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The Currency Of Lies


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The Currency Of Lies

Being an account of the individuals of the Most Holy Inquisition and their actions during the Gothas Unrest.



Begin Extract // Verbal Exhibits #2f through 10f

"…reports increases in violent crime and unprovoked attacks on loyal citizens in the lower districts of Gothas. Those citizens permitted to carry arms are being recommended to do so by Chief Magistrate Coolidge who stated that ‘any true citizen of Gothas and the Imperium should take all action necessary to defend both their lives and livelihood’. The Chief Magistrate refused to comment on the calls for increased Magistratum patrols in the affected areas…"
Gothas network-1 newscast, broadcast three months before the Unrest

“…just not safe to live here anymore, you know? The Magistratum don’t do squat and the Uppers aren’t bothered at all. Nah, safer to get out now, before the Ragged Men come back…”
Citizen Valint Balk, type-3 manufactoria labourer, interviewed two months before the Unrest

“Let me make this very clear. There are no ‘Ragged Men’, cults or otherwise. All there is, is a criminal element that for some reason embraces a certain theatricality. They are just common crims, end of. Gothas is a safe place to live and work, and raise a family. Some members of our society will try to exert a criminal influence on more upstanding citizens, however they will always be rooted out and punished appropriately.”
First Minister for Justice Collem Pool, Gothas city governance, quoted two months before the Unrest

“…ragged they come and ragged they fall, blind you come and blind you fall…”
Fragment of text recovered from underground illicit printing operation, two months before the Unrest

“…incidents of increased violence continue to rise in several Gothas districts, ranging from individuals engaging in random attacks to organised gang conflicts and punishment beatings. While no link has been determined between these acts, some citizens are claiming that the Ragged Men had been seen at several incidents and may in fact be responsible for them….”
Gothas Network-1 newscast, broadcast two months before the Unrest

“Power outages continue to affect several districts, with the power-supply from local relay stations haphazard at best. We’ve asked the local representatives of the Mechanicus for their opinion, but had no response yet. I doubt they’re even willing to admit a fault in their infrastructure.”
Extracted from an internal memorandum originated and received with the Gothas City Governance Halls

“…he…he looked like a normal habber, you know? Oldish, quiet, but a nice guy, always left a few creds behind and kept his hands to himself. He was just sat there, staring at his caff for a while, then….then…the mask was, like it was stitched together from scraps, and he just kept shooting and shooting. I just hid until it was over and the Magistrates had taken him down. All that time, all that shooting, he never said a word.”
Kera Fenn, hostelry waitress, interviewed after a random shooting at her place of employment, two months before the Unrest

“Look, boss. All my source said is that something or someone was calling the shots now and that any crim, scummer, heretic or freak that wanted to play had to play by their rules. Nothing more than that. What? No, I can’t bring him in. That suicide I was at this morning? That was him. 17 block levels, straight down.”
Gothas Magistratum Officer DeWitt, Damhaven district, overheard by civilian liaison

“The Gothas City Magistratum Department released a statement today confirming the capture and arrest of the known criminal and terrorist, Ethan Frayne. Chief Magistrate Coolidge confirmed that during the operation, several members of the notorious Dirty Sevens were killed in a protracted shoot-out with Magistratum forces and that several officers lost their lives, three to Frayne himself. However, Chief Coolidge insisted that Frayne had been detained pending trial for his crimes rather than suffering immediate execution, stating that his execution should be an event witnessed by all loyal citizens as proof of the Emperors protection.
Additionally, Chief Coolidge confirmed that Ethan Frayne was wanted for several counts of murder, extortion and blackmail across the Jonaien sub-system but denied rumours that Frayne was responsible for the rise of the so-called Ragged Men and for the increased criminal activity over recent months.”

Gothas network-1 newscast, broadcast four months before the Unrest

“Yes, yes, I can confirm that this morning, a representative of the Holy Inquisition demanded the transfer of Ethan Frayne to the custody of the Ordos. No, I don’t know if this means the Inquisition are maintaining a presence here in Gothas, and no, the Gothas City Magistratum Department did not call for aid from the Ordos because we feel, in your words, ‘overwhelmed’ and quite frankly I resent that insinuation. If the Ordo wants a known recidivist, we can’t stop them taking him. And we are more than capable of protecting the fine citizens of this city-state.”
Chief Magistrate Coolidge, one month before the Unrest

***Begin transcribed record:

Ladies and Gentlemen, the purpose of this tribunal is to ascertain and evaluate the actions of our colleague Sholesh dan Raf and his associates both before and during the unfortunate Unrest that afflicted Gothas last year. Civil peace has now been restored to Gothas through the actions of dan Raf and the intervention of a full Inquisitorial Stormtroop platoon, however questions remain regarding the nature of the investigation and actions taken by dan Raf. The desired outcome for Gothas and its city-state governance has been achieved, however concerns have been raised about the material cost and the linked human cost in lives of Imperial citizens, and we are tasked with the judgement of this sorry affair.
What will follow will consist of character testimony regarding Sholesh dan Raf and his agents, as well as accounts of their actions in both causing and resolving the Unrest. Where probative punishment is deemed appropriate, this tribunal will decide the nature of said punishment.
Let us begin.

Pic-cap Exhibit #1a: Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf (centre) and associated agents

*Pending ////

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Witness Apha-1: The Architect.



