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Witness Beta-3: The Villain.


Loading Pic-cap Exhibits #8a through #8f: Display pending


Ex-loading excerpts of character testimony exhibits Beta-3(d) through (i):

"Well now we just have a problem, don't we Sholesh? Someone like this...they shouldn’t be given this degree of latitude. Didn't we learn anything from Broach and his theories?"
Inquisitrix Bellam Serl, Tribunal Judge

"I don't know what else needs to be said. Damned by your own association with this freak. Still feeling clever, you smug little shek?"
Inquisitor Morrivane Hast, Tribunal Judge

"This...this was poor judgement. This is dangerously radical behaviour."
Inquisitor Collem Fennec, Tribunal Judge

“Frayne is whatever I need him to be. An actor. An agent. A criminal. A killer.”
Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf, in his own defence

"He scares me. He can smile nicely enough, but he’s dead inside. We might need him, but I know he doesn’t need us.”
Jessamy Quinn, in conversation with Interrogator Corlo Hyrant

"I have been many things in my life, but never a good man."
Ethan Frayne, following his apprehension by Inquisitorial agents on Killian's Reve


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #8a



Begin transcribed record:

Esteemed colleagues, we must turn our attention to the source of the Ordo's concerns and the architect of the unfortunate escalation of events in Gothas that both resulted in and exacerbated the Unrest. The individual identified as Ethan Frayne by the Gothas Magistratum, confirmed as such by our colleague dan Raf, and corroborated by further records held by the Inquisition itself, has long displayed a tendency for mendacious criminal and psychopathic behaviour and it is greatly concerning that he has been employed in such a way by one of our own. Genetic data-farming resulted in several aliases of Frayne being identified - Elim Reynard, Tolin Manderay, Grey Rending, Frederic Pierrot amongst others - all of which have been linked to various criminal records and warrants, with alarming numbers of markers for secessionist activities, terrorism and multiple killings.

The Ordos records regarding Frayne are contradictory and incomplete - what can be seen however is that dan Raf is far from the first of our number to use or have contact with Ethan Frayne, either as ally or quarry. One of the earliest records dates from some forty years ago and was submitted by Inquisitor Apt Ferrance who noted the employment of "...a smyling kyllre, offe the nayme offe Manderay - a moste potente knave..." during his investigation into the Cull-dens of Ishlineram (see attached file #3905so/3). Ferrance's lingual idiosyncrasies make for challenging reading, however the inference is clear. Frayne's name, or variants thereof, appear in records linked to almost a half dozen other Inquisitors, most often only mentioned in passing as a potential target for future investigation, though Ferrance shares a longer association with him that lasted some dozen years before his death during the Callow Falls Incident (see attached file #9643jt/5).


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #8b



Details regarding Frayne's life before coming to the attention of the Ordos are thin - Killian's Reve has been tentatively identified as his birth-world following his apprehension there by dan Raf's agents and it would appear as though Frayne had returned in order to wipe his original birth records from the Administratum data-looms. Following this trail, we can ascertain with some degree of certainty that Ethan Frayne is as close to a real name as we are likely to find and that from a young age he was involved in criminal and violent behaviour. Worryingly, early records flag Frayne as displaying high functioning psychopathic tendencies and traits, along with genetic material tests that flag Frayne as a carrier of the Pariah gene. That he was not immediately sequestered and apprehended by the Inquisition at this time is concerning and raises questions regarding the intentions of the Ordo representatives present at the time.

Regardless, we can see that Ethan Frayne has been involved in criminal, secessionist and illegal activity for many years - both in the employ of the Inquisition and as an antagonist. Standard Terran aging calculations would place his physical age at close to ninety, however with stellar-and-warp travel time dilation and the benefits of juvenat drugs, his physical appearance and condition is closer to that of a man half that age. Consequently he has developed into a highly skilled individual capable of infiltrating or involving himself in criminal underworlds or dealing with other illegal and illicit activities. It is for this reason that dan Raf says he employed Frayne - a tame high-functioning psychopath who could be used to destabilise a government by supporting local crime and terrorism, or a method of infiltrating and bringing down underworlds from the inside.

Frayne would appear to be no more noticeable than your average Imperial citizen, a façade carefully maintained by dan Raf and Frayne himself. Ostentation and exotic weaponry are only used if the occasion calls for it, with Frayne mostly relying on his own intelligence and manipulative behaviour to achieve his goals. As a carrier of the Pariah gene, psy-standard humans find it difficult to be around him for any length of time and are inclined to distrust and suspicion on instinct - it is probable that Frayne's skills in manipulation and intimidation were developed to compensate for this social issue. Anecdotal evidence and forensic analysis of the genetic material recovered also show high levels of the psy-booster stimulant known as Spook - known to increase psychic potential and prowess in baseline and psy-sensitive humans, it has been theorised that use of this drug by a Pariah would give them the appearance of a baseline human psy-profile, therefore alleviating the normal emotional distress felt by people dealing with Pariahs. A side-effect of this is a tendency towards insomnia and a loss of melatonin - explaining the presence of melatonin boosters in the paraphernalia abandoned by Frayne.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #8c, #8d



