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How to flay flesh/skin? I mean Paint! Paint Flayed Flesh!


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Hi all,


I have been trying to come up with a good recipe for the flayed flesh tunics/jerkins worn by the Emperor's Children Noise Marines, as per the picture below:




My current sequence goes:


Khemri Brown base coat

Tallarn Flesh wash/thin layer

Flayed One Flesh wash/think layer

Gryphonne Sepia wash


Im not too convinced with the final result but will live with it if needs be. However, I would like to know what those frater who indulge in such painting practices do for their flayed skin schemes. Photo evidence is more than welcome. Ill try and get some on here myself too.







I think it depends on the look of the skin; old and cured/leathery, dried, fresh, yellowed, etc... 


My usual recipe is Talarn Flesh basecoat, Kislev Flesh layer, Reikland Flesh wash, Kislev Flesh highlight in a more streaked fashion. If I want to go for a more dried out or pale look I use elf flesh as a final highlight, while the one time I went for a yellowed look I think I did some washes of snakebite leather or something. Usually though I keep it fresh and line the edges with Bloodletter glaze so its been recently removed, as well as Blood for the Blood God as they just flayed someone and stuck it on their armour.


Fresh w/ blood



Fresh with no blood









I'm not sure there's another thread on this forum that screams "Night Lords assemble!!!"quite like this one does.


I usually do kislev flesh x2, wash with sepia x2, re highlight with kislev and then blood for the blood god around the edges.


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