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Fellow BA, where do you stock on Grav weaponry?


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I'm kind of old school, for me Bike Squads are and will remain Plasma platforms.  That said, I'm kind of stuck on where I should add some Grav weapons in my force.


I've had the idea bouncing around in my head for a while and the only sensible thing to do for BA seems to be giving my Tactical and Assault Squad Sergeants Grav Pistols instead of Combi-Plasma/Melta.


What have you done with grav weaponry?  Who takes them, how useful were they?

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I cant say I have been using it since I had only one game with the list; however I have used mine in the  Sky hammer formation, coming T1,  10 man devs with  50:50 MM and Grav Cans, combat squad-ed for maximal pain, with 3 grav cents with Servin Loth droping in T1. They took 2.5 WK's on that turn, it is deadly.

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I just build 5 Combi-Grav Sternguard. Will play them along with 5 Combi-Melta in Pod for Combat Squads.




I also use them on jump/podding Comand Squads with SS. They do their job. But are not as effective as grav biker or centurions. But my main gaminggroup-meta is not that competetive.



I must say that my Grav Command Squad has already done wonderfull things. Like wrecking a Landraider, killing Chaos Terminators  / Obliberators / some rhinos. Pushing a Deamonprince to ini 1 is always gold. :D

they also soak up some high DS fire.

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I've recently added 3 centurion that I'll be allying in for some mass grav firepower and they'll go in a fast attack drop pod, possibly with a sanguinary priest for the FNP. As much as people love grav on bikes, the difference in sheer firepower has made me turn to centurions. Centurions churn out nearly triple the amount of shots than a grav bike squad and also reroll wounds, and with the omniscope can be targeted at 2 different units which is amazing. Being able to put them in a pod also solves their slow movement problem and makes it almost impossible for the opponent to deny you shooting at your desired targets. Yes they are very expensive, but when there's a whole load of death company flying up the board, it's going to be very hard to completely deal with both threats and hence adds good target saturation.

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Combi grav on a scout sergeant (infiltrate + scout) gives you a chance at a stationary shot. I use my scouts as a sort of low-point harrassment/distraction unit.  Though it is bringing some grav into the game, I use them more for capturing or holding objectives, or other miscellaneous tasks as opposed to part of a concentrated assault or shooting element. Like most others here I caved in and magnetized some biker arms to get mid-level grav shooting ability. And, like stated above, I agree that the hardcore grav is probably in the allied skyhammer, centurions, or kataphrons. I did try grav in combat squaded tactical squads, but it wasn't terribly successful.


I think there is a good argument to be made for a grav pistol as it is concussive while still allowing you to charge. I could see a well timed multi-pronged assault benefiting greatly with grav support against big targets. Pricey though...

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My only problem with Grav is that it is too strong. When we ally in centurions I feel we cheapen blood angels as a whole, the damage output is too much.


I'm all for red Marines, I just think super reroll grav cannons are a little op.


I'd rather ally in Kataphron servitors as something a little different!

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So far I have the capability of fielding two grav-bike squads. I have made the odd list with a grav pistol on either an IC or a Meltacide Sergeant but so far it the pistol is little more than a bonus. I have yet to try the Scout Sergeant with combi-grav idea that was sounded out previously (and above), or the gunslinging VAS that I love the concept of.


I have never stripped a HP off a vehicle with grav weaponry. In fact I do more damage tossing krak grenades inthe shooting phase. Also, as much as grav eats MCs, GMCs are a pain with FNP :/

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My only problem with Grav is that it is too strong. When we ally in centurions I feel we cheapen blood angels as a whole, the damage output is too much.


I'm all for red Marines, I just think super reroll grav cannons are a little op.


I'd rather ally in Kataphron servitors as something a little different!


The Centurion allie scome with the tax of an inferior Tactical Squad so it's really fair.


So far I have the capability of fielding two grav-bike squads. I have made the odd list with a grav pistol on either an IC or a Meltacide Sergeant but so far it the pistol is little more than a bonus. I have yet to try the Scout Sergeant with combi-grav idea that was sounded out previously (and above), or the gunslinging VAS that I love the concept of.


I have never stripped a HP off a vehicle with grav weaponry. In fact I do more damage tossing krak grenades inthe shooting phase. Also, as much as grav eats MCs, GMCs are a pain with FNP :/


Your points are exactly why I would really NOT make dedicated Grav units with massed Grav, but rather spread it out around as flavor to ICs and Sergeants in the form of Grav Pistols.  I find massed Plasma is leagues better than massed Grav in most situations..  But that's just me.  I'm in the process of changing all my Sergeant combi weapons to Grav Pistols.

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So far I have the capability of fielding two grav-bike squads. I have made the odd list with a grav pistol on either an IC or a Meltacide Sergeant but so far it the pistol is little more than a bonus. I have yet to try the Scout Sergeant with combi-grav idea that was sounded out previously (and above), or the gunslinging VAS that I love the concept of.


I have never stripped a HP off a vehicle with grav weaponry. In fact I do more damage tossing krak grenades inthe shooting phase. Also, as much as grav eats MCs, GMCs are a pain with FNP :/


Your points are exactly why I would really NOT make dedicated Grav units with massed Grav, but rather spread it out around as flavor to ICs and Sergeants in the form of Grav Pistols.  I find massed Plasma is leagues better than massed Grav in most situations..  But that's just me.  I'm in the process of changing all my Sergeant combi weapons to Grav Pistols.



It really depends on your meta and how versatile you want your TAC lists to be.


For example, Meltacide frequently comes in two forms: the Sergeant either has a combi-melta or two inferno pistols. However, there is a third version which sees you switch out one of the inferno pistols for a grav pistol. This allows for more versatility for times when opposing armour is light and MCs are more prevalent.


A typical bikes squad is 2 grav guns, combi-grav, melta bombs and a MM Attack Bike (163 points) - with more red shirts if points allow/only one squad fielded. However, you can shave off five points by switching a grav gun out for a melta gun and then all of a sudden your bike squad can more reliably handle both MCs and armour.

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I am rebuilding my bike squad with grav guns as this seems the most effective place to put them. I am not a huge fan of plasma on bikes as you risk killing an expensive biker with every overheat. I put plasma in squads that already have rapid-fire weapons (normally Tacs or Sternguard) where not being able to fire and charge will make little difference.


Salvo benefits much more from Relentless than Rapid Fire.

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I've recently been playing with;


Captain, Bike, Arty Armour, Storm Shield, Combi-grav.

3x Bikes Grav, Grav, Combi-grav. Added Attack bike with Multi melta.


Priest, Bike, Valours Edge, Cobi-grav.

3x Bikes Grav, Grav, Combi-grav. Added Attack bike with Multi melta.


One on each Flank. They absolutly Wreck Face.


Of course I've been playing alot of Tau and Grey Knights, so grav is especially awesome.

If I was playing Orks or Guard I obviously wouldnt go down this road.

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