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Forge World and Two Tier Gaming


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Please don't get me wrong - I really really like the models that Forge World are turning out, as well the work they are doing on filling out the HH / 30K universe, but....


Does anyone else feel that they are dividing the gaming population a little?


I visited a Games Workshop store this weekend and overheard 2 kids slag off one of their mates (not present) because he didn't have any air-support for his marines. Now I know kids are kids, and the current generation always has more than the last, but those models cost anything from 100 - 425 quid.


The whole thing got me thinking about:

1) Why are kids generally such jerks

2) Is Forge World inadvertently creating a gaming space where some players / hobbyists / collectors simply cant afford to compete due to the cost of the bigger / better / more desirable items?


Anyone else begin to see that divide or am I reading too much into it?

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They were looking at Stormtalons / Thunder hawks, etc, in the cabinets... Definitely not cheap kit!


I know not everyone needs / can have a Ferrari. And of course if they / their parents have the cash to spend then its definitely a lot healthier of a hobby than say smoking crack...


But it just seemed a little sad that very suddenly there was a bit of a divide between the kids who could play on an even level and the ones who simply couldn't afford the models.


Maybe I'm just getting old / sentimental...

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SM1981 : Don't worry you're not getting old, neither sentimental, you are just who you are, a Blood Angels in soul. (And a Christian too by the way^^).


Furthermore, our "modern" society must face specifics challenge of its own. Kids being hard to each other cause of one being poorest and the other richest have always been a "problem" since the dawn of time, but nowadays, this problems only go further in the wrong direction.....(The world is becoming darker be sure of this.....i see it every days, and even if their is still hope, we are not so far from the Eldar's Fall....)


To coming back to Warhammer, for many years play/buy, this hobby has always been costy. Buying a single box a 5 miniature is a sacrifice, and for many the New HH Box (125 €) will be the Christmas gift, whose people saved money for.


In the end, Brother, i know that it hurt to see things inequalities between kids (that most of the time are favored/unfavored by either their parents jobs or lifestyle), but, don't worry, by experience, life is strange in many ways, some falls, some rise, only time can tell what the future will be made of. =)


Personnaly, i don't blame GW/FW prices, as a young man, i see it as my pleasure, and the money that i sacrifice only give it more sense to me. (My lifestyle greatly help since i live like a monk, No Alcool, No smoke, No Drugs, No unneccessary Iphones...etc).



"Within the Forge of Fate, the best and purrest souls are those that have been endlessly hardened by the Hammer of Faith"

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