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Vs eldar

The Milkman Of Baal

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Drop Pods and other type of null deployment/reserves are you best bet if your not taking allies. If you bring grav bikes try to keep them out of LoS, the threat of them being there is greater then going forward and shooting it. If the WK is in ruins it's just too tanky, even for grav bikes. Cents with ignore cover or an auspex are usually a reliable way to take it down. Most dangerous thing you can do is shoot a bunch of missiles or similar stuff at it when it's full health. Even though the WK is undercosted people usually only bring one or are allowed to bring one. 


Overall the book is so much stronger than ours so if it's a bad matchup just set a realistic goal and try to have fun, if you manage to pull off a win against a hard list it can be really enjoyable and usually when your having fun you make better decisions.

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Drop Pods and other type of null deployment/reserves are you best bet if your not taking allies. If you bring grav bikes try to keep them out of LoS, the threat of them being there is greater then going forward and shooting it. If the WK's FETHING TOE is in ruins it's just too tanky, even for grav bikes. Cents with ignore cover or an auspex are usually a reliable way to take it down. Most dangerous thing you can do is shoot a bunch of missiles or similar stuff at it when it's full health. Even though the WK is undercosted people usually only bring one or are allowed to bring one. 


Overall the book is so much stronger than ours so if it's a bad matchup just set a realistic goal and try to have fun, if you manage to pull off a win against a hard list it can be really enjoyable and usually when your having fun you make better decisions.




But yeah, maybe just try to ignore it and dismantle the rest of thier force? Feed it MSU where you can and try to tie it up?

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But yeah, maybe just try to ignore it and dismantle the rest of thier force? Feed it MSU where you can and try to tie it up?

MSU can work up to a point but with 4 S10 AP2 attacks per turn + D3 stomps, the chances of a combat squad lasting long enough to tie it up in the opponent's shooting phase are not great. Of course you could feed it a larger squad but that gets pricey as you will need a couple to tie down a 295 point model for the whole game.


Grav is great and is the obvious hard-counter as are any other D-weapons. Hammernators are an option as the D-weapons only bypass their 3++ on a 6. However actually catching the darn thing with regular infantry is going to be a challenge. A Land Raider would just be one big juicy target for the Wraithcannons.


Vanguard Vets with a mix of hammers and shields have the speed to catch it, the resilience to withstand the hitting and the power to hurt it. They would be one option although it would be fairly pricey.


Imperial Knights are good all-rounders but they are optimised for fighting general opponents rather than one large scary target. If you are facing a Cannon Knight, it will probably go down to an Imperial Knight with a Reaper in close combat but you have to keep your Knight alive long enough to charge as the Wraithknight is just as fast and only needs a single 6 on the Destroyer table to kill an Imperial Knight with one shot.


Tying the Wraithknight down with something fast and expendable while a CC Knight stomps over to tackle it is an option. Of course if your opponent has taken the Glaive Wraithknight instead then it is a lot more dicey as both Knights will have Destroyer CC weapon. But the Wraithknight has more attacks and strikes first so will have definite advantage.

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So, took all your guys advice and turned out that you guys know you stuff. Had a great game lots of fun, I lost 6-9 but had to call it after turn 3 as we ran out of time, but my opponent admitted that he wouldn't of lasted another turn. So happy with that and Cheers guys.


Good man. Showing the Eldar who's boss is always commendable ;)

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Obviously it costs more, and is quite a late game strategy but a Caestus (or raven) with a hammer shield unit of choice in will work. Maybe even a minimal 5 man vet unit with all Shields, a couple of hammers and some grav pistols. Now they are the anti WK with concussion and S9 hammers.


Plus the big Melta cannon can melt some smaller wraiths/ murder jet bikes if you give it ignore cover.

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Well, to start with everything dropped when and where i wanted it apart from the furiouso which scattered off the table and was deployed in the far opposite corner of the table, dc with chap wiped out his warlord and accompanying swooping hawks, melta tac squad podded in next to his prism and popped that, bikes popped his other tank, then furiouso killed his wasps with help from the pod, other tac took out some guardians and bikes, Dante and squad killed bikes and his dark reapers and helped kill a tank, that's about it, got some lucky rolls and the amount of dice the dc produced with rerolls was staggering. I'm looking forward to our next game and I've bought 5 more drop pods, you know, just in case.....
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