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"We Will Die on Our Feet" - ElectricPaladin's Salamanders

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Well, here's some more pictures for you: the first two models built on the base of Betrayal at Calth.


Chaplain Consul




Apothecary Consul






And just for fun - a cyber-familiar for my forge lord, made from a Lizardmen skink (plus some other bits and bobs).



Interesting swap on the BaC captain! Where did you actially switch the chainfist out? It looks pretty seamless.


This is unrelated, but it appears the pictures have decayed in your KoB thread, which is a shame. It'd be interesting to see those if you get them up and running again.

The narthecium was surprisingly easy, actually. I just clipped down the shoulder until I could cram it in there... and then I clipped off a little more until it sat the same way the other (unmodified) arm did... and then it was done!


I'll be back to that thread... eventually...

The shield is coming along nicely.


Now, I'm trying to decide what should be my next purchase... a second rhino, obviously, so I can transport my two necessary tactical squads in style. But what else? The spartan assault tank is awesome, but also really expensive, and I don't have any firedrakes to put in it yet, just ordinary cataphracti terminators. The land raider proteus is an awesome kit as well, but it's probably not going to see any real use until I have pyroclasts to put in it. And the land raider phobos (ie. mkiib) kit is the most versatile, but it's also the one I am least excited about, probably because it most closely resembles the modern land raider kit that I've already built umpteen million times.




I'm going to have about $150 to spend, though obviously I'm willing to go a bit over for the sake of making the order worth my while.

Updated shield. I like it a lot better now - it looks more organic and less like the armor. The brown undercoat works really well with the wash to give it a really "animal" vibe, rather than the armor's "green but still basically made of metal" appearance.




Not sure if it's done though. I don't want to do any more green drybrush because I don't want to bring the tone up too far.


Also, a quick question re: spartan assault tanks.


Is it really worth it to field them as the transport for a giant tactical blob? My 40k experience has taught me to save land raiders and their variants for big expensive assault units, like terminators... but I've always liked the idea of putting a scoring unit into a scary vehicle to increase its utility (and maybe the forge lord above can ride with them to repair the spartan from the inside and really annoy my opponent?). In 40k, though, it rarely seems worth it... does the tactic work better in 30k?

Almost done...




I added OSL from the glowing sword, as well as the glowing coils on his chest. I think I'll add some light yellow highlights in the areas hit by the strongest glow, just to break up the orange a little, but other than that, I think he's done... comments?

Brother I will be honest. I think you may have overdone the OSL. Was really digging the model before.


Still watching this closely as I am also going to do Salamanders with my BaC box. Keep up the good work.


I'm still struggling with OSL. It felt really weird to not do any, and then when I looked it seemed like the light would fall on... well, almost everything, given where he was holding the sword. I added a little yellow, so at least its more varied. I think I'm going to call this guy done, though. If at some point I get better at OSL, I'll just strip him and start again. The model is almost entirely metal (exceptions: backpack, sword hand, shield arm and the shoulder pad on that side), so it would go pretty quickly. TL;DR version - I'm not sure I disagree with you, but I'm going to move on with my army.


Anyway, my next attempt at OSL will be my terminator apothecary consul, and he's holding his sword out in front of him with his arm extended, so there will be a lot less OSL to worry about.



Brother I will be honest. I think you may have overdone the OSL. Was really digging the model before.


Still watching this closely as I am also going to do Salamanders with my BaC box. Keep up the good work.

I'm still struggling with OSL. It felt really weird to not do any, and then when I looked it seemed like the light would fall on... well, almost everything, given where he was holding the sword. I added a little yellow, so at least its more varied. I think I'm going to call this guy done, though. If at some point I get better at OSL, I'll just strip him and start again. The model is almost entirely metal (exceptions: backpack, sword hand, shield arm and the shoulder pad on that side), so it would go pretty quickly. TL;DR version - I'm not sure I disagree with you, but I'm going to move on with my army.


Anyway, my next attempt at OSL will be my terminator apothecary consul, and he's holding his sword out in front of him with his arm extended, so there will be a lot less OSL to worry about.

I think it might be that the paint went on too thick, all you see is the orange in some places, where you should be able to see the armour paint through the light. But I am terrible with OSL so I tend to just avoid doing it.


As always it is interesting to see how your army is progressing as we both started Salamanders at basically the same time.