Loading Pic-cap Exhibits #2a through #2d


Displaying: Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, Ordo Hereticus


Ex-loading excerpts of character testimony exhibits Alpha-1(g) through (j)

"While some may question his methods, I don't think any of us can question his results. Regime stabilisation, prophylactic measures removing incipient recidivism, strengthening of our interests and presence in-systems. We might not like the man, but his personality isn't on trial is it? Besides, we don’t really like anyone...."
Inquisitor Bellam Serl, Tribunal Judge

"I've never seen him get his hands dirty, never seen him with his choler up or looking our enemies in the eye. I'd name him radical, if I thought he had the fire in him to go that far. He smiles and moves his pieces and watches worlds burn from the sterilised safety of his boardrooms and meetings. He's rogue, for certain. A danger that needs culling."
Inquisitor Morrivane Hast, Tribunal Judge

"We know that corruption eats away at the heart of the Imperium in many forms. You, my friends, may choose to fight the more....obvious threats. I choose to excise the subtler corruption of the secessionist, the recidivist, those who question exactly what the Imperium does for them. Innocence proves nothing, and the Imperium cannot thrive on innocent naivety."
Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, in his own defence

"Back home, he would be called 'Morat'. Player of games. No, it is not a good name."
Ena Maljinn, Inquisitorial agent in the service of dan Raf




Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #2b


Begin Transcribed Record:

Colleagues, you have all had ample time to study the background and history of Sholesh dan Raf contained in the Inquisitorial Records unsealed at the preliminary hearings, and I will not bore you with repetition of the details. In brief, dan Raf has held the office of Inquisitor for the last hundred and sixty years following his training and sponsorship by the late Inquisitor Korbal Broach. Now entering his mid-second century of life, dan Raf enjoys the high level juvenat work and discreet augmentation available to those Imperial citizens of good standing and importance and displays a tendency to avoid the more ostentatious and obvious indications of his position as an Inquisitor. Indeed, given dan Raf's main focus on the civilian theatre and anti-Imperial feeling amongst governance and the Administratum, it is perhaps unsurprising that outwardly he appears no different to any aging Imperial citizen of worth.

We would draw your attention to the augmentation made to dan Rafs ocular cavities and right arm, following the unfortunate events of the Lockharte Affair (see attached file #2543sa) and the injuries sustained during his pursuit of the xenophile Celeste Temple and her insidious glass books. His right arm has been replaced with a full augmetic bionic limb crafted by master artisans of the Adeptus Mechanicus and contains several enhancements and embellishments for accessing haptic info-feeds and noospheric data-flows. Rather less subtle is the hellpistol implanted in the palm of the augmetic, dan Raf's apparent only offensive weapon. The replacement bionic eyes are again designed for noospheric access, as well as a range of vision beyond the standard human spectrum. It has also been theorised that dan Raf has received augmentation to his cerebral matter, allowing for far greater retention of information and dissemination of thought. The cane held in his left hand is an affectation designed to further his image as a simple aging servant of the Imperium and in truth contains a short-burn power source for a conversion field generator housed in the ivory cap-piece.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #2c & #2d

Leaving aside a more detailed critique of dan Raf's appearance and stylistic choices, we must turn our attention to his methods. It has long been noted that dan Raf displays certain leanings towards the Recongregator tenets and believes, holding that those entertaining thoughts of secessionism and recidivism from the glorious Imperium must be made to see the folly of their plans and thus made grateful for the presence of the Imperium. Several cases of dan Raf's also show a propensity for destabilising inefficient or uncooperative Governance systems through the incitement of increased criminal activity, to the point where the aid of the Inquisition is formally requested and the systems in question can be legitimately removed and replaced with more cooperative and sympathetic members. That these measures can also act as a prophylactic measure and warning to other potential recidivists can be seen in the fallout from dan Raf's involvement in the Three Hives Rebellion (see attached file #2013bc/2)

It is this modus operandi that dan Raf employed to remove the incipient troublesome members of the Gothas city-state Governance board who had been making anti-Imperial rumblings for some months now. Sensing an opportunity, dan Raf instructed one of his cells of agents under the supervision of Interrogator Corlo Hyrant to inveigle themselves into Gothas society and begin a program of destabilisation. As ever, his favoured agents for this work were the data-flow manipulator and info-sys hacker Jessamy Quinn and the mercenary criminal and suspected recidivist Ethan Frayne. It was the actions of Ethan Frayne that far exceeded what was necessary to achieve the removal of Gothas Governance and resulted in the Unrest and subsequent material and human cost. While the desired goal has been achieved, questions remain regarding Sholesh dan Raf's level of control over Ethan Frayne and his wisdom in retaining the services of a legitimately convicted terrorist and murderer. That Frayne would appear to have utilised the Unrest to effect his disappearance from Inquisitorial control only furthers doubts regarding dan Raf's hands-off process and his potentially overly-manipulative methods.


Pending... ///

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Witness Apha-2: The Student


Loading Pic-cap Exhibits #3a through #3c: Display pending




Ex-loading excerpts of character testimony exhibits Alpha-2(f) through (i):


"Oh he's a clever little one alright. Well, was. I guess it's a small mercy that it wasn't the rad-poisoning that finished him. What? Don't look at me like that."

Inquisitor Morrivane Hast, Tribunal Judge


"Crude physicality is easy to find. Sharpness of mind is somewhat rarer and altogether more useful to me. Hyrant showed great promise. Replacing him will be an arduous process."

Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, in explanation of his agents


"You know what that little fragger did to me? Second week he was with us, challenged me to a drinking contest, Nulean grain-liq. Last thing I can remember of that night before I passed out is him still going, remarking on the clarity of the chill-sleeve like it ain't no thing. Clever little fragger dosed up on anti-tox beforehand. Gotta love that little bastich."

Kal Morrow, overheard during Hyrant's recuperation and treatment following injuries sustained in the Lockharte Affair.


"The Imperium is full of do-ers, all grandly rushing around doing. What it needs is thinkers. Thinkers to tell the do-ers what to do. Oh, your move by the way. Mate in five. My apologies."

Corlo Hyrant, private correspondence





Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #3a


Begin transcribed record:


We turn our attention now to the agents of dan Raf most closely associated with the unfortunate series of events on Gothas and an examination of their influence, or lack thereof, on the actions taken by Ethan Frayne. Whilst Master Hyrant's involvement in this affair may be brief, he was the most senior of dan Raf's Interrogators and it is fitting and respectful to his memory that we begin with him. Incidentally, the brevity of his involvement on Gothas may be a direct symptom of how out-of-hand the whole mess became - however this is matter for further discussion at a later date. As ever, details of Corlo Hyrant's birth and early years were made available during the preliminary hearings and it is not worth our time to recount them here in detail.


Briefly, having been born into reasonable good standing in Arenhem Hive on Falx, Hyrant was noted as extremely mentally gifted and referred to the Administratum for induction into their Internal Record Suspicions department at the age of sixteen (Terran standard) showing a particular gift for highlighting income and taxation fraud as well as document forgeries. It was his service here that brought him into the employ of dan Raf nineteen years ago during our colleagues investigation into the Ringwood Cartel (see attached file #34478/ds). Services retained by dan Raf following the toppling of that particular trading monopoly, Hyrant was deemed fit for service within the Ordos and began his training as Interrogator under dan Raf. From your files you will note that Hyrant displayed abilities and methodologies similar to those of dan Raf, though with a lesser degree of subtlety - to be expected considering his relative youth and inexperience.




Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #3b, #3c


Hyrant was noted as being more willing to enter the fray on a personal level, though the wisdom of this is debatable when you review his marksmanship and combat scores. Regardless, a stout heart and iron nerve served him well and an almost forensic knowledge of the weaknesses and vulnerabilities of his target more than made for any physical or martial failings on his part. The attached pic-caps show Hyrant during his involvement in the Unrest. Of particular note is the bracing on his legs and lower back, required to due marrow-deep rad-poisoning suffered during the Lockharte Affair. Particularly severe, the treatment was at the time of his death still ongoing, showing in the general pallor of his skin and the loss of all body hair. It is to Hyrant's credit that this did not dissuade him from taking a less active role in his duties. As a result of his poor markmanship, Hyrant was gifted a simple but effective sawn-off shotgun by his closest friend amongst dan Raf's agents, Kal Morrow. The understanding being that even Hyrant couldn't miss with a scatter shell. Of course, Hyrant being himself, he commissioned and hand-etched several blessed Executioner rounds to compensate for his own lack of accuracy. Displaying a further interest in the identification of psykers, Hyrant can also be seen wearing a psyocculum ocular apparatus and carrying several psyk-out grenades. His preparedness is to be commended.


Unfortunately, Hyrant's actions leading prior to the Unrest and his handling of Ethan Frayne are somewhat concerning. Given the task of acting as overseer for Frayne and Quinn as they performed their usual tasks of infiltration and insurrection, it could be argued that Hyrant was too far removed from the theatre of operation, only arriving planetside once it was apparent that Frayne had gone beyond his remit. The lack of hands-on control could be attributed to Hyrant's physical and mental condition at the time, or conversely to Frayne's manipulation and ability to deceive his comrades. Regardless, by the time Hyrant arrived at Gothas to reign in Frayne and establish some control over events, it was already too late to keep the presence of the Inquisition a secret and the eruption of the Unrest would appear to have been planned by Frayne as the next step once Hyrant arrived.


Sadly we are unable to hear Corlo Hyrant's own thoughts on the matter due to his death during the last days of the Unrest itself. Showing sterling resolve in organising and controlling Magistratum and Arbite responses during the Unrest, Hyrant was discovered already deceased in his private quarters. The attached autopsy reports would indicate that a combination of stress and over-medication was the cause of death, however suspicions remain regarding the involvement of Frayne in a more immediate manner. More concerning is that despite Hyrant's death being noted as occurring several days before it is known Frayne made his way off-world and the Unrest entered its dying stages, Magistratum and Arbite forces continued to receive vox-text and sealed orders from Hyrant, the results of which could be seen as to facilitate the ease with which Frayne absconded.







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Thanks very much Rojo, it's great to know you're enjoying the background as well as the models. Both of these are indeed Malifaux models - I think some of their stuff is excellent for more civilian and less ostentatious characters, and any scale issues are very minor and just give an impression of base-human differentiation - after all, not everyone on Earth is the same size/shape/height etc.


The mainly civilian look is what draws me to them though - a lot of =][=28 warbands and crews go for either military-hardness or Blanche-weirdness (not that's there's anything wrong with either of those, far from it) but not a lot go for the regular Imperium day-to-day look that you get from the Eisenhorn and Ravenor books. They also have a good selection of normal looking female models in regular clothing, something GW seems unable to do. I can highly recommend the Malifaux stuff.

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Witness Apha-3: The Warden.

