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Sources of Mk VIII?


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It's not terribly difficult to create from plasticard but it's a bit of a pain getting the curve right to begin with. It requires very little to make the gorget, so a sheet of plasticard will allow plenty of opportunities to get it right so long as your patience holds out.

The one in the BA Tactical Squad kit is a heavily modified piece of armour, but I guess you could count it as Mk VIII due to the gorget (no other previous mark of armour has this feature). Another solution is to hand cast some torsos. I was lucky enough to have some of the Mk VIII torsos left over from the old Tactical Squad and I'm planning on casting them up so that I have a steady supply of them. The newer ones are alright, but the older ones were boss :tu:

How close to complete suit do you want to get?


There are several options for torsos:

  • Tactical Squad and Devastator Squad for plain ones.
  • Arguably the Company Champion torso from the Command Squad sprue.
  • The Sternguard one, which really needs to go with Sternguard legs due to the robe.
  • The Blood Angels Tactical Squad sprue and Sanguinary Guard sprue have gorgets, but beyond that it's maybe a bit of a stretch calling them Mk VIII.
  • There are a couple on the Death Company sprue that are more obviously Mk VIII, but with a lot of iconography to remove before they fit any other Chapter.

For Mk VIII legs (with the discs on the greave at the ankle), I think you might be limited to one set from the Sternguard sprue. That's a relatively straightforward conversion from Mk VII though.


For Mk VIII arms, you're completely out of luck, but they're pretty close to Mk VII couters with Mk IV vambraces, so probably not too difficult to cobble together now Betrayal at Calth is out.

Aside from individual chest pieces from concurrent tactical squad box sets, I think plastic sternguard also has one. Maybe you should think about investing in some plasticard? smile.png

The plastic Sternguard Squad is also the only kit that has mk8 legs with the little nub on the inside of the leg around the ankle.

There used to be a metal model in 2nd edition too.

The conceptart by Jes has some variation in the backpack and the helmet as well.

Sorry for the late night ramble. I've been trying to locate bits to do deathwatch and have found the following which might help.


I've been looking at the arms of the mk VIII armour and they look more like mk IV than any anything else. So nabbing parts from the HH box could help here.


As for helmets you can just about fit a mk VII helmet in aslong as it's facing straight forward. I think a mk IV helmet with the snout trimmed down would give you a few more potions for rotating the head. Though the hole that the neck goes into would need filling in an the neck needs snipping off otherwise the neck gets in the way of rotating the head.


I would also just use mk VII legs. Looking at the metal version of the mk VIII there is minimal difference.


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