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Gw test art


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Not sure if im allowed to post this, the email i was sent didn't say you couldnt ... just wanted to share with you guys.

This i was a test I did for Games-Workshop for freelance work fingers crossed but i haven't heard anything.

CC WELCOME!!! biggrin.png

Gw test Robert Bushfield

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Thanks for the kind words guys, definitely going to do more warhammer paintings, its so exciting painting things ive seen in my imagination while working on my armies, if you have an inclination for painting 2d stuff you should definitely give it a whirlwind!


I thought about the eye line and design of the marine as well, keeping a literal adherence to the brief made it complicated. It all came together in a way i was satisfied with, like kastor kreig mentioned the marines head position works in context. Ironically the Ultramarine's pose harmonizes for me,  their concept being the most "practical" of the marine chapters. 


@ prot i did the image in Photoshop, also; love how clean and crisp your armies look.

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While the piece is very nice, I agree with CaptainStabby. It feels off because he's looking away from the ork that's charging him down. My only other critique is that the marine is bringing his fist back to punch in a stance that implies that he's been stood still, so when this combines with the helmet position, it gives him an odd dynamic. 

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  • 3 months later...
I particularly like the battle scene. The tone reminds me of the older 40k art. It's a shame you haven't heard from them considering your work definitely fits the setting better than the more cartoonish art GW has been using in their most recent books.
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