I order a new knee pad on eBay? I'm going to try and spray a blue/white effect onto the blade as shown on the box, hence the distinct lack of paint. Slowly, slowlybiggrin.png

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Your tac squad is stunning, the edges really pop. I especially like the purple tear drops on the bolters. The etched brass looks fine to me on the dread. The razorback could do with some typhus corrosion and agrax earthshade love, looks far too showroom ready for the 41st millennium!
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Has anyone ever used a flex-i-file?  I showed a friend a couple of weeks ago and he was very impressed as he had never seen one.  Its probably my most useful tool.  I'm happy to provide a review if anyone would find it interesting....

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Really great job you did there. I actually got a questions. How did you do the base? it looks simple and really good (just what I need for my Grey Knights)


Thanks - the bases are really easy to do.  I first glued a layer of GW sand onto the base.  I then primed it.  You can use any colour to do this, but I went for grey.


I then painted the sand with vallejo model air German Grey.  I then applied a liberal coat of Agrax Earthshade.  Once that was dry I dry bushed the top with vallejo game colour Cold Grey.  The rim was painted vallejo game colour Earth.  I've then placed few GW Middenland tufts on them.  Done!

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This is a flex-i-file. I've had mine for about two years.  I've checked and it looks like you can buy them for about 14 pounds from eBay.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2391_zpstscbnpn2.jpg


The metal bar is fairly springy and can be pushed together to release the sand paper.  You get different a mixture of fine, course and medium in a pack.  You can buy additional paper separately.  


It is excellent for sanding mould lines on a curved surface as the band matches the contour.  Barrels, legs, backpack vents and heads are just some of the things I use it for.



If the paper is too wide to sand the area you can cut it down to size.  It sounds simple but it works incredible well.  Another excellent example was getting rid of the mould lines on Forgeworld Assault cannon turret as you can thread the paper between the barrels and gun support.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2394_zpsbb8v36aq.jpg

Hopefully that all makes sense....

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Cheers guys!


I killed an hour on my commute home tonight by building my first five hundred point list.  I've never got any games in with my BA before.  I suspect its not the most competitive list - but hopefully it will act as a good building point for larger lists.  Without further ado.....


Librarian Dreadnought




Tactical Squad 5 Men

Combi flamer

Heavy Flamer

Razorback with Assault Cannon.


Tactical Squad 5 Men

Meltagun/Multimelta <-----I cant decide!

Combi melta

Razorback with Assault Cannon.


Do you think this is a good building block?


I'm planning on then adding a Sicaran with armoured ceramite, bumping the Dread to Lvl 2 with a heavy flamer.  I'd also give him a Lucius drop pod to ride in! That should take me to 750.... 

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My progress seems to have slowed a bit the last few days.  I have finished my biggest kit to date though...



I've just about managed to cram everything I have ever painted into it as well.




I'm holding off on spraying everything gloss/matt until I've finished painting my tactical squad.  I have managed to get most of the last four assembled.


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The dreadnought is coming along as well.  I'm not sure if the red looks good though.  The red is the only finished thing as it were.http://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2431_zpsuijxnjt6.jpghttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2432_zpsj9mptd0w.jpghttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2434_zpslan2vp9e.jpghttp://i102.photobucket.com/albums/m106/Seaspray99/IMG_2433_zpsj7eq9i24.jpgDoes it match the Razorback or should I strip it?  It's your call Brothers......

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