As noted previously, dan Raf has confirmed that Frayne and Quinn were sent to Gothas to instigate the destabilisation of the governing body in order to facilitate it's replacement with a more sympathetic and pliable method of control. Under the supervision of Interrogator Hyrant, Frayne elected to infiltrate and assume control of Gothas' criminal elements, numbering at the time several dozen well-established gangs and cartels. Assuming a guise variously referred to as The Ragged Man or Grasshopper (a colloquial Gothas term for an off-worlder), Frayne embarked on a year-long campaign of intimidation, bribery, corruption and outright murder that led to the persona of The Ragged Man being hailed as the new figurehead of crime in Gothas and the uniting of nearly the entire gang fraternity of the city-state under the masks of the Ragged Men. It is interesting to note that at no time has Frayne ever displayed any heretical leanings or interest in the Ruinous Powers - indeed, evidence has been brought to light that suggests the Ragged Men were responsible for the elimination of several minor cults and heretics in Gothas during this time.

Combined with the systems activity of Jessamy Quinn, the situation in Gothas soon became unmanageable for the residing governance structures - exactly the outcome that dan Raf had expected. However, instead of being able to arrive and resolve this manufactured situation with the 'apprehension' of his agent as intended, dan Raf found himself out-played by Frayne whose arrest by local Magistratum forces was the catalyst for the eruption of the Unrest itself. Clearly Frayne had planned this in advance and in some detail - the chaos and violence of the Unrest was simply a cloak for Frayne and Quinn to sever their ties with dan Raf and the Ordo's and make their escape from Gothas and its parent system. Thanks in concert to the Unrest and Jessamy Quinn's expert manipulation of data, it is difficult to say at this time where these fugitives are, or where they are intending to go.


Displaying: Pic-cap Exhibit #8e, #8f

Viewed objectively, the actions of Ethan Frayne are those of a callous and dangerous individual with a predisposition to murder and mayhem and the skills to incite both. Regardless of dan Raf's ability to supervise or control Frayne (a conceit that now surely must seen as flawed) a man such as this can no longer be allowed to roam the Imperium. Without prejudicing the outcome of this Tribunal's investigation into Sholesh dan Raf's methods and professional conduct, we wish to make it clear that Ethan Frayne has been formally recognised as a malicious and insidious threat to the stability of the Imperium and is to be terminated on sight.




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Addendum: Concerning certain individuals


* Inquisitor Sholesh dan Raf was deemed to have failed in his oversight of his agents by the Tribunal Judges and to have displayed dangerously radical tendencies in the prosecution of his holy duties. His removal from active service while undergoing a lengthy period of penance on the Cardinal world of Ennishmin was deemed sufficient in lieu of any physical censure and dan Raf continued to serve the Ordos for two-score years following his penance. Sholesh dan Raf was slain by the known xenophile and recidivist Celeste Temple in the unfortunate end to the Chymical Marriage. He never saw Ethan Frayne or Jessamy Quinn again.


* Ena Maljinn continued to follow dan Raf faithfully during his penance and for several years after his return to service until the Farsival Purgings that saw her gravely wounded. She returned to Koth nearing the end of her natural life, passing her now-shattered blade to her clan-family and stating that dan Raf had finally returned her death.


* Ashraf Mansur was returned to the Ordo Stormtroop regiments immediately following the closure of the Tribunal. As per standard procedure, he was mind-scrubbed on his arrival at regimental headquarters.


* Inquisitrix Bellam Serl accompanied Sholesh dan Raf to Ennishmin to oversee the initial stages of his penance and conduct a thorough forensic review of his records. This occupied Serl and her staff for ten years before she returned to active service to prosecute the clearances of the twist slums of Augustine during the uprisings of the late summer months. While no solid proof was found, Serl was convinced that the rebellion had been orchestrated by some outside influence other than disenfranchised twist community leaders. Inquisitrix Bellam Serl continues to serve the Ordos to this day.


* Inquisitor Morrivane Hast, the Witch-Hound of Alem, continued to prosecute his investigations in his typically puritan and direct manner for many years following the Tribunal. Openly denouncing dan Raf as a radical, Hast took it upon himself to lead the hunt for Ethan Frayne and Jessamy Quinn directly though this proved to be fruitless. His detractors noted that this was most likely due to his utter lack of subtlety. Morrivane Hast perished during the insidious matter of The Unspoken Church and has been venerated by the Ecclesiarchal parishes of the Miskatonic sub-systems as a true defender of the Faith.


* Inquisitor Collem Fennec continued to serve the Ordo Hereticus for many years following the Tribunal and was known for his keen mind and calm manner. In later years he confided in several colleagues that he had begun to see the effectiveness of dan Raf's methods and had on occasion employed them himself in the investigation of heretical cults. Fennec disappeared for many years and was believed to be dead until he was revealed as the mastermind behind The Fallowspin Conspiracy and declared Diabolus Extremis. The being that Fennec had become was eventually put to death by a cabal of Ordo Hereticus and Malleus representatives.


* Ethan Frayne and Jessamy Quinn spent several years as fugitives, earning a living and reputation as mercenaries and career criminals under several guises and names, and it is noted that each had several encounters with representatives of the Inquisition and other Imperial institutions. After many years together, some unknown reason caused a rift between the two and they parted company on Van Neilan's World. Their current whereabouts are unknown.


End File


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