Brother I will be honest. I think you may have overdone the OSL. Was really digging the model before.


Still watching this closely as I am also going to do Salamanders with my BaC box. Keep up the good work.

I'm still struggling with OSL. It felt really weird to not do any, and then when I looked it seemed like the light would fall on... well, almost everything, given where he was holding the sword. I added a little yellow, so at least its more varied. I think I'm going to call this guy done, though. If at some point I get better at OSL, I'll just strip him and start again. The model is almost entirely metal (exceptions: backpack, sword hand, shield arm and the shoulder pad on that side), so it would go pretty quickly. TL;DR version - I'm not sure I disagree with you, but I'm going to move on with my army.


Anyway, my next attempt at OSL will be my terminator apothecary consul, and he's holding his sword out in front of him with his arm extended, so there will be a lot less OSL to worry about.

I think it might be that the paint went on too thick, all you see is the orange in some places, where you should be able to see the armour paint through the light. But I am terrible with OSL so I tend to just avoid doing it.


As always it is interesting to see how your army is progressing as we both started Salamanders at basically the same time.


I used to just avoid OSL, too... but I loved the paint job on his sword so much, and it was so bright that it seemed weird not to do some kind of OSL.


Anyway, I'll keep that in mind next time. The trouble with the really thin glaze of paint is that it ran all over the place. Less dilution gave me more control, but there you have it.


Anyway, he's the forge lord. It's a super powerful power sword. Everyone else's will be less bright!

I've been thinking about it, and I've decided to change how I'm building my power armor infantry. I just don't think that I really need more than one veteran tactical squad. When I noodle around making lists, I never seem to find room for more than one of them. I tend to spend my Elites slots and points on firedrakes, or ordinary terminators, or Fast Attack and Heavy Support choices. If I planned on running Pride of the Legion a lot then maybe... but mostly I'm going to run Covenant of Fire.


So when I get my next BaC box, I'll build another ordinary ten tactical marines with bolters (so I can do a big 20 man squad and another 10 man squad). I'll build a couple of heavy bolter guys, a couple of flamer guys, and a couple of meltagun guys and a spare combi-melta guy, so can field my veteran tactical squad with a variety of different gear.


And the remaining three guys? I'm not sure yet... maybe I'll make them into apothecaries? I have a lot of spare apothecary bits from back when sanguinary priests were an Elites choice. With all the other stuff making Salamanders more durable, it seems like putting FNP on my squads is probably a good idea. Or maybe I could make a librarian... I bet I could use the Salamanders brass etch I've got and some other random bits to make a pretty cool librarian...

Honestly less OSL is best. Just a little around helmet lenses or on the chest of a plasma gunner. Or just the weapon itself.


For your guy maybe a little on his helmet side facing the sword and the shoulder pad.


That's how I'll do guys in the future. Like I said - I'm going to call this guy good enough for my first attempt at OSL in a long time, and I think that alongside the rest of the army, with more modest OSL elsewhere, he'll look more striking than exaggerated.


Also, while I agree that it's a bit overdone, I do think that it's less overdone in person. The camera seems to exaggerate the contrast.

Another consul made out of the terminator officer from my second BaC box. 




My original plan had been to make my second terminator officer a generic badass with a sword and a shield who I could field as a champion or a praetorian... but then I broke down and bought the two-praetor kit from Forgeworld. So, I decided to make another forge lord, this one in terminator armor and with a conversion beamer. I figure he can hang out with the shooty-terminators from BaC. A conversion beamer, a couple of 3++ storm shield bodies, and a couple of reaper autocannons should make for a decent mobile firebase. The firedrakes, when I get them, can get a transport and deliver crushing assaults!


Anyway, I've got servo arm and conversion beamer bits on order from eBay (my phone tells me they shipped today), so I'll come back with more pics when he's finished.


And yeah, I noticed that the greenstuffing in his shoulder is going to need a little smoothing out.

  • 2 weeks later...

Second Forge Lord nearly done. I've decided that the conversion beamer needs a little more greenstuffing on the juncture between the servo-arm bit and the weapon bit.



  • 2 months later...

Liking the Sallies dude!

Any more progress? After all I'm gonna need something to grind my axe on when I move out here! msn-wink.giftongue.png

Yes, actually! I'm almost done with my first tactical squad, then I'll move on to their ride. And I've been making intermittent progress on my fellglaive...


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