Loading Pic-cap Exhibits #4a through #4d: Display pending


Ex-loading excerpts of character testimony exhibits Alpha-3(cool.png through (e):

"Well at least we know dan Raf is capable of sensible choice of agents sometimes. Ordo trooper Loyal, trained, dedicated. Trustworthy. Not much more to say is there?"

Inquisitor Collem Fennec, Tribunal Judge

"Really, do we need to question the presence of one of the Ordo's own Stormtroopers in my service? What next? A three day symposium concerning my preferred choice of refreshment?"

Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, in his own defence

"Aren't Ordo troopers supposed to be mind-scrubbed after every mission? I mean, that would explain your total lack of a personality..."

Ethan Frayne, overheard following the resolution of the Cartoolian Schism

"It's my duty to serve and protect the Ordo's. Only in my death will that duty end"

Ashraf Mansur, Ordo Stormtrooper ranked Master Sergeant, Tribunal testimony.



Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #4a

Begin transcribed record:

As an ordained member of the Ordo's, dan Raf of course has the authority to call upon the resources of the Inquisition to aid him in the prosecution of his investigations, whether he need funding, information, or materiel. This includes calling upon the Ordo's own regiments of Stormtroopers on those occasions when local options are insufficient or under suspicion, or when a statement need to be made. As per standard procedure, Stormtroopers from the Ordo regiments are routinely mind-scrubbed following completion of their deployments to prevent taint and the dissemination of Inquisitorial actions. That dan Raf has retained the services of Ashraf Mansur in particular after his service in the Cartoolian Schism (see attached file 86722/dh) is not unusual in itself, and may merely be representative of the fact that dan Raf finds him useful and is unwilling to spend the time cultivating a working relationship with future Stormtrooper liaison officers. Indeed, Mansur would appear to function solely as a bodyguard for dan Raf, and as a military representative and tactician on the occasions that large scale military co-operation is called for. The theories espoused by some of our more....suspicious...colleagues that Mansur's mind must contain some esoteric or insidious knowledge that precludes dan Raf from releasing Mansur from his service or submitting him to the mind-scrub process are conjectural at best, and lacking in any concrete evidence.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibits #4b, #4c

The attached pic-cap exhibits show Ashraf Mansur in standard Ordo regimental carapace - functional and bereft of any identifying markings. The lack of some of the more baroque ornamentation adopted by some Ordo regiments and Stormtroopers in service to other Inquisitors can be attributed to dan Raf's own low-key and subdued preferences in appearance. Interesting to note is the presence of several purity-scripts attached to the left pauldron of Mansur's armour, a clear indication of his stalwart piety and freedom of taint both in his body and soul. Eschewing the standard hellgun armament of the regiments, Mansur instead carries a somewhat unwieldy large calibre bolter, no doubt fitted with suspensors to offset the weight of such a piece of man-portable ordinance. A brutal and unsubtle weapon, we can only wonder what possible threat dan Raf expects to find in his chosen battlegrounds that warrants such destructive potency. Also of interest is the device attached to the charge-pack worn by Mansur, identified by our Mechanicus colleagues as a variant of the termite breaching charge that utilises focused sonic vibrations to effect the disintegration of whatever surface it is placed against.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibits #4d

Mansur's role during the Unrest was limited to liaising responses with local Arbite and PDF forces, as well as with the Ordo regiment strengths once they had deployed, and it had become clear that dan Raf's actual presence was required planetside to restore some form of control. A review of Mansur's actions reveals no outright cause for concern - from the timescale involved it is clear that he could have had little influence over Ethan Frayne's actions, nor asserted any further control over events than he already did given his late arrival into this unfortunate affair. Indeed, this Tribunal could take the view that Ashraf Mansur is the sole member of dan Raf's network that is of good moral character and remains bereft of any moral laxity. In layman's terms, he may be the sole good man in a company of rogues.




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Thanks very much gents, your kind words are always awesome to received.


Doghouse - I do my best :) I think concentrating on =][=28 and skirmish stuff is the way forward for me, I'm enjoying taking my time on each character and getting into depth with them, dont think I could manage another army now.


Noctem Cultor - thanks buddy - though if you think this is good, just wait for my next =][=28 project, The Hanged Man's Tarot...

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Witness Apha-4: The Executioner.


Loading Pic-cap Exhibits #5a through #5d: Display pending


Ex-loading excerpts of character testimony exhibits Alpha-4(d) through (h):

"Clearly we should be applauding dan Raf's philanthropic nature, seeing as he appears to be dragging this circus-act savage around the Imperium for no discernible reason. Little out of place amongst all these seats of governance you so like to inhabit, isn't she?"
Inquisitor Morrivane Hast, Tribunal Judge

"Tell me Hast, would you discard a useful tool simply because it didn’t match your usual tastes? Then you're a bigger fool than that ridiculous powered armour makes you look."
Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, in his own defence

"She smells. She barely speaks understandable Gothic. Her manners are atrocious and she is entirely uninterested in bettering herself through education. But by the Throne, the things she can do with that blade...."
Interrogator Corlo Hyrant, private correspondence

"The Morat stole my death from me, so I must follow him until he returns it."

