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Night Lords Contemptor Dreadnought


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My first Horus Heresy miniature from Forge World-A Night Lords Contemptor Dreadnought.


"I stand in midnight clad once more, and my claws thirst for Imperial blood."





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@Son of Carnelian: Thank you for your comments! Basing has always been one of my weaker skills when it comes to modelling, I admit. I may see if I can add some more gravel or wreckage to 'fill out' the base more.

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  • 5 months later...

Needs more lightning.  When you paint Night Lords, you have an opportunity that few paint schemes give you in that you can slant or control the flow of the lightning to force the viewer's eye in a certain direction. 


It doesn't sound important, but in fine art, the difference between good art and great art is composition; the use of a path for the eye to follow can lend a sense of movement, velocity or even stoicism or obstinacy obstinacy depending on how you do it. 


So lightning that starts at the head and flows over shoulders toward the feet shows a planted stance, while if it starts high in the front (such as the face or gorget) and flows at an angle backwards, it implies the model is moving even though its stance looks quite static.  At the extreme end, like raptor leaping forward to take flight, you can make it look like he is screaming toward his prey.  Likewise, on a tank, if you paint starting at the top and flowing evenly toward the ground, you get the sense of a tank being hull-down, but if it flows front to back around the sides, you get a sense that this tank is always gunning forward.


You can totally cheat with this, if a model is leading with a sword or hand, you can start the lightning on that arm and spiral it around the model toward the feet.  It will be dynamic, but won't break the flow with the rest of your army.  Don't be afraid to experiment!


For anyone reading this, you can do the same thing with flames.

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