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Breachers or Destroyers?


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Just a data point. 6 Grav Kats easily killed a Wraithknight in 1 round of shooting today.


But I guess that's to be expected, and cost wise they're more expensive.


You must have rolled exceptionally well for your to hits and your opponent exceptionally badly for his invuln and/or FNP. I once played a 1600 point game vs. Harlequins + Eldar, Eldar was just wraith constructs including a shooty Wraithknight with 2 D guns and a couple others. Having to wound it on a 3+, 5+ FNP, cover saves... I couldn't kill it fast enough even with both units shooting. 

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Just a data point. 6 Grav Kats easily killed a Wraithknight in 1 round of shooting today.

But I guess that's to be expected, and cost wise they're more expensive.



You must have rolled exceptionally well for your to hits and your opponent exceptionally badly for his invuln and/or FNP. I once played a 1600 point game vs. Harlequins + Eldar, Eldar was just wraith constructs including a shooty Wraithknight with 2 D guns and a couple others. Having to wound it on a 3+, 5+ FNP, cover saves... I couldn't kill it fast enough even with both units shooting.

It was a friend of mine playing. Maybe he was lucky, I didn't do the math. But it was 36 Grav shots and he did use Canticles.

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If we're talking tier 3 canticle for re-rolls, 36 grav shots average just under 12 wounds after FNP and before cover.


Tier 2 canticles, 36 shots average just over 10 wounds after FNP and before cover.


Tier 1 canticles, 36 shots average about 9 wounds after FNP and before cover.


No canticles, 36 shots average just under 8 wounds after FNP and before cover.


So two grav destroyer units stand a solid chance of one-rounding a wraighknight.

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I prefer Destroyers mostly because I can't figure out what Breachers are supposed to do.  I get the idea of them punching armor at close range, but how the heck are they supposed to get there without insane point investment?  In either case, from a purely shooty standpoint there's really no argument to be made, IMO.

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I dunno, I think people are not giving 6 haywire shots with a 42" threat range enough credit. If there aren't vehicles around, just shoot MCs or whatever else doesn't like massed S6 fire.


As for hydraulic claws, save them as cool power fist alternatives for other models. These guys are unlikely do get in combat, and with only 3 attacks from the unit, won't do much if they will.

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That cool i might try to make a kastelan like that.


What do you folks think of Tech Priest escorts for destroyers. I wanted to toy around with a list with CAD+MBC  for 3 tech priest escorting 3 grav units. With look out Sir Tricker and wound healing seems like a fun unit. If you get drop podded obviously you might be caught off guard.


Additionaly, each domi could take a ray or stasis field: Ray lets you put out some decent small blast templates; while stasis field gives your units some staying power against AP shooting, and letting the domi go off alone on missions.  


One...... maybe.... two.... cognis flamers to keep them from getting too bogged down by nobodies.... but i don't think enough of these exist to really be a threat... but at 5 points??? 

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