Ena Maljinn, in conversation with Jessamy Quinn



Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #5a


Begin transcribed record:

Perhaps the oddest member of dan Raf's immediate retinue, we must turn our attention to the Feral-worlder Ena Maljinn. Hailing from the Cymek Plains on the planet Koth, Maljinn's presence amongst dan Raf's network of agents is something of a question. It's due to the nature of dan Raf's chosen theatre of investigation - the arenas of governance, organised crime, trade cartels and so on - that he requires a certain level of sophistication from his agents, an ability to blend in with the everyday life of the worlds that his work takes him to. By their nature, recidivism and secessionism is rare on less-developed worlds, your average feudal world citizen having little to no idea of the Imperium at large, or the possibility of an existence without a firm hierarchy in place. Knowing dan Raf's modus operandi and focus of interest as we do, it is a little odd then to find a classic example of a Feral Imperial citizen in his employ, especially one who displays a distinct lack of tact or subtlety and an almost pathological inability to be polite or approachable.

Dan Raf simply states that Ena Maljinn has her uses, and we can only surmise that these uses relate to her fearsome skill with the blade she always carries. When asked if she performs the role of executioner or headsman when necessary, dan Raf would only respond that there have certainly been occasions where her abrupt and prickly personality, married to her eagerness to unsheathe her blade, have proved useful in convincing recalcitrant individuals to rethink their positions. We can only assume that with the lack of any dedicated follower of the martial arts present in dan Raf's immediate circle of agents, Maljinn provides a certain skillset useful when firearms are unavailable or unusable. Certainly, it's the view of this court that her harsh tongue and irritable nature can be as harmful as a las-round in the right circumstances.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #5c, #5d



Despite being exposed to the glories of the wider Imperium and the multifarious items of clothing, equipment and other paraphernalia available to agents of the Imperium, the attached pic-cap exhibits show that Maljinn has chosen to remain in the same roughly cured leathers and furs that she wore while resident on her home plains. If anecdotal evidence is to be believed, these leathers and furs have yet to be washed since Maljinn joined dan Raf's service some thirteen years (standard Terran) hence. As is typical with many Feral-worlders, she still bears several trinkets and tribal decorations from her homelands, affixed to her belt and some to her boots. Maljinn describes these trinkets as 'ghast-bells' - a rough translation into Low Gothic from the root tongue of the Cymek Plains - investigation into tribal practices and customs of Koth indicates that the chiming of these trinkets is supposed to ward away evil spirits, though it is to be noted that they display no actual psy or daemonancy traits or influence.

Of course, it is hard to refer to Ena Maljinn without noting the rather obtrusive and over-sized blade that she carries. Similar to the swords of the noted Carthaen tribes, it is a beautiful example of the swordsmiths art - perfectly balanced and razor edged, though lacking in any obvious disruption-field enhancement or psychic potency. It is a rather simple masterwork blade, possessed of a fractally sharp edge and wielded by a consummate warrior. Maljinn herself confirmed that the blade had been a heirloom in her family line for many generations and went on to state that it had initially been gifted to her ancestors by 'a returned son who had been taken by those who wore the red right hand and the iron claws'. This is of course a typical example of tribal fabrication of folklore and fable.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #5b

The various records and exhibits submitted to this Tribunal show that Maljinn took very little direct action during the Unrest, seeming to act solely as a bodyguard for dan Raf and showing little interest in any further involvement. Certainly, there is no indication of any direct contact between her and Ethan Frayne and no reason to suspect her of any participation in the events leading up to the Unrest or his disappearance. Indeed, it seems that Maljinn views herself as solely in service to dan Raf personally and not to the Inquisition itself as a larger organisation and shows little interest in exploring her place within the glory of the Imperium at large. As such, it is this Tribunal's recommendation that she faces no further investigation related to the Unrest, but that steps are taken to ascertain the extent of this cult of personality that Ena Maljinn seems to have built around Sholesh dan Raf, with the potential that further re-education may be required.




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   Intercession: Further notes


Loading evidence excerpts /*/*/*/

"...marked increase in violent crime, particularly in the manufactoria and dockyard districts. Recommend additional patrols in affected areas along with increased solicitation of informers and surveillance network..."
Taken from internal memorandum, Gothas City Magistratum Department, dated six (6) months prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne.

"...all mention of any cult or organised recidivist activity is to be viewed with the utmost scrutiny and scepticism. Men in masks does not equate to actual cult existence..."
Taken from internal memorandum, Gothas City Magistratum Department, dated five (5) months prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne

"…further rioting in the Gallows and Steelshod manufactoria districts following several days of strikes. Witnesses report rioting instigated by several masked and hooded agitators. Loss of production estimated to be in the region of 2.3 million Imperial Standard (adjusted) and still rising..."
Taken from internal memorandum, Gothas City Internal Governance, dated five (5) months prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne

"...gang related activity in the area is disturbing. Previously we've been able to rely somewhat on the natural antagonisms of the gangs to keep them in check. Now though, there's worrying signs of outright co-operation..."
Taken from internal memorandum, Gothas City Magistratum Department, dated four (4) months prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne

"Skut you lawman, you cant play us like that anymore. He showed us. He showed us how it could be better. Ain't no one gonna cross him. Not the Ragged Man."
Excerpt from interrogation of Citizen Filip Toul, aka 'Flip', affiliated with the scum-gang 'Peach Tree Runners'. Dated three (3) months prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne

"Look, we know someone has stepped up. This Ragged Man or the Grasshopper or whatever they call him . Give me fragging eyes on him, that's all I ask"
Chief Magistrate Coolidge, Gothas City Magistratum, during emergency riot response summit, two (2) months prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne.

