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Cutting Costs for a Flesh Tearers army


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I am thinking of starting up a flesh tearers army once my AM is finished, and was wondering if anyone has any tips for saving money.  I have no skill with conversion, so that is off the table, but otherwise I am open to pretty much any way to save moneym, like an old Dark Vengeance style kit for the blood angels

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my advice is to just take your time. It's taken me about 4-5 years to get a decent sized blood angels force together. I grabbed ebay bargains when i could and supported my FLGS for a 25% discount. What I have now is an army that look exactly how I wanted it to look, utterly unique and very personal.


I suppose though that a good start is to get the new HH box from your favourite online discounter and a box of death company for some gravy.

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 I have no skill with conversion, so that is off the table, 


I have no skill with conversion, so refuse to try, meaning I never improve my converting skills.


And around we go like the teeth on a chainsword.


The main thing is:


What on earth do you mean when you want to save money?


Do you want as many points for as little money as possible?

A legal army for as little money as possible?


If you're just going points:


Buy a box of death co, sanguinary guard and a box of scouts.


Convert one Sanguard into Dante, one into the Sanguinor, one into a priest. 

Make the death co into an assault squad

Make up the scouts.


Using the Flesh Tearers Strike Force, this gives you almost a 700pt army for 55 pounds.


Buy a tactical squad and mail order 5 jump packs from games workshop.

5 tacticals get made up as tactical marines

5 tacticals with the jump packs.use spare arms from the death company unit to become a dual melta assault squad, 

The the remaining sanguinary guard from the first box get made up as tycho (using the combi melta from the tactical box) and one as seth (using the thunder hammer from the DC box, but with a chainsword on top instead of the hammer head)


This second lot of models fills out a second flesh tearer strike force detachment and costs about 500pts


Now you have a fully legal 1200pt flesh tearer army for just over 85 pounds. Less if you lose the drop pod - you can mail order 5 jump packs from GW to add to then tacticals in the second list.

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For what i consider a basic FT forces, 1 QG + 1 Troup + 1 Fast Attack + (1 LoW^^), here are my recommandations :


- 1 Sanguinary Guard box (With this one, you can build Dante (LoW), Astorath, Sanguinor, A captain, and a second HQ, so it is a box with wich you can build 5 HQ/4HQ+1LoW)


- 1 Blood Angels Tactical Squad


- 1 Death Company Squad (That will be your Assault Squad, peint them in red instead of black.)


In my Currency (euro) : 26 + 34 + 26 = 86 euros.


I think this is one of the cheaper army build that can be currently found. Furthermore, you will have many HQ thanks to the Sanguinary Guard to experiment strategies in your games.


With this build, you can have in the end, 2 HQ + 1 or 2 Troops + 1 Fast Attack + 1 LoW.

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Apologies for caps I just spend AUD70 on an assault squad because i was short 2 jump packs!!

Had no idea!!!

As far as I know, you've never not been able to order jump packs from GW. When they ditched the bits sales, they changed from individual packs to 5-packs of packs, but that's about it.

On the other hand, those assault marines you ordered still need jump packs msn-wink.gif

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I am thinking of starting up a flesh tearers army once my AM is finished, and was wondering if anyone has any tips for saving money.  I have no skill with conversion, so that is off the table, but otherwise I am open to pretty much any way to save moneym, like an old Dark Vengeance style kit for the blood angels


Could we get some more information please? Whilst this is by far the best place to ask, the above statement is far too vague to enable us to reply with anything other than "go on eBay; never buy a Rhino, always a Razorback; order from Darksphere;" and so on.


What do you want to do? What is your plan? How do you want to play? Etc. The more information we have, the better you can save cash.

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There is an army list in ba lists


So there is. Assuming this is what you want to knock up cheaply:


  • Flesh Tearers Strike Force - Grab a copy of the BRB, C:BA and SoB: Exterminatus off Google
  • Astorath Redeemer of the Lost - Try eBay. Failing that, kitbash from DC and/or Sang Guard box
  • 3x Five Man Tactical Squad Heavy Flamer Drop Pod - Try eBay for second edition Tacticals. Go third party/eBay for suitable heavy flamer bits. Drop Pods from eBay/discounted independent retailer
  • 2x 10 man Assault Squad Power Weapon 2x Inferno Pistol - Try eBay or pick up four boxes of DC from independent retailer
  • 5 man Vanguard Veteran Squad power weapon jump packs 2x inferno Pistol - Sanguinary Guard box from independent retailer, paint red
  • Furioso Dreadnought Frag Cannon Drop Pod - Both can be found from eBay/independent retailer. Furiosos from the SoB Deathstorm box are still cheaper on eBay at the time of writing
  • 5 man Vanguard Veteran Squad Power Weapon 2x inferno Pistol Drop Pod - Sanguinary Guard box from independent retailer, paint red
  • Death Company Inferno Pistol Drop Pod - DC box from independent retailer
  • Gabriel Seth - Try eBay
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Thanks for all the advice, buying jump packs from GW will always save me money since a squad of 10 assault marines costs $81 while a tactical squad with jump packs costs $66, but I guess they will be holding boltguns, so that does not work as well as I thought it would.

It may be a little bit before I start the BA, since I have to paint 50 infantry, 4 tanks and a wall for my AM list, but once my wallet recovers from me getting the last few things I need for my AM army I will start picking up the BA

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Buy death company kits and tac squad kits. You will have heaps of spare bolt pistol and chainswords left over. Jump packs off ebay and your set

Just make sure you use the dc kits as dc

No point buying a scary unit and making them as assault marines. An interesting but not cheap $ formation would be blood rain strike force.

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Pretty nasty but i have gone away from tac squads in drop pods unless it's for a specific task. Tac squad in a razorback is far more versatile but obviously you can't just use one for it to be effective.

What's your plan for astorath? And what's your plan for Seth?

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Astorath goes with one of the 10 man assault squads, seth goes with either the death company or the vanguard veterans without jump packs. I put the tac squads in drop pods because I am using the flesh tearers detachment, meaning that every unity I have, including the tac squads is pretty nasty in the assault phase, so getting them their faster is always good. 

Also using vehicles is not very fluffy for the flesh tearers

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If you're running Astorath and Death Company, put them together. 'Nuff said.


Seth can go anywhere realistically, but another SMALL DC unit without JPs would be good to make use of rampage.


And drop podding tacs is fun and fluffy as you said, just make sure you roll more than a ten to charge!

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