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Raven Guard Army

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I am not sure if this violates the Forum Rules or not, so if I am in violation, a moderator should feel free to remove it. (My apologies)


I am considering selling my old Raven Guard army, its in the neighborhood of ~2k Points, and I basically want to start over from scratch. I am trying to get an idea of value. Rough retail estimate is ~$550. Obviously I could go either way from there (probably down?). Also I would include the display board with the army. I was hoping those on this forum with a lot of hobby/modeling experience could look at the list/photo album linked below, and give me their opinion on where I should start by what to ask for? I don't want to insult anyone, but I don't want to sell myself short either.
Here is a list of what's included:
Captain w/ Jump Pack + Lightning Claws (My own converted Shrike back before they had a model, its based off the old Templar Marshal body, and terminator lightning claws)
Shrike (Missing Jump Pack) PRIMED BLACK
2 x Dreadnought (1 x TL Lascannon + DCCW, 1 x TL Lascannon + Missle Launcher) 
Troops: (35 Scouts)
13 x Scouts with Sniper Rifles (2 old Cadian Sniper Models)
2 x Scouts with Missle Launcher
1 x Scout with Heavy Bolter
8 x Scouts with Bolt Pistol + Close Combat Weapon
1 x Veteran Scout Sergeant with Power Sword + Bolt Pistol
1 x Veteran Scout Sergeant with Power Fist + Bolt Pistol
4 x Shotgun Scouts (PRIMED + 2 Base Colors, Unfinished)
1 x Scout Sergeant with Bolter (PRIMED + 2 Base Colors, Unfinished)
Fast Attack: (29 Assault Marines + 5 Bikes w/Attack Bike)
18 x Assault Marine with Bolt Pistol + CCW (A couple are modeled with Twin Bolt Pistols for aesthetic reasons)
5 x Assault Marine with Plasma Pistol + CCW
2 x Assault Marine with Flamer
3 x Assault Marine Veteran Sergeant with Plasma Pistol + Power Fist
1 x Assault Marine Veteran Sergeant with Plasma Pistol + Power Sword
5 x Space Marine Bikes, 2 with Plasma Guns
1 x Space Marine Attack Bike with Multi-Melta
Heavy Support:
Whirlwind (Converted from Rhino Chassis. this was an old GW recommended coversion back when White Dwarf did those things, back before they even had a Whirlwind kit.)
Here is a Photobucket album with some mediocre photos to give you an idea of the painting quality (Tabletop standard): http://s3.photobucket.com/user/JohnConst/library/Sons%20of%20Corax
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  • 3 weeks later...

My advice to you, having several armies of eBay, is to split it up and don't under estimate the postage. I would see how many detachments/formations you can make and split the army, making each listing a seperate detachment/formation. This will yield more profit, and already being a formation will appeal to some.





My advice to you, having several armies of eBay, is to split it up and don't under estimate the postage. I would see how many detachments/formations you can make and split the army, making each listing a seperate detachment/formation. This will yield more profit, and already being a formation will appeal to some.





I'd be inclined to agree; my experience of selling via eBay is that selling in bulk yields a lower overall return than selling units individually, although the benefit is that it's much simpler and you don't end up with anything left over that people weren't interested in.


Value is a difficult one. Assume you're going to get less than retail value for it, because is in most cases that's what will happen. If selling individually, you get the most interest (and thus the best prices) for unassembled kits, followed by built-but unpainted kits, and lowest for painted units (unless they are REALLY well painted, which is a whole other topic). But for an army, if it is decently painted and is coherent it might hold value better.


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