"...gene-trace confirms it. Holy fragging Throne. This isn't good. Get Coolidge. Get...frag it, get everyone.."
Forensic specialist Ilta Sheen, Gothas City Magistratum Department, one (1) month prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne

"All teams, confirmed: Target is in the building, repeat Target is in the building. All other citizens present are considered expendable, capture of Target is priority."
Gothas Magistratum Special Circumstances Response Team vox-chatter, 1 hour prior to Ethan Frayne's arrest

"Well done gentlemen. Well done. I do hope you're ready for what comes next....."
Excerpt from interrogation of Ethan Frayne, 4 hours post-capture.

Loading Pic-Caps Exhibits Additional //// please wait /////



Displaying: Pic-cap exhibit 548/ef - first recorded surveillance image of Ethan Frayne logged by Gothas City Magistratum Department



Displaying: Pic-cap exhibit 695/ef - helmet-cam footage recovered during apprehension of Ethan Frayne. Source (Officer Roget LeDere) deceased



Intercession Ends //

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Intercession: Faces of the Unrest


Loading Magistratum records /*/*/*/

"...agitators have been stirring up anti-governance feeling in several Manufactoria and service districts. Throne knows where they've come from or where they are getting their prop-lit..."
Taken from internal memorandum, Gothas City Magistratum Department, dated four (4) months prior to arrest of Ethan Frayne

"You know what these street-gangs are like, its all about the rep and the style - they get on about as well as two sump-rats in a sack. We shouldn’t be celebrating a drop in crime, we should be worried about whats keeping them quiet..."
Internal communication, Gothas City Magistratum Department, Organised Crime Section,

"...started just for no reason, they just lit the place up and wouldn’t stop shooting. It was...Throne it was awful. They...some of them were just juvies you know? And those masks...You hear things, you know? People talk about all kinds of things, cults and whatnot. Do.....do you think that's happening here?"
Citizen Marla Fenn, excerpt from statement given at the scene of the Coldfield Plaza shootings, formally noted as the first event of the Unrest. Seven (7) days post arrest of Ethan Frayne

"Look dammit - Stone Cold colours. There, that's Nine Kings ink. That big fragger there? That’s fragging Body Beautiful vat-muscle. All of them, all different crews. All different, except for those damn masks."
Magistratum Officer First Class Holan Franks, Organised Crime Section, twelve (12) days post arrest of Ethan Frayne. Beginning of the Unrest.

"He's in a cell, with no light, no windows, no data-flow access, not even a fragging pot to [tinkle] in. So tell me. How the frag is all this happening?"
Chief Magistrate Coolidge, Gothas City Magistratum, thirteen (13) days into the Unrest

"Let me guess. Shootings. Riots. Power outages. Loss of faith in the government. A little anarchy, yes? And people are usually so content and calm. Some people though, some people just need a little...push..."
Ethan Frayne during interrogation, fourteen (14) days into the Unrest

Loading Pic-Caps, Unrest surveillance files /*/*/



Displaying: Masked gunman wearing ShivRat gang markings, identified at Coldfield Plaza shootings. Formally identified as Citizen Keelo Mayn following recovery of body. Cause of death: Officer inflicted wounds [justified]




Displaying: Unidentified sub-mutate human recorded during Creekside Dockyard riots. Work-wear links suspect to conscript labour force utilised by several shipping cartels in docklands areas. Current whereabouts unknown. Purpose of child's doll, unknown.



Intercession Ends

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Thanks gents, much appreciated. Dragonlover, writing the fluff is as important to me as actually painting and assembling stuff. Gaming is a very distant fourth. Yeah Zeller, there is a bit of a Joker vibe - Frayne is nowehere near as crazy though, he is entirely sane. More of a Hannibal than a Joker I think.

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Witness Beta-1: The Mechanic.

Loading Pic-cap Exhibits #6a through #6d: Display pending


Ex-loading excerpts of character testimony exhibits Beta-1© through (f):

"...comes across as your basic salt-of-the-earth type, but look at little closer and you'll see your basic Underhive scummer. Look at his file - petty misdemeanours, petty theft escalating to outright gun-running, several violent conduct arrests. Thor's sake Sholesh, are you incapable of hiring anyone with a clean record?"
Inquisitrix Bellam Serl, Tribunal Judge

"Tell me Serl, how well do you think a Magos of the Mechanicus would be able to infiltrate the illicit trade in surplus Adeptus conveyancers out on the Fringe Worlds? Come to that, how does it feel to constantly rely on another institution to clean your guns, service your speeders, repair your armour? Enjoy being tied to the coat-tails of another do you?"
Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, in his own defence

"He swears too much, he smokes too much and he thinks he's Terra's gift to women. Ok so he's a good mechanic and I'd rather him than a cog-boy, but Throne, he's like an Ork in a man suit..."
Jessamy Quin, in conversation with Ethan Frayne

"...ain't no high-mannered Up-Hiver, nor no binary-lovin' mek-head. I'm the bones of the Imperium, the ordinary man, and I know my trade. You need an engine fixed? I'm ya Huckleberry. Need a piece? I know a man who knows a man. Want something translated from Lingua-tec fathom 9 to Gothic? Frag off and see Red, you stub-end."
Kal Morrow, recorded during the aftermath to the Lockharte Affair

Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #6a

Begin transcribed record:

