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Hi everyone,


You can call me Zack if you'd like, I'm a guy in his final year of a Bachelor's degree (majoring in physics, minoring in mathematics) and I love miniature wargames.


I haven't been to these forums in a long time. I was never that active of a member to begin with, but I left GW games a few years ago and didn't look back. Until now that is. What is drawing me back you ask? The Horus Heresy series of rules and minis from FW, plus the new Betrayal at Calth set. There is something about that era of the Warhammer world that tickles my fancy way beyond the current timeline. As much as I love my Tyranids and my Eldar, the Heresy is where it all began for me, what I first read about. I am not sure how long it'll take me to start putting together an army and if I will even be able to find anyone to play with, but I haven't left the hobby of miniature wargames, so putting some more things on my painting table sounds reasonable.


What have I been playing and assembling since I left you ask? A little bit of Warmachine and Hordes, a bit of Malifaux, some Dropzone Commander and a lot of board games. And I definitely do enjoy those other games, but so far none of their universes quite grasps me the way 30k and 40k do, so I am excited to make a return.


How long have I been in the hobby? I'd say about ten years now, though I've been interested in it all my life. I remember going to game stores with my older brother as a kid and oogling the Warhammer displays until he made me leave. In my teens a friend of mine got Battle For Macragge from his dad for his birthday, that prompted me starting a short lived Necrons army, before moving on to Dark Angels and then Tyranids. A couple years later we found Warmachine and Hordes and started playing those as well and I even had a brief foray into WFB with Dark Elves. I probably would have gotten into WFB more if there had been a local scene. I've moved quite a few times since then and become more of a hobbyist than a gamer just because I seldom have a group to play with, but I always keep up to date with the current scene for each game I am interested in, including 40k.


I'm currently applying for grad schools and some of those I've applied for are situated in cities with a really strong gaming precense so hopefully I can become part of a regular group.


I hope to get to know many of you as I return to my first miniature love and I am sure I will be asking lots of advice on 30k in the coming weeks!

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