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Angels Fury formation


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Hello brothers,

maybe this has been around, however I am not able to find it anywhere

I have a few questions in regards of this formation;

First of all,how does Augur Triangulation ( charge after coming from DS if in range of 2 tely homers) work? Does it mean you need to be 9" from 2 sarges? Do the Ravens count (Tacs still embarked)?

Second, does this formation gives charge to a dread in a pod that drops 9" from those homers?

Third, how good you find it? Did anyone had any success with it?

Thank you



I mean it is very appealing to me, since it can be nasty yet having enough troops to play with :)

Or even better 5TH/SS in DP comming T1 biggrin.png , could they get charge out of DP if they come 9" from the ravens?

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First of all,how does Augur Triangulation ( charge after coming from DS if in range of 2 tely homers) work? Does it mean you need to be 9" from 2 sarges? Do the Ravens count (Tacs still embarked)?


Normally when there is a "bubble" effect, you measure from the hull of any vehicles the model in question is embarked on. If the Tacs are still embarked, you would measure 12" from the hull of the Ravens. If the Tacs are on foot then 12" from the Serg.


Second, does this formation gives charge to a dread in a pod that drops 9" from those homers?


It is 12", not 9" but yes, a Dread would be able to charge. Drop Pods are open topped so models inside would normally be able to charge after disembarking from them if not for the specific restriction of DS.


Third, how good you find it? Did anyone had any success with it?


I have not seen it used much since it is expensive (both £££ and points). The formation costs about 1000 points before upgrades and then you need to take something with it to actually do the assaulting. You need to be playing games close to 2000 points to make it work or the "tax" of 3 ravens and 3 tac squads are more than the value supplied to the rest of the army.


Some people were reluctant to field it in initially as it felt a bit naughty.


Then the Skyhammer formation arrived and we realised everyone had way better toys for DS tricks than us. If you already have the models, give it a go as it is hardly over-powered in the age of unkillable Necrons and Eldar infantry running around with Destroyer weapons. If you don't have the models yet and are looking to add a high-powered alpha-strike, get an allied Skyhammer formation.


Skyhammer is easier to use and none of the models really count as a tax. The assault squads are not as good as our Elite assault units but they are good enough to tie up 4 enemy units for a turn and prevent them shooting which is all out DC and Sanguinary Guard need to get across the table and start laying down the pain. Plus you have 2 Dev squads with Relentless for a turn who can lay down some serious Grav or Melta death.


Try running Skyhammer + Mortalis formation. The skyhammer gives you the alpha-strike, 3 squads of DC give you some serious muscle in combat, the Storm Raven gives you air support and the DC Dreads give you a second wave to clean up any units that are too tough for the DC to kill quickly.

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It is 12", not 9" but yes, a Dread would be able to charge. Drop Pods are open topped so models inside would normally be able to charge after disembarking from them if not for the specific restriction of DS.

Not on the turn the open topped vehicle arrives from reserves. It is unclear whether units embarked in a transport in deep strike reserves also are in deep strike reserves.

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It is 12", not 9" but yes, a Dread would be able to charge. Drop Pods are open topped so models inside would normally be able to charge after disembarking from them if not for the specific restriction of DS.

Not on the turn the open topped vehicle arrives from reserves. It is unclear whether units embarked in a transport in deep strike reserves also are in deep strike reserves.


Hmm, I suppose I can see the reasoning although I am not entirely sure I agree with it. If you have a squad in a drop in Reserve, where is it if not in Deep Strike Reserve?

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First of all, thank you very much for help and clarification !

Second, does this formation gives charge to a dread in a pod that drops 9" from those homers?

It is 12", not 9" but yes, a Dread would be able to charge. Drop Pods are open topped so models inside would normally be able to charge after disembarking from them if not for the specific restriction of DS.

Yet this is very confusing for me smile.png so if the pod drops 12" from 2 ravens could the passenger charge due to the formation rules?


Scratch that; think I have found the answer; this is quotation from the official Drop Pod Assault: "Drop Pods and units embarked upon them must be held in Deep Strike Reserve"

So I guess if u get termies in pod they can charge out of the pod turn they come moreover if they get the +1I formation this can be nasty smile.png This means T1 charges for some nasty stuff (DC, Termies) or even ASM with +1 I

Been thinking and you might be able to get some solid lists out of this:

Baal Strike force:


Priest ~WL


8xDC (FIST, PW) ~ DP1

8xDC (FIST, PW) ~DP2

5x VV (dual LC) ~Priest joins ~DP3




3x DP (1-3)

Angels Fury:

3x SR (MM, AC)

2x 10 Tac (melta,MM)

1x 10 Tac (HF)

Think there might be some other variations with Karlean etc, or switching VV's / DC for ASM or even getting Cassor into pod as a troop. However all-in-all I do feel this can be some nasty T1 charge going on smile.png on a top of a fact you have 52 PA + 10 SA dudes you still have 3 SR's that can crap up some armor.

I dont know if I am just locked into idea that might never work, however I kinda like this formation and it has some potential.

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It´s a fun formation with potential. When you have the models try it out but you wont play it that often that you now have to buy two stormravens and more tacs ;).

The Stormraven (2-3) will live most of the time in round 2. In Round 2 they are in the reach of the most enemys. know jumptroops podriders and termis may assault from reserve.


The problem is that you are rely hard on reserve rolls. So reserve manipulations like the damocles rhino or rolls on the tacical warlord trait table are essential.

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