Colleagues, we now approach the deeper seas of suspicion and questionable judgement that surround the choices in agents used by dan Raf. Outwardly, Kal Morrow would appear to be no more than a standard Hive citizen - a little rough round the edges true, but no more guilty of crimes against the greater Imperium than any one of us or the countless multitude of others like him that populate our great Hive-cities. Scratch that erstwhile blue-collar surface however and Morrow's character takes on a far more dubious flavour. Born and raised in the Newpest slums of End Hive, Heiron's World, a cursory glance at Morrow's past record would paint him as a simple mechanic and trader, offering machinery and transport repair services to the hive-folk of Newpest. Look closer however and several links to the Crow Roaders underhive gang can be unearthed, as well as several dubious trading practices and convoluted accounting and stock management practices. From Morrow's own confessions, sequestered by dan Raf after retaining his services, we can see that this outwardly regular citizen was in fact involved in gun and narcotic handling, several incidents of gang violence and numerous illegal trading rings. As I'm sure you agree, while it is not unprecedented for reformed criminals and Underhive gangers to be found in the employ of the Inquisition, it is rather rarer for one to be employed and then have his criminality encouraged and funded by the very Inquisitor he works for. Of course, we must note that Kal Morrow's history and activities show no evidence of any cult relations or influence of the Ruinous Powers - he is for all intents and purposes an entirely taint-free minor criminal and mechanic.
Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #6b, #5c

Seen here in his typical garb, Morrow was 58 standard Terran at the time of his death in Gothas, though a near-fanatical fitness regimen gave him the stamina and strength of a much younger man. Known to be a heavy drinker and user of various tabac products, this lifestyle seems to have had little effect physically on Morrow, leading some to question whether he used artificial stimulants or gene-hancements to maintain his admittedly impressive physique. Morrow's general appearance provides some visual clues and reminders of his gang links - most notably in the form of the tattooing proudly worn on his arms. The white bandana and leather vest, a kutte in the Newpest vernacular, are Crow Roader uniform however all identifying gang markings have been removed for reasons known only to Morrow. Our colleague dan Raf has already confirmed that Morrow was a source of mechanics expertise that would not entail contact with the Adeptus Mechanicus, or that they would view as unworthy of the attentions of their blessed Magii. In layman's terms, Morrow could be seen as a battlefield or frontier engineer - a low-key but skilled source of repair and refit for the hardware used by dan Raf's agents. It need not be said that his criminal links and knowledge of various illicit trading rings and practices would also have been of use to dan Raf.

Although typically seen as second-line support, Morrow was not known to be shy about engaging in combat when the occasion called for it and owned an impressive collection of PDF-surplus weaponry. Evidence of this can be seen in the attached pic-cap exhibits showing Morrow wielding a Wagner-Sutter pattern combat shotgun, commonly issued to Heiron's World PDF units, as well as several older pattern frag grenades. As noted in earlier documents, Morrow was also known to be close to Interrogator Hyrant, seeming to almost have a paternal regard for the younger, though more senior, agent. Other evidence shows that Morrow was well-regarded by his peers, if not viewed with some distaste and concern due to his somewhat bullish demeanour and personality, with only Ena Maljinn coming to blows with him on any great number of occasions.
Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #6d

Morrow's arrival in Gothas was delayed by the apparent reluctance of Interrogator Hyrant to take an active part in supervising the actions of Ethan Frayne, records showing that Morrow first appeared when Hyrant demanded the release of Frayne from Magistratum custody. Of course, by this time the Unrest had erupted and Gothas was wracked by daily riots, uprisings and power blackouts. Hyrant's own records indicate that Morrow was responsible in main for ensuring that dan Raf's agents were well supplied and had ready access to numerous vehicles. It is easy then to assume that while Jessamy Quin was responsible for the software, Kal Morrow took care of the hardware. The Unrest being what it was, it remained impossible for Morrow to refrain from engaging in some combat actions, notably being embroiled in the Shoal Heights fiasco and the three-day running gun battle between Magistratum forces and the Rico Link Runners gang that blighted the streets of the Shaketown Distributia districts.

Data-analysts have been unable to find any suggestion that Kal Morrow was aware of Ethan Frayne's intent, or played any active role in his disappearance from Ordo supervision. This supposition is supported by the death of Morrow himself, his body found in the hab-rooms used as an initial base of operations by Frayne and Quinn in Gothas. Showing huge organic damage and evidence of an intense physical confrontation shortly before his death, forensic adepts found several genetic trace markers belonging to Ethan Frayne in the wounds on Morrows body and on his own fists. We can therefore safely assume that Kal Morrow was attempting to prevent or otherwise detain Ethan Frayne and paid the ultimate price for his loyalty to the Ordos. That Ethan Frayne would be prepared to so brutally and callously kill a peer, if not a friend, that he had worked and lived alongside for years is simply further evidence of the dangerous levels of sociopathy that warrants his immediate capture and execution.



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I've so far been a big fan of your work JackDaw, and looks like this project will be no different. This is easily my preferred side of the hobby, and you take to it with the both the nuance and flair of a seasoned veteran. Can't wait for the next instalment :tu:
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Thanks Draakur, good to know you're enjoying things that much :) I think I might be done with big army projects from now on, and just keep to smaller skirmish scale stuff like this. Few more to come from this project and then it's on to my next one

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Witness Beta-2: The Oracle.


