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The epic introduction of your new best friend: Me!

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Greetings strangers and future mates!

You like to read a lot when it comes to introductions? Well ,then you came to the right place.

First of all: I am old. I mean really old for 40k standards. That means 37. mellow.png

And I`m coming from a poor, tropical, little, lesser known country called "Germany". You know, what they say about us, right? "The most peacefull and innocent people that ever walked the planet." Whoever says something else shall be... "corrected". furious.gif

I was introduced to the 40k hobby by the legendary "Space Crusade" boardgame (around `93), followed by Space Hulk, and several expansions, until a friend of mine told me, there was a shop that sells this kind of figures we`re playing with. And boy was I blasted away when I entered that mystical shop the first time and discovered that our secret little boardgame was just the tip of the iceberg of a whole universe.

So me and some friends got into the tabletop. I collected and played my precious Blood Angels. Damn was I proud. Looking back, I have to commit, that they were painted bad, assembled bad, and all in all they would make most of you cracks cry bitter tears, but they meant everything to me. I remember to have the old metal models of the L.o.t.D. as my death company and I thought I was a genious for making that decision.

So ,some years passed, and someday, other things in life, like girls, work, (censored), (also censored) and (oh boy, that`s ultracensored) began to play a role and the 40k hobby wasn`t as important anymore as it used to be. So I stopped playing (we`re around the year 2000) and gave away my precios little army to my nephew (he was 3 at that time) because he loved them so much and so he could play with them as action figures. Well, maybe the smile on the face of a child is priceless, but looking at some prices that the old models would bring today brings me priceless pain.

BUT: What never left me was the love for the lore. I continued to buy the WD, and I think I can say, that I have read every novel (very,very new releases excluded) that BL ever published. No ,seriously, no joke. Most of them several times, because there was a time, when BL didn`t spam the market with a new novel each week.

And from there, I look back to a history of drawing 40k "artwork" though I`m everything but an "artist" or even a "professional painter" or something. I`ve drawn my avatar for example. Nothing epic, but somehow not too bad. I always try to add new elements, like I did there with the helmet. And I created homebrews, wrote some short stories, what is kind of painfull for english eyes and ears because of my weak grammar, joined a forum that basically fell asleep, created a Deviantart page which I closed a few weeks ago because of too much strange stuff going on there and now I`m here.

When I`ve had a deeper look at the site and met some people I want to start or join something like a "I paint your stuff/vision/whatever 40k related" blog or thread here. Of course for free, I`m not looking to make a buck out of my silly stuff. I`m also always interested in lore discussions, roleplaying and everything "40k-humor" related.

Oh, and I don`t prefer or hate any of the factions or gods in 40k. I like to keep it as free from worshipping any kind of superior beings as possible, though I like some of them more than others but in the end, you`re nothing but cannonfodder to all the gods and organisations, so why follow them at all? blink.png

I guess that`s basically it. And if you really made it to read til here, you`re already considered as a "friend" to me!

Let`s have an excellent time!

Cheers! *throws one round of the Emperors finest Amasec for everyone!" happy.png

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Welcome to the forum, Sentinel! There are a few members of the older generation around (hint: I'm not one of them ;)) so you shouldn't feel too lonely!


Since you sold your Blood Angels, what army/armies are you currently collecting?

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Welcome to the B&C! I am on the opposite age of the spectrum; I'm still in school; What will your Chapter look like? It sounds cool

Well basically, they`re called Glacial Sentinels. I already have some fluff for them, like special tactics, successors of... , a little background like recruitment, culture and equipment, butI think it`s already too much to write it all down here. First I thought of Blood Angels successors but with an ice-them. So I thought:"Ha! Ice Angels! What a great idea! I am so smart!". But I learned from the past and when I looked up "Ice Angels" it showed me, that I was not the first one with that glorious idea... (screw you internet...SCREW YOU!!! *waving his fist towards the screen*)

I will give them their own little thread sometime. But in the end, it will be just one of those million homebrews out there... *waving his fist again*

You sir, are the first one, that ever talked to me here. That earned you a special place in my frozen heart, mate!

Oh, and old/young collabos are the best in my eyes, because they benefit from A: Experience and B: Fresh ideas and drive.

Welcome to the forum, Sentinel! There are a few members of the older generation around (hint: I'm not one of them msn-wink.gif) so you shouldn't feel too lonely!

Since you sold your Blood Angels, what army/armies are you currently collecting?

Well, to be honest, when I gifted (not sold) my Blood Angels back then, I never started to collect or play an physical army from that point on. I totally respect every active player, collector, painter and converter, because I know how much skills it takes to master this disciplines in a proper way. But I chose the path of the lorekeeper and flufflord from there.

BUT: If I would start to create a miniature army in the future, I would definitely choose a nurglish warband. They have endless possibilities when it comes to conversions, and they are the most forgiving choice when your not the best painter in the world. And i feel a deep sympathy for the Lord of Flies and his children, and that always counted more for me, than any tactical or competative strategy aspect or advantage of the tabletop. Sounds silly to pro players, I know, but I guess then I am just a silly and romantic guy.

Very nice to meet you! I hope we will meet again in the future!

Welcome to the B&C!

Ave dominus nox, son of the shadows...

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Welcome to B&C, brother. Feel free to ask any questions you may have and please do check the rules for posting to avoid any hiccups later on. And yes, I did read it all. wink.png

You read it all? Ha! That means the subliminal code that was implemented in my post is stored inside your mind from now on. Wait until I wake you my new sleeper fleshpuppet...

laugh.png MU-HAHAHAHA... *lightnings, thunder*

Now to be serious: Nice to meet you. I already read the rules section and am now looking around to get some kind of feeling for the vibe here. I don`t want to be too "funny" (like in the beginning of this reply) or too serious or too whatever.

And to be honest: I pretty much liked what I`ve seen so far. Mostly of all, the large variety of different projects and peoples personalities.

I guess we`ll get along.happy.png

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Hi. Welcome to the b&c, the last refuge for mankind when all of the internet is overrun with vile xenos and **rn!!


*Irony mode: Engaged!


Wait a second! No ...(censored)... here? Not even ...(damn, stop it you pervert).... or ...(no seriously , I`ll blam you)... here?


Farewell precious forum, I`m gone and hit /tg/ again.


I watch ...(censored by the Ordo Eroticus)... therefore I am. What is so wrong about seeing a ...(now that`s awfull)... putting his ...(*pukes*)... into a ...(mercy, please, mercy)... into a squats...(the mod you`ve called is temporally not available)...at all?


*Irony mode: Off!*

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