Loading Pic-cap Exhibits #7a through #7g: Display pending


Ex-loading excerpts of character testimony exhibits Beta-2 (b) through (e):

"Oh I can see the uses, of course. Control the flow of information and you control the people after all. And the Administratum, for all it's glory, can be a little, well, labyrinthine at times. Investigation isn't always knocking down doors and breaking heads, much to Hast's chagrin"
Inquisitor Collem Fennec, Tribunal Judge

"My little cormorant has exposed more recidivists, traitors and secrets than any number of crude interrogations carried out by my more physically minded colleagues. The data-flows are as much a hunting ground as any hive, city or slum, one that breeds its own kind of predator.”
Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, in his own defence

"Can’t shoot. Can’t fight. Can’ t drink. Loves her cogitators more than a real man, ya know? The things she can find out though...damn. Little Jessie Pinkman word knew more ‘bout my mam than I did.”
Kal Morrow, in conversation

"Oh, sorry, did you think your shielded cogitator stack and data-looms were secure? Woops. You’d have to scrawl your secrets in mud on cave wall on some feral rock to stop me being able to lift them from your sys-flows. Idiot.”
Jessamy Quinn, overheard during the Duroq Regulations


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #7a



Begin transcribed record:

Pulled from a life of petty data-theft in the data-slums of Bas Lag, an Administratum fief-world, Jessamy Quinn was selected at an early age for noospheric enhancement and initiation into the mysteries of the Adeptus Mechanicus due to her aptitude for data manipulation and information system access. Spending her youth trawling the comsat and cogitator refuse tips of Crobuzon, Bas Lag's main Administratum city-hub, for data-scraps had honed her intellect and talents until Quinn was well known locally as a data-savant able to access and retrieve hidden information and code from even the most secure or ruined data-systems. In pre-Unification times, Mamzel Quinn would have been known as a hacker, an info-terrorist. To the Glorious Imperium, she was simply another asset that with the correct enhancements provided by the Mechanicus would enable the Administratum to perform its holy work. Despite this inspiring opportunity, Mamzel Quinn instead chose to abscond from the Adeptus Mechanicus processing centre in Crobuzon before the implantation of emotional suppressive enhancements. Taking with her only the noospheric connective enhancements she had already been implanted with, Quinn somehow secured passage off-world and began to ply her data-rat skills across neighbouring sectors.

Mamzel Quinn's prodigious data manipulation skills make it difficult to fully ascertain her movements and actions through the years following her flight from the Mechanicus, but it is known that she came to the attention of Sholesh dan Raf through contact with his agent Ethan Frayne. It is believed that Quinn had been hired by Frayne to access a trading consortiums data looms and lift information regarding suspect trading; a relatively simple piece of data-espionage that Quinn embellished with the corruption of all extant data held by the consortium, effectively ending it as a viable trading entity. Shortly thereafter, she entered the service of dan Raf as his preferred data-systems analyst and received upgrades to her existing implants and several fresh enhancements. It is here that Mamzel Quinn’s activities take a somewhat darker turn. She has been linked to several incidents of illegal archival and system access across Adeptus Administratum and Mechanicus networks, as well as acts of infrastructure damage and data-terrorism resulting in severe collateral damage and in some extreme cases, regime collapse. It is pertinent to note that the Adeptus Mechanicus has issued a carta for her detention and removal of all biomechanical upgrades and implants, due to her continued unauthorised access of noospheric systems.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #7b, #7c, #7d, #7e



A certain degree of anonymity in regards to dress and appearance appears to be standard with dan Raf's agents - Jessamy Quinn can be seen here in typical civilian garb, intended to avoid drawing attention to her person during operations, despite her artificially recoloured hair. Hidden from view are the dermal sockets and implant jacks studding her arms, neckline and base of the skull, allowing Quinn to directly ‘jack’ into cogitator stacks and data-systems and manipulate data flows using internal cerebral implants, as well as interface with the haptic systems used by the Mechanicus. While she can be seen to be wielding a heavy revolver, anecdotal evidence suggests that her skill with firearms is basic at best and that she viewed direct confrontation as something best handled by Maljinn, Frayne or others.

From operational records related to dan Raf's previous investigations, we can piece together a rough outline of his modus operandi – typically Frayne and Quinn will be deployed to the target area first, often several months or years in advance of further interaction from the Inquisition, in order to infiltrate and inveigle themselves within the necessary cultural or geographical target. While Frayne would undertake the infiltration of the target or associated societal structures, Quinn will often keep her distance, providing data-flow and information manipulation support. Often, it will be a combination of her hacking and code-manipulation skills and Frayne’s criminal expertise that will achieve the desired effect, allowing dan Raf to arrive as the supposed saviour and install whatever control structures he deems necessary. Thus, we can safely assume that their actions are borderline criminal at best, and without the oversight of dan Raf, Quinn and Frayne would be considered dangerous felons and recidivists themselves.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #7f



Her placement on Gothas was superficially similar to this process – providing Frayne with information regarding the various criminal and trading enterprises within Gothas and manipulating local governance data-flows to ensure that their presence was undetected. The eventual eruption of the Unrest and the extensive collateral damage that ensued can directly be linked to the actions of Mamzel Quinn that she undertook in support of Frayne, notably the collapse of the Gothas Mercantile Exchange data-network and the persistent scrap-code issues affecting Mechanicus machine-spirits overseeing the power-supply infrastructure of Gothas. While we cannot say for certain that Quinn was fully complicit in Frayne's plan and undertaking, it beggars belief that an obviously highly intelligent agent of the Ordo would be unaware of the ramifications and repercussions of her continued support of Frayne. We must therefore assume her guilt and tacit active involvement in both the Unrest and the subsequent flight from Ordo supervision undertaken by Frayne and Quinn.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #7g



It is the view of this Tribunal that the apprehension and interrogation of Jessamy Quinn should be effected within all reasonable haste, with a view to potential execution should her guilt be ascertained to outweigh her usefulness.


/*